Remake Lockout

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ash55, Jan 4, 2011.

  1. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I see, that makes sense. And I do have the DLC (Which is awesome) but some of my friends do not, and I was simply voicing for those who do not have it. But the frame rate issue makes sense.

    Other than frame rate though what makes it better for forging? All the same pieces.
  2. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    Frame rate is the main issue, Ash55 actually made a similar version on forgeworld, but the frame rate killed it. It should still be in his file share if you're friends want to run around on it.
  3. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    The framerate improvement is reason enough to use Tempest over Forgeworld.

    When you're making a map as complex as Lockout, it's impossible to have a smooth framerate which ends up killing certain lines of sight and ruining the map massively.
  4. cheese and fries

    Senior Member

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    I know for a fact that this map is "Rockout" mentioned in the Bungie Weekly Update. I was wondering if you edited this map to adhere to the Classic Gametype settings?
    With the new jump height, movement speed and gravity settings, the previous jumps should work much better.

    This is a pretty awesome much, it's great to see how much credit you give to Maky though. That's what gets me all choked up about your post


    But yeah this remake is Rockout (the new name is ass) mentioned in the Bungie Weekly Update. Good job with the map.

    Edited by merge:

    Oops I will bump this again so that everyone sees this thread on the front page.

    Attention people. This map will be in Matchmaking. Yo yo yo my n***az. This is "Rockout" the shitty map rename mentioned in the BWU, it's gon' be in' da' Classic Playlist YA HEARD
    #44 cheese and fries, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  5. IMyEndI

    IMyEndI Forerunner

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    Hey, I was wondering if you could put the classic version of the map back up for download, the link you posted is a dud :v
  6. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    [edit]: Epic fail, lolz
    #46 Draw the Line, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  7. ash55

    ash55 Ancient
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    Woah woah. Wait what?

    Who is saying this will be in matchmaking? I've certainly not heard anything like that. Source?

    I also don't "closely work with Bungie" at all really. They've been very kind to me (and the rest of the moderators) by giving us epic Halo stuff such as Recon, Star nameplates, and map codes. But that doesn't mean we get any sort of preferential treatment in terms of map selection or testing, etc. I'm not testing anything with them really, the last time I played with anyone from Bungie was in a humpday challenge purely for fun.

    Please don't jump to conclusions without proof. There are a lot of Lockouts out there.

    Edit: Yes, Jeremiah just posted saying his Lockout is a forge world map, not this one. The lesson: Don't believe everything you hear on the internets.

    On another note, I did make a classic-supporting version of the map (two actually). Sorry that the link is dead as I took it down and re-added it.

    VERSION 1 supports 150% Gravity (Which is what the playlist will now use according to the latest update)
    VERSION 2 supports 200% Gravity (Which is what was listed in the previous update but has now changed)

    If you want to download them, then have at it. I will try updating the original post.
    #47 ash55, Mar 20, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 20, 2011
  8. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    I just assumed the above poster was correct. And what I meant above was that if your map was chosen based upon it's awesomeness, any changes could be relayed to you easier than a normal member, with the potential to play with them since you do have a closer connection to them than most. I should be more selective with my words, and follow up on claims. Meh bad. lolz
  9. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Beautifully made, well done! From the screenshots it seems the map is pinpoint accurate, and you can always change gametype settings to support some of the jumps.

    Fantastic job, DLing now and keep up the good work! 10/10.
  10. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    I did like this map better than the one they chose, sorry man. would have liked to see one of us up there.
  11. Loubardeas22

    Loubardeas22 Forerunner
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    100% agree. This is the best remake out there hands down, I downloaded it and have been playing it any chance I get the last few weeks. Only thing missing on the map(in the version I have, could be old) is there is no fusion cores.
  12. Br4k3d0wN

    Br4k3d0wN Forerunner

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    Oh my! This looks amazing! Great use of Forge pieces to really give the map that Lockout feel. I do hope this is the version Bungie uses in the coming classic playlist (though I doubt it because it is DLC exclusive).

    The only criticism I have, is that it could have been built in a better location to truly capture the feel of everyone's favorite Halo 2 map. I don't know Tempest that well for Forging, but Forge World's Lagoon would have been a fantastic spot for Lockout, considering you can take into account the built-in mountain near the waterfall. That said, Tempest has better lighting with a blurry, early morning overcast sort of feel. Choosing Tempest does add much to the original foggy feel of Lockout and greatly increases the quality of the gameplay.

    Near perfect remake that plays beautifully with both Reach's updated settings and the more classic playstyles.

    Amazing job!
    #52 Br4k3d0wN, Mar 24, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 24, 2011

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