Tacoma Lake Course “To get through the hardest journey we need move only one wheel at a time, but we must keep on accelerating.” Wow! I can't believe it took me about 3 years of Halo to put a map up on Forge Hub. I have made 2 other Halo 3 maps, but now have no will to upload them due to the fact that Halo 3 is played much less. But let's not stick with this topic. My love for mongooses really inspired me to make this map. I wanted a map that proved to be difficult for everyone, but very doable for anyone who is good with a mongoose. Each course is different from the others. I also wanted to make a course that actually gave some thought into aesthetics. Oh, and I made sure this map is playable with 16 players, so everyone can try! You will need to learn how to handle a mongoose if you want any chance at completing this map. I have placed multiple checkpoints on the map so players don't feel the need to ragequit so bad when they fall off. But just to let you know, I have had other players beat this map before I made some slight changes to make the map easier. So please don't say that this is impossible. It's not. EDIT: Much thanks to Oli the G for completing and making a video of this map! YouTube - TACOMA LAKE COURSE Walkthrough Anyways, here are some pictures, because I know that's what you guys like! Section ONE ||||||||||||||||||| Section TWO |||||||||||||||||||| Section THREE |||||||||||||||||||||||| Section FOUR ||||||||||||||||||||| Section FIVE |||||||||||||||||||| Section SIX ||||||||||||||||| Section SEVEN ||||||||||||||||||||||| Section EIGHT ||||||||||||||||||||||| Section NINE ||||||||||||||||||||| Hope you enjoy! Also, if you become confused on what to do for section 3, just look around. It's not that hard, really. Map: DOWNLOAD TACOMA LAKE COURSE Gametype: DOWNLOAD FINESSE
dude i love it its hard but not tooo hard i finshid the course in 30 minuts my top speed was 112 my distance traveled was 32767(0.o) and most of that movement was down to the water and drown becuse i died a whooping 83 times still its awsome u teach people to use speed( the first test) then tell them go realy slow OR DIE!!! and the last lesson is look your surroundings(the 3'd test) wich did i hate the most? o dont know they where all fun but hard if i had to choose it would be the first(te second jump would always bouce me of or i would overjump the platforms!) why dont i like the 3'd i couldent find a way to get over the bog rock! but after looking at it i thought ooo just go up on the right side not the left... i died soo much there my overall rating would be 8 out of 10 excuse my spelling i am dislectic TDS out
Thanks for the review! I think each person seems to have their own strengths and weaknesses on this map because I find the first one very easy, but am pretty bad at the only rock one. **sigh** There you go. Spoiler Fall off the edge of the platform going as slow as possible. You should hit a man cannon. When you get to the next platform, there is an invisible grid you can drive on. Just drive behind that large rock to the next destination.
Playing this with my friend, it was really fun and challenging. He got stuck on Section 2, and it took me 15 minutes to find out what to do on Section 3. One time I just fell and happened to see it. And the grid is pretty invisible, I landed on it and was all like "WTF is this sh*t? What is going on here?" but I was never able to actually complete it. Going to get it done tomorrow, good job and keep it up.
The second part with the tunnels really pisses me off, but nonetheless, this is still pretty fun and I've almost beaten it
Had so much fun till challenge 8 => Ragequit overall a really well made map, challenging, but not impossible. mongeese are way too bumpy, to do some jumps precisely
NIBS's pick o' the week for 3/15-3/22. This is a really fun challenge track that will most likely have you cussing at some point. P.S. I hate you Moose.
any tips for part 7? o damit, nearly passed it just then! [br][/br]Edited by merge: yeh beat it hehe [br][/br]Edited by merge: ooo on section 9 now XD dam lost it right at the end of it ;-( [br][/br]Edited by merge: yehaa did it in 32 minutes XD
i managed to complete it in 55 minutes lol but i was stuck on section 2 for about 30minutes awsome map and very challenge i will lokk forward to other maps from you in the future
Yeah that is the only thing I should have changed. But at least the imprecise parts aren't as hard which is good. Wow! I did not expect this. Why, thanks, sir!
Rendering your video now. Should be up within the hour [br][/br]Edited by merge: it is possible. Just really, really, really hard! YouTube - TACOMA LAKE COURSE Walkthrough