A desolate sanctum used mostly as a Citadel for Forerunner technology, has been left as a battle zone in Paradise. Refuge Refuge is a symetrical map mostly used for team slayer or 4v4 games. I really recomend not using armor abilities because they kinda butcher the map. Sprint and hologram are fine, but in my opinion, the others take away from gameplay. It has been tested many times, and i thought FFA Headhunter was probably the most fun. I made this map have a variety of weapons, but they have low ammo, so nothing is to overpowering. The tower in the middle of the map strongly resembles the tall middle tower on Assembly from halo 3, but i have replaced the rockets with a Spartan Laser because i thought rockets would be to overpowering on this map. Ive always wanted to make a map on Montana which is an extremely unused area of Forgeworld. I got this idea from building 2 structures and a couple of Rocks, and it reminded me of a garden, so i continued to build and this is what it turned out to be. (Yes, i meant to make an extremely open map) Here is a weapon list. 1 Spartan laser - 100 secs 1 Plasma repeater - 60 secs 2 plasma grenades - 30 1 sniper rifle - 180 seconds - 0 spare clips 1 shotgun - 160 - 0 spare clips 2 dmrs - 60 seconds - 1 spare clip 1 spiker - 80 - 0 spare clips 2 plasma rifles - 180 secs 2 frags - 15 secs 1 plasma pistol 115 secs 1 Camo Powerup - 180 secs Finally, here are some pictures Center Tower resmbling the Tower on assembly Here are some Action shots
Nice aesthetics goin' on there, the stairs and columns are something tht are very appreciable for the eye, however they, combined with a light tend to cause severe screenlag, is there any, if not than it is an amazing map, great job! Also nice rock placement
Haha thanks, yah Lag is only a couple spots which you rarely see yourself in. It didnt really phase me or my friends in gameplay. Thanks for the comments (and yes the stairs took me quite a bit.) Thanks for the compliments and i dont think its too bad for my first map .
Looks like a great map, cant wait to try it out. I like the stairs and rock garden but I also noticed the columns by the tower in the picture, having 2 on different snaps is simple but the look is quite magnificent. I dont think I have seen that before.
For your first FH map, this is pretty good. The aesthetics are great and the layout looks great as well. The stairs are a nice touch, but do they work? Can you walk up them easily? If so, that's good. I like how you used structure and enviornment in your map, it puts a lot of creativity into the map while also giving it more of a natural feel. Good work, and welcome to Forgehub.
Wow, nice work. I love how simple it is, with the rocks used in such a simple format. It shows how little work is needed to turn out a good map. I love the stairs aswell.
I'm glad I looked at this map. I actually just finished a build for a map on this section of forgeworld as well! I utilize the whole space but this looks like a lot of fun.
yo man i like how you did your steps.....add me on live and ill show you a map im working now that takes steps to a whole new level
Ok ill be sure to add you when i get my xbox back... Thank you all for all the great comments! Im still wanting to know what you guys think of this map, and maybe what you want in future maps or a v2, if i need one.
this looks great, reminds me of a mayan temple, the colors look really good. the sightlines look a little crowded tho and may favor jetpackers.
Well i wanted to force people into more close quarters fights, because i think it adds a huge fun factor to the game. Especially headhunter and oddball.
Wow, great map! It plays beautifully in small and relatively large parties, however some of the respawn points spawn people really close to each other - even on a 1v1 - but I understand that this is unavodiable for most maps. The weapon and aesthetic placements contribute to gameplay fantastically. The only downsides I would give this map would be: 1. The stairs are a lovely idea, but they do slow you down a little bit - perhaps you could fix this? 2. The Ghost in the display case can be boarded. You might want to move it back a bit. But... it was really funny hijacking each other in that little room, though
haha really? wow i tried a bunch of times but i wasnt able to get in the ghost. Ill probably fix that. Also i thought the stairs added a nice sleek look to the map, and yes it does slow you down, but not by much. I barely notice it. Anyone else try the map?