Haunted House

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by dudeyoudied, Mar 17, 2011.

  1. dudeyoudied

    dudeyoudied Forerunner

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    #1 dudeyoudied, Mar 17, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2011
  2. I Am Solaced

    I Am Solaced Forerunner

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    Well since nobody ever wrote a feedback on this on
    I decided to download and playtest this map..

    This maps looks like some sort of a standard house with furnitures but I have to say it's more than just that. It has secret rooms, basements and weapons. It's overall a good map inside the house. Still this map needs a fix, I noticed after checking out the safezones and killzones that there is a place on the outside of this house that only has one narrow entrance/path. I won't tell where but you should definately consider blocking that place with somekinda "softkillzone" to prevent humans from camping in it. Otherwise the humans will just keep on slaughering the zombies in that camping spot. That camp spot is in one of the corners of the safezone. Realy cheap way to win.

    All in all, a good map but needs a little fix.
  3. ToXiC SPlaTTeRz

    ToXiC SPlaTTeRz Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    the random aestatics are really nice in my opinion, like the play area for the kids and the windows. but i could hide very easy without being into the house. zombies couldnt find me and if they found me i could long rage them. 2. you also still got a lot of money you should really use it up and maybe build a second house or a tower, the bigger it is the better.
  4. Lazer X7

    Lazer X7 Forerunner

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    man, i just watched the video, i have to say the aesthetics are excellent. with forge stuff, its hard to make recognizable objects, especially on a small scale. alot of times even after you're told what somethings supposed to be it doesnt look like it. i had no such problems with your map, it was obvious what everything was supposed to be, and better yet it looked good. nice work, definite download.

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