Remake Halfalanche

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Shurshacker, Mar 18, 2011.

  1. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Halfalanche (Avalanche)

    Halo 3 Avalanche Remake: Halfalanche
    (Okay, it's more than half but the name was irresistible.)

    Co-Forged by me and Bubbieman, it's your old friend Avalance, just a wee bit smaller. Tell your team to rush the splazer! Cloak up and sneak through the keyhole. Pick up the shotty on the way. Grab that flag and teleport out to the mounted gun where your wart driver's waiting. Blaze up the backside of the vehicle mancannon and drop in on home base! "Flag Captured!!"

    Halfalanche is built in the spirit of Avalanche. We worked with the Reach forge sytem (as it differs from H3) and the ForgeWorld coordinates to fit into the canyon, something that pays *serious* homage to your old friend. Some areas and objects are very similar in scale, symmetry, look and feel while othes simply maintain the gameplay elements and dynamics of Avalanche. The scale is probably 3/4 so, technically, it's more than half. :D The key here is "in the spirit of" Avalanche.

    Heads-up: We used inverted sheild doors at angles as slides at the dangerous mancannon landing zones to overcome Reach's fall damage. This workaround was preferable to using teleporters or other non-Avalanchesque options. No custom gametype required, but if you want the most authentic experience, be cool and don't use jetpacks. ;) Also, we opted NOT to put a hard kill volume over the center structure so you can haul ass in a Falcon through the soft kill volume. This is by design and doesn't seem to hurt the dynamics. It was just too harsh with the hard kill volume. Bubbieman will chime in later with his comments.


    Plasma Pistols - 2 @ 15 sec
    DMR - 9 @ 15 sec +2 clips
    Rockets - 2 @ 60 sec + 1 clip
    Shotty - 1 @ 60 sec + 2 clips
    Splazer - 1 @ 180 sec
    Sniper - 2 @ 120 sec + 1 clip
    Concussion Rilfe - 2 @ 45 sec + 22 clips
    Spikers - 2 @ 15 sec + 2 clips
    Needle Rifle - 2 @ 30 sec + 2 clips
    Needler - 2 @ 30 sec + 2 clips


    Wraiths - 2 @ 90 sec
    Warthogs - 4 @ 45 sec
    Mongeese - 2 @ 20 sec
    Ghost - 1 @ 45 sec
    Falcons - 2 @ 120 sec

    The video and the screens:

    YouTube - Halo Reach Forge - Halo3 Avalanche Remake - Halfalanche












    #1 Shurshacker, Mar 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2011
  2. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Looks like a great map that will do a good job of re-creating many of the fun game play aspects of the original map. Seems like anyone familiar with Avalanche will have an easy time adjusting to playing on this map, at least regarding layout.
  3. PrlBluWrx

    PrlBluWrx Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Great map bro. I like your style. Great remake of a great map. In fact I think that your version is better :). Keep up the amazing work.
    #3 PrlBluWrx, Mar 18, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 18, 2011
  4. Bubbieman

    Bubbieman Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Forging this map was like reconnecting with a long-lost friend. Our little band of Tuesday night gamers religiously played Avalanche at least twice each night, we've been talking about it since Reach came out, and resurrecting it was very rewarding. Props to Shurshacker for his vision, his tough but airy bases and awesome forerunner center structure design. I had a blast following his master vision for the project and helping transform the site he'd chosen in the canyon.

    My main job was figuring out how to recreate the elements in the corners away from the bases -- to facilitate the gameplay and objective strategy functions from Avalanche's snowy banks where there were no banks at all. I settled on XXL towers that are the hubs for warthog passenger/gunner pickup and drop-off, teleporters in and out of the bases, mancannons down to the splazer cave (complete with fall damage-buffering shield door slides), rocket launcher spawn, and the iconic mounted machine guns. We've had some feedback that those areas are too high up, but we've decided that the time it takes to ascend the structures and the distance to targets down on the playing field are optimally avalanchesque, and these were more important to us than other factors. (If you're at the sniper spawn and you need to raise your rifle a few degrees to pick off the mounted gunner, big deal.)

