Well, this is my second official post on Forgehub. And though it is my second, it's actually an adaptation of my first level that I posted, Parallelism. Now, anyone who's seen that level will most likely agree that it was kinda neat, but as dull as a blank piece of paper. So now, as I realize I should have long before, I have done a MASSIVE update of my old level, and now bring you the Drew Carrey of Parallelism: The first room: Looks pretty schnazzy, right? The other room: ....Deja vu? No, but you're close. And yes, they're identical besides a few aesthetic details. So, what is the point of this? Well, to confuse you of course. How will you know which room you're in? Well, yes, by the colors and other small details. But how will you get back and forth to each room? >>> The first gateway: Behold!!! Invisible teleporter fields!! This is the first of three gateways that link directly to their duplicate positions in the opposite room. So, you start walking along, right under the big triangle and BAM. You're in a different room. As for the other two: The Cage Gateway: The porter field is inside the doorway, and there are some goodies inside, too. The Hilltop Doorway: The gateway is right in the middle of the doorway arch on top of the crest of that hill between the two bunkers. Plus there's a needle rifle in the middle. But there's more to a level than just a cheap gimmick. Here's a few tidbits of the rest of the map: Staircase to the bunker tops: That upside down teleporter frame has some grenades inside, and makes for a decent camping spot as well. The ramp section: Makes for some interesting combat possibilites. The mini corridor down below/platform across the two bunkers: Makes for some tight corners down below, and ahop around platform from bunker to bunker. Plus there's a greande launcher stuck in the corner at the top there. And now, for the arsenal available: The shotgun in the corner: The Sniper in the tower: The Rocket on the arch: The jetpack IN the arch: The sword on the ceiling of the arch: Unless you set the jump height really high, the only way to get to this and the rocket launcher are by grabbing the hidden jetpack. And now, for a showcase of the beautiful aesthetic addition to the map: The Butterfly Mosaic: The Cobra Mosaic: The windmill floor pattern: The....uh....other pattern: Oh, and I should probably let you know, the weapons are completely different in each room. the sniper is a focus rifle in the other room, the rocket launcher is a plasma launcher, the shotgun is a needler, the grenade launcher is a concussion rifle, the needle rifle is a DMR, and the sword is a gravity hammer. So, this plays well on team slayer, but works better on normal slayer. If I can find out how, I'll make it playable for CTF and maybe some other gametypes. The essential idea of this level is to know the gateways and how to traverse them, using them as cover from other people. What I mean by that is using the fact that you can stand on one side of a gateway while someone is two feet away from you right on the other side, you can play games of chicken, seeing who will cross the gateway first, and using that to your advantage. The possibilities that open up are indeed wide and varied. So have fun and don't get confused!!! Feedback is much appreciated too
I saw your first map, and this is kinda a two steps forward, one step back kinda deal. You defiantly spiced up your map and made it more unique. But now it looks kinda messy in some places. Also the whole weapons on ceiling thing is dumb imo, I dont ever want to work that hard for a power weapon. Keep working, this is definitely an improvement.
Hmm. could you mention specifically which places seem messy? And I can see what you mean about the power weapons. Where else would you suggest they be? The point of them being hard to reach was so that the jetpack would be a bit of a priority, and there would be a race as to who could get it first. You think putting them in more of just a hidden place would work better, rather than a hard-to-reach place? Thanks for the feedback, though