Portal Feud

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by Cosmic Rick, Jan 26, 2008.

  1. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Map Link: Portal Feud
    Gametype Link: None yet. I'll make some once I've playtested a bit more to find out what works best.

    Welcome to Portal Feud. Two quantum scientists were working on a controversial portal transportation system between their labs. All was well until one of them let his dog pee on the other's lawn. To get him back, the second scientist slept with the first's wife. Things escalated until both decided to take a tropical vacation... not before hiring mercenaries to tear each other's labs apart, though. This is where you enter.

    Try to get to your opponents' goal (flag, bomb plant point, et cetera... this map works with all gametypes) without getting killed. There are a number of ways into and out of each level of the base, some of which have to be unlocked. Good luck, soldier. The screenshots below should prep you for your mission.


    Map Overview
    Here's the map from the top. What you have are two bases with 3 floors each, and a teleport system between the two. You're going to want to stay out of the middle as much as possible, since both teams have a turret to clear it out. Instead, it might be wiser to use the teleports. There's a grav lift that throws you into a portal that leads (randomly) to one of the two exit portals you see here. The one on the right will take you to the opposite roof (grab the sword on your way up). The one on the left will throw you directly into the second floor of your opponents' base (where the objective points usually are). However, there's a grav lift behind the second floor shield door which will throw you out until you destroy it. Shotguns and plasma grenades work well, but you only have a 45 second opportunity to get yourself or your teammates through. There's a brute shot behind that barrier on the ground level. Note the invisibility and the radar jammer (on the truck).
    [img width=600]http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/4232/overviewnx9.jpg[/img]

    Building Roof
    Voila the roof: a good sniper's paradise... as long as the other team's sniper is gone, that is. Sniper Rifles spawn in the top left of thie screenshot, just up the stairs from floor two. There's also a needles and a bubble shield to help you cover your teammates in the field below. You can get here 3 ways. 1) the stairway from the middle floor. 2) the teleport jump from the opposite base. 3) the 'tubes' from the floor in the center of the arena. Always watch out for that invisible guy coming up the tubes.
    [img width=600]http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/8374/roofrn5.jpg[/img]

    Second Floor
    Here's where the majority of player spawning happens: the second floor. This is the most defensible point on the map. Thus: objective points generally spawn here. Make sure to protect your grav lift here to keep those pesky attackers from getting to you immediately from their portal. You can get here though either stairway (roof or garage), or through the middle teleport jump. You can also make a hasty exit through the hole near the garage door (marked with a down arrow sign).
    [img width=600]http://img85.imageshack.us/img85/642/middlenn7.jpg[/img]

    1st to 2nd Floor Stariway
    Here's the stairway between the second floor and the first. From left to right, a shotgun, regen, and shield drainer spawn in the boxes.
    [img width=600]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/8954/stairsen4.jpg[/img]

    Here's the bottom floor of the buildings.This is not the way you want to enter if you can avoid it. Getting past the turret and up the staircase can be a difficult task. Unfortunately, a failed portal jump often leaves you with no option but to fight through the garage. The portal system's grav-lift-entrance can be seen in the back of this screenshot. How you enter determines how you'll come out. Your best bet is to jump just before you hit the lift. If you just want to jump to the middle of the map, you can jump and land downwards onto the lift and you won't have enough momentum to reach the roof or second floor entrance.
    [img width=600]http://img292.imageshack.us/img292/7854/garagefw3.jpg[/img]

    This is my favorite objective map so far (even better than Temple of Doom, I think, but it depends what you like), and it took me longer to get right than anything else I've made. Hope you guys have fun with it. And, as always, leave any comments or suggestions here. Feel free to bump the Bungie forums for me, there's no reason some screaming 12 year-old shouldn't enjoy this map, too, lol.
  2. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    Nice forum post. It's a shame that someone gets 5 replies saying "pics plz" if they don't post pics, but you get no replies when you do. The map looks interesting and the post is quality, so I'll definitely download this.... later. My queue is full and it's past my bedtime. I'll get back to ya.

