MLG Falcion V1.5 Link- Its a symmetrical map designed for MLG Team Slayer and Capture the Flag. This map uses the open area of foundry, the bases have been blocked off in such a way that it extremely hard to escape via forge. There are two identical bases, which look on to the middle area, which consists of two levels. A skilled jump is required to make the distance between the base and the central area. The top level of the middle area is only accessible from the first level of the middle area. In the centre-top of the middle area is a custom power-up, the only source of power on the whole map. The middle area branches out to take up the entire row which is why there are two ways to enter the other side, by going over the side bases or by going through the open single boxes. it has taken me about a month on and off to complete Falcion V1 but there were minor problems in V1 so it only took me about a week to touch and test it. Hope you enjoy. SCREENSHOTS Overview The Red Base The Blue Base The Ramp leading up to Blue Base Blue B Blue A Red B Red A Side A Side B Central Area Top Mid Bottom Mid Overview of the side bases Open Box Another overview Sorry if there is too many pictures. but otherwise you wouldnt be able to see much of my map. The maps weapons are. x4 Battle Rifle x2 Carbine x4 Frag Grenades x4 Plasma Grenades x1 custom power-up Spawn Times of weapons. Battle Rifle 10 Seconds Carbine 90 Seconds Frag Grenades 30 Seconds Plasma Grenades 30 seconds Custom Power-up 2 minutes The Differences between V1 and V2. The doors in the bases Less Battle Rifles Less Frag Grenades Less Plasma Grenades The sword has been replaced with a custom power-up Here are the mlg gametypes that are used on this map. CTF- TS-
There was a perfect amount of pics. It looks fun for mlg. The interlocking looks very neat, it will probably play a little bit like Onslaght, 4/5
damn, I didnt get the first post on this. Looks awesome. I love that graphic up top, whoever made it should get FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS plz. LOL Also you should change one bit of this because it is inescapable in any mode. jay, one thing you have to fix, pronto. Its a link to your file share, the people here hate that. Also, V1 is gone now, on the Falcion v1 thread its now the link to V1.5
I saw this posted before... Are you double posting? You do know that you can edit previous threads for adding pictures or changing words.
this map looks great and looks like it would fit mlg really well but i can see some places that could be interlocked still and doing that could increase the maps neatness i will dl and check it out
looks really decent for a mlg map(not a fan of mlg maps(too many)), i really like the double box with a single box on top of it, i personally understand how hard that can be to do considering the invisible wall on top of foundry makes it rather difficult, and you executed it pretty well!
Nice work, had a little run through of this map and it's great. One issue is the 2 open single boxes on either side, maybe in V2 oyu could sink them into the ground or something to make it look neater because when you run over that part you can sometimes get caught. Other then that great map awsome interlocking, can't wait for V2 (if there is gonna be one).
someone elses map I think you changed only a few things from someone elses map, i believe his name is SaLoT but i am not sure. It looks exactly like his map with the exceptance of a few parts is this really yours?
its hard not making a map like everyone elses, there probably is a few similarities, but i can tell you i made this map from scratch.
great job interlocking... the map looks really good. DLed it. i would suggest you put at least one pic up on your thread though. you would get way more of the downloads this map deserves