Hello there! Welcome to Atlanta SX. The home of many bashes, passes, and nasty crashes. Well, this is my best track yet. It's a realistic Supercross map featuring several rythm and woop sections, a double, a mini triple, and a big finale. Well if you insist, here are some pictures of the track. Starting gate First jump First rythm section Second rythm section First double First woop section Mini triple Second woop section Third rythm section Hop-on-hop-off Final jump Inside overview Outside overview What inspired your creation? Well, since i haven't made any decent SX maps in a while, I thought I'd make one and it turned out great. I think it is one of the best I've seen made in the colliseum. How long did it take to make? It took only about 2 weeks to make. Maybe 15 hours of actual work time. What aspect took the longest to make? Well, the final rythm section needed constant tuning and testing. Even a miniscule error could mess it all up. In the end, it took me 3 or 4 tries to get right.
Good job with this tricky. I'm glad you finally got it up on your file share. I agree that this is probably your best SX map so far
Is it just me or are those pictures really small? Anyway, from those (tiny) pictures and from playing it recently I can honestly say this is a really neat, fun, and exciting SX map to play. This is the 4th SX map I've played and at first it just looked like any other. I don't know what it is but this seems to stick with me, I mean that it just somehow seems different and more fun to play than others. And I hope to see more of these, this seems to be your strongpoint.
Yea. I dont know how to resize them. But at least they're there. Im making another SX btw and it is going to be pretty realistic. Im trying to remake the one in Indiana.
I hope you don't mind some constructive criticism, but this track looks really well made. The only thing Im not fond of is the toff boxes used for bordering the last section outside of the coliseum. This makes it pretty vulnerable for someone to be knocked off. I would say to border it the same way you did inside the coliseum with the walls and use the toff boxes inside. Besides some minor inconsistency's it is defiantly your best Supercross track.
No, thats what i need. I am making a new track with a whole new starting gate and jump. Its a re-creation of a Supercross track which i cant say cuz that will ruin the surprise.