    I also made sure everything was wartable - up and down the towers - in and around the rocks and bridge supports - up the center slopes to the keyhole - through the keyhole - through the lift over the chasm and out the splazer cave!!! It's all good.

    We are very excited, and hope you have fun!!!

    Edited by merge:

    @soupoo - We'll get an overview image with weapon locations posted, but for now you can get an overview shot at the end of this video: YouTube - Halo Reach Forge Map - Halo 3 Avalanche Remake - Halfalanche -- just pause at 2:16.
    #4 Bubbieman, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  5. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    Hey, SouPoo. For top-down overview, watch the vid and pause it at 2:16. It provides a decent overhead shot.

    Good suggestion. Use the vid for now. A little later I'll take a top-down screen shot and add labels. Thanks.
    #5 Shurshacker, Mar 19, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  6. AuntieChrist

    AuntieChrist Forerunner

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    It's a dream come true!

    I've been pining for this map since the release of Reach. I'm glad these guys were able to recreate it. Rush the Splazer!
  7. FFenix009

    FFenix009 Forerunner

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    Great job buddy

    Halfalanche looks very well constructed and accurate. It is obvious that you spent loads of time on it with your buddy, and it plays really well. To remake a Halo 3 map is difficult, (believe me, I've tried); especially to include all of the necessary parts that define the map itself and, ultimately, make it fun. Keep on forging bro, you're brilliant.
  8. Gazzaverage

    Gazzaverage Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Good effort at a near impossible undertaking, but this falls short on many levels. I'm sorry to go against the flow of opinion, but this is nowhere near as good as people are trying to hype it up to be.

    Firstly, the map's resemblance to the original is superficial at best. I realise that making a snowy, craggy landscape on forgeworld is impossible, but there are huge differences in game play. For example, you can walk around the back of the base, ignoring all the usual ways in. Also the outposts are exposed to air attack whereas in the original they have very large caves providing cover. I could go on listing parts where the gameplay radically differs from the original, but i won't.

    Secondly, there are some riduculous flaws in gameplay: Various man cannons are 50% likely to kill you outright or take almost all your health, the man cannons onto the bases either fail to reach completely or shoot you onto another man cannon that shoots you back to where you started. The one way shields that you use (unsuccessfully) to prevent man cannon damage interfere with hawks' movement and gunnery.

    Thirdly, the map looks very lumpy and almost incomplete in places. Asthetics are the least important part of any map, and you can get away with bad asthetics if the gameplay is solid, but its not.

    Forthly (easily fixed): your weapon respawn timings seem ill thought out. 90 sec wraiths and 60 sec rocket launchers are just too darned fast. I'd recommend 120 sec minimum on both of these.

    Positives: The spawning looks sound an well thought out and the map HAS got potential. However, this is not complete and needs a lot more work. Rather than getting friends to post lots of superlatives about it being 'better than the original 'etc, I'd strongly suggest finding a good playtest group, take on board points for improvement and build a version 2.
    #8 Gazzaverage, Mar 23, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2011
  9. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    We notice that you, too, have made an effort and a near impossible undertaking, and we're sorry our map is winning the Avalanche remake race by a Landslide. ;-)

    A lot of people are having a lot of fun with the map (friends of ours and, clearly lots of strangers) so we must have done something right! But instead of bragging or picking apart your incendiary remarks, let us tell you a little tale...

    Late one night as we were transferring this map from Forger A to Forger B, it started getting dozens of downloads and we couldn't explain why. In a panic, we pulled it off our shares, finished it up in one final night of forging and testing, and posted it to the Community. As such, we didn't have time for the weeks of playtesting and ForgeHub Testers Guild submission that we had planned -- those things would have resulted in an even more excellent Halfalanche. Now, we're doing those things post-release, and you will indeed see a v. 2. Some of the changes you'd expect may be in it, some may not. Don't forget artist's license and our statement that the map is "in the spirit of" Avalanche in the description. (E.G., if we want tough looking but light and airy bases, that's what we make, duh.)

    Enjoy, and good luck with Landslide v.2!!

    P.S. If you want to talk about hype, pick on |xGAMERx69x| and his "BEST BLAK-OPZ ZOMBIE EVAR" map with 12k DLs. :/


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