
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Soul Slasher, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Antechamber is a symmetrical small-medium sized
    slayer map, one of my favorites that I made.
    It has a tree, a rock garden, windows, a lift, etc. all the way they should be.

    The layout is unique. It has a central, overlooking console that
    views the tree, and two hallway style bases with elevated positions.

    The aesthetics are pleasing, but not overly. Everything flows together, and every hallway fits where it should be. The theme for the map is a main lobby for a hotel, hence the name of the map. Most of the aesthetics match one of my other maps, Highpoint. For example, this map has a giant roof. The same roof can be seen in highpoint.

    The weapons are balanced properly.
    The sniper is in a hallway with no LoS, and the shotgun, being RvR is in a good location. There are plenty of DMR's and Needle Rifles, a plasma pistol, and two needlers(
    as of v1.1)

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    YouTube - Halo Reach Map- Antechamber

    Main view, as from Red elevated position.

    The same hallway just backed up a bit.

    Red spawn, again, the same hallway. Loadout cam red team.
    Console (spoiler is glitched, sorry)

    Front of console
    1st level

    2nd Level

    3rd Level


    Thanks for viewing!
    Please comment! Open for const.crit.
    Change log
    1.0-1.1 Replaced plasma pistols with needlers, one needle rifle replace plasma pistol.
    1.1-1.2 - Updated to play Chess, invasion sk. , bro slayer, speedpile, and territories.
    Added list of thanks
    Added video,Logo,Overview

    Thanks to testers-

    Flying Shoe ILR- Changed forts to supports and etc.
    Frank Bator III
    iTz Ticky
    Tokee Da Smokee
    Bilzo 4
    daboiboibert- Suggested Race
    Like 25 Goombas

    And more from previous versions. Names in bold helped suggest things for the map.

    Download V1.2

    #1 Soul Slasher, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks beautiful man, the aesthetics are nice. I like how you used some natural enviornment with your map, the tree is a nice aesthetic touch and it looks like you tried to place it in a suitable position. could you add an overview of the map? That would help. Some of the hallways look a bit open, but that might just be the pics. This map looks promising. Good work.
  3. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Look, why would you comment this? I searched Antechamber sooo many times in FH search and nothing showed up, because i wanted a nice and original name. This seems to fit, it's not changing. You act like i tried to, and that is a nuisance. If you want an original name, change yours. It's not going to change.

    Ignore this, i'm a moron when it comes to sarcasm.
    #3 Soul Slasher, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  4. Skyward Shoe

    Skyward Shoe BTB Legend
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Whoah, easy there SS. I'm sure squidy isn't really mad. I have always enjoyed this map, It is great for most objectives and is one of the only maps I know where the shotgun is not used for camping. I may suggest two snipers on the map, as I was owning pretty good once I got my hands on it (and you know I am not usually a good sniper.) All in all, it's a great job! I still want to play invasion here too, actually we need to play quite a few invasion maps now, maybe a custom invasion night either this week or next.
  5. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    Interesting aesthetics. I was working on a map that had a similar feel, based off of New Alexandria's Civic Center. I used the trees to create indoor gardens, same as you, so I understand the challenge of making them work with the aesthetics and gameplay.

    Mine hosted heavy framerate issues, however, so I praise your work in the flow of your corridors, making use of Forge World's environments. I will check it out a bit more in depth later to provide a bit more analysis, but the only criticism I can give from what I have seen is that some of these corridors seem a bit too wide. Once again, I will check it out later and let you know what else I see.

    Very promising map!
  6. Values

    Values Forerunner

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    Looks nice. One of the better maps I have seen in a while, thats defiantly the first time I have seen barriers set up to look like pebbles. Haha. The implication of the nature of forgeworld really makes the aesthetics look nice, as the pallet you used doesn't clash with the natures colors in the slightest bit. Overall, I would say this is a nice LOOKING map, but I am yet to play it. Consider it DLed, I'll edit this post with playing feedback after I've gotten some customs on it.
  7. Erupt

    Erupt Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    A WORKING Tree? Holy ***** *** ** ***** ** **** *!!! Feature.

    Anyways, the strut tower thing is boss. Though, kinda odd... Still, cool. I don't have much more to say, really. It looks cool and all, but I only commented because of the working tree. Man... How'd he do that...

