A clan map made by Tank2502 and Myself. The design was based off Halo 3's Narrows but it's not a remake. The screenshot's don't do it justice, I just took some in a hurry so I could post it on here.
me and blck worked on this map for two weeks we tested the map for one whole week we have plenty of other good maps to this is just the first one no one had anything to say bad about [br][/br]Edited by merge: just download to test it out pics not really that good
I do not understand how this is like Narrows. The whole concept of Narrows is the idea that you have to move forward to gain line of sight, hence its linear and bent shape. your map is a little bit linear, but similarities end there. This reminds me more of Displacement (I don't remember who made it though). Bottom middle looks interesting.
Not like Narrows BASED OFF Narrows. The concept of this map is to work as a team to keep control of your base which can be easily overrun if you spend to much time watching middle, but yes the bottom is more for objective gametypes. I can't really explain it, it's something you gotta experience. Even as one of the creators I myself have a hard time on the map.
this map looks great the only issue i see is that in the center its very easy to fall off put some guards up otherwise i know from experience on this site people wont enjoy falling off in the middle and u will get alot more dl's if u fix issue
Wow nice use of structure on this map. Looks like you got really creative with the middle there. I could use a better view of Red and blue bases, but otherwise this looks pretty cool. I'll let you know what gameplay is like when I get a game on it. Good work.
Well Tank you will have to take care of the pictures since my laptop is down for sometime. As for that middle I'll think it over after a few more reviews, but if comments persist I'll think of a way to incorporate rails.