    EDIT: I didn't read the full description yet cause I got to go to bed, but I just noticed this:

    Hilarious, and true.
  3. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    Agreed with Furious.

    And this map look pretty good. I don't see any apparent way to counter the sniper.

    I think that assault would work quite well on this map.
  4. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Thanks, guys, let me know what you think if you get a chance to play a game on it.

    CTF games tend to go pretty fast unless you have some shotgun wizards on defense, so I'd set it to 5 captures and a slightly faster than default flag return time. Assault also works pretty well, but since spawning occurs pretty close to the plant point, I'd set the fuse time down a bit (and the disarming time).

    As far as countering the sniper goes, there is another sniper rifle on the opposite base, so both teams have equal opportunity. Also there are battle rifle spawns in the middle and bottom levels of each base, so you can obviously use those to at least distract the snipers. Or, you can pick up the shield drainer, which if you do it right, can be thrown from rooftop to rooftop using the ramp at the top of the 'tubes.' Or, you can grab the invisibility and sneak up on them. The map is set up so that it's not hard to get past a rooftop sniper unnoticed... unless you go through the center. I wanted the center 'ravine' to be an unattractive option, and between the turrets and the snipers, that's the case.
  5. Furious D 18

    Furious D 18 Ancient
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    I totally downloaded this and wrote out a little review and then I threw it away on accident. Sorry Rick. From what I remember, I liked it. I wasn't thinking about it as an objective map before, but I could certainly see it as that.

    The tele-launching is done really well. The layout was good, from what I can remember. I might have to re-download this map. Anyway, good job, and let me know if you ever want to get a party together to play one of your maps. They all look good.
  6. ShadowSnip3r RC

    ShadowSnip3r RC Ancient
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    I can't see this as much of an objective map for gametypes such as CTF but is looks well done overall. Some interlocking is a bit sloppy but the rest is well done. Nice work.
  7. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I DL'd and bumped the Bungie thread for you. I'll let you know what I think.
  8. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Thanks, guys. I'll be looking forward to full reviews from you guys. I realize there are a few rough edges on the map, but overall, it's pretty detailed and (most importantly) it plays well. And like I said, it works for fast objective games, so set the capture/bomb limit up higher if you want longer games. Team slayer's plenty fun, too, though.
  9. El Capitaine

    El Capitaine Ancient
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    looks well done.

    and great description.

    and yes, i'll bump the bungie post for you
  10. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Finally played this with more people last night. It gets pretty crazy once everyone figures out how to use the portals effectively.
  11. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    I've been looking at all your maps, Rick, and this one is my favorite. It's a nice, spacious combat area, and the portals are actually very intuitive. Did this have anything to do with the game Portal? It reminds me of the flinging technique.
  12. Egoender

    Egoender Ancient
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    Looks cool.
  13. AndywooT

    AndywooT Ancient
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    This is the kind of map where your like. Ok through another portal. Shotgun in the face. Good map tho.
  14. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Pred: Thanks, I'm glad you like it. I think this is my favorite for general play, too. It was partially inspired by portal, yes. The cake is a lie.

    Ego: Thanks, dude.

    Andy: What? The porters are set up so that you exit randomly. There shouldn't be any camping. Try it out man. Thanks, though.
  15. alcapone900

    alcapone900 Ancient
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    good map it looks intresting to play
  16. Cosmic Rick

    Cosmic Rick Ancient
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    Hey, guys. With any luck, I'll be hosting some custom games tonight. This should be one of them, along with some of my other maps and some other maps I think are fun to play on. Feel free to join me on XBL.
  17. AcidChris

    AcidChris Ancient
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    Is this a small map.
  18. Bottlecap

    Bottlecap Ancient
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    Ok, you really need to stop spamming posts and above all stop necro posting. The last reply on this was months ago, so why did you revive it? No one else comment on this map.

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