  8. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Rofl at the grammar mistake. I fixed it, sorry i know you like working trees.
    On the subject of the strut structure, they were orginally going to be and planned to be little bunker... type things made of sandbags and barricades. But that was ugly, and didn't play well, so that's there.

    Sorry squidy, i didn't realize it was sarcasm...
    Anywho, I don't know why no one camps with shotty. Kind of odd, considering half of the map is corridors. I think it might be that the corridors are just big enough that 1.Shotgun guy thinks he can run up to them and 2.He'll just get DMRed,ARed, etc.
    I thought of two snipers, but then i remembered two snipers on hemmorage is annoying. If it annoys me on a large map, imagine this one.
    Yes, we will test invasion on here eventually.

    I like indoor trees. they're so concealed even in plain sight. Even if you are like the color red in a tree, you're still hard to see.
    There is one problem with framerate i have noticed and as soon as I fix all of it i will update the map. I could see the corridors being too wide, but the shotgun always wanders out and gets killed. That's the purpose of wide corridors.
    Thanks for the comment

    I like the Littered hallway, i thought of it as like a trashed up service hallway.
    Yes i too love natural feel in maps, and i needed a map like so. As for the aesthetics, i love them, and the gameplay. So far we've tested every match from 2v2 to 8v8 to 8player FFA and they were fun. I can't wait to see invasion. Yes i set this map up for invasion. Who would of thunk it. Thanks for commenting.
  9. Ticky

    Ticky Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hey I remember playing on this map and i remember it being very nicely forged and the gameplay was spot on. Actually i think i was in that video of yours under my previous name ticky12. Great work. I can't wait to see your next map man.
  10. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Thanks! No as far as I know, you were indeed iTz Ticky or whatever it is. But anyway, thanks for taking the time to comment!
  11. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    This is going to be a review of sorts...but much more casual.

    I've played this map a handful of times, and it was always enjoyable. A couple people mentioned the long, open hallways extending out from the bases and how they seemed too open. Most engagements in these hallways start from with each player coming around the corners on each end; I hardly ever noticed anyone getting trapped into a firefight here. However, I believe a single pillar in the hallway leading to the shotty's current location and another pillar at the entrance to the bases from this hallway (where you went around the corner and shottied that guy at 0:38) would be sufficient cover to break up the LoS here.

    Next, I agree with flying shoe about the sniper rifle. This map would be nice with two snipers located somewhere in each base(1 spare clip methinks. Maybe even 0). The problem that I've seen with the current set up is that if you can manage to quickly sprint up one of the adjacent ramps into a base after obtaining it, you can kick back there and snipe anyone in the middle or across from you in the other base. I think you can even see into the mid level below the shotgun spawn. If someone does get the jump on you with a precision weapon, all you have to do is fall back. And, since you're on an incline, you'll simply disappear. The only danger is someone sneaking up behind you and a good player will usually keep this factor in check. We all saw what happened when your brother got a hold of that thing with active camo.

    On that note, if you want to keep it at 1 sniper rifle, here is a pretty major suggestion that I think you should *try* and see what happens: Switch the shotgun and the sniper rifle locations. Here's why: Upon getting the shotgun, you are already in a CQC environment. Anyone who tries to accost you will very likely be met with a mouthful of *BLAM!* unless they get you with nade spam. Placing it where the sniper is now would make the RvR an even greater factor. You would not be in a place where you can immediately use it, and people with pistols or other prec. weapons will lay waste to you if close by. As for the sniper, the glass window on the third floor would prevent the player from immediately raining down bullets. They'd have to go down a floor where foot traffic and nade spam are frequent dangers. This way they have to travel a sizable distance to the prime sniping spot in each base that I mentioned earlier in order to maximize efficiency and safety.

    Anywaaaays..that's what I've got to say about that. This map is awesome and I can't wait to play it again.
  12. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    I don't think two snipers would be too fun on this map. It's small enough, and i've had a map like that before and it wasn't too fun.

    About the other idea, replacing shottie/snipe, I would like to do this but I don't want people to fight through a mob of people to get to a gun they would like to use while still being shot at, dying, then blaming the map. Sniper is already on the low ground, and wherever someone is they still cannot see half of the map.
    And the shotgun has a huge drawback, you actually pointed out in a game yourself. the Third Floor is perfect to have shrapnel tossed violently into, basically destroying the guy with shottie.

    I am thinking of adding hallways from sniper spawn to the red/blue hallway closest to shore.

    Thanks for the review

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