Hi everyone, If anyone knows is it possible to connect vechiles together? like can you some how use a teleporter to connect them? Im thinking of this new map and I need a way for the vechiles to stick together. Also sorry if this is off topic.
Nope to interlock them you'd have to make them immovable somehow and then they wouldnt be able to move..sorry
obviously you are quite a n00b at forging. Unfortuneately there is no way you can do what you are hoping to. The teleporters are immovable and vehichles can go throught them. If it did work it'd be cool, make a convoy, warthog drags the cargo. Also if you try the interlocking trick with them, when they both spawn - it lags, one is launched into the air and the other moves a little.
also I aint a noob at forging haha I was just wondering if their was any new way, I know this is my third post or 4th but I been forging.
well a simple way to do it... 2 warthogs, put them next to each other. You can put immovable objects around them and they dont move. Thats the best i can think of, cause that sticks them together, and if you want the guns to be able to see over the boxes, merge the boxes in the ground ( forge 101 )
or use nodes to hold them in place. You can see over them, it looks nice and not messy with boxes and you can easily shoot while holding in place. Just another option.