Killamanjaro 3.0

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by smithspot, Mar 16, 2011.

  1. smithspot

    smithspot Forerunner

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    Hello, I wasn't sure where place this map. I hope this is the proper place.

    This map is my 3rd installment of this map. 1st installment for Reach and 1st posted map to this forum. I hope you guys enjoy...

    This map is a 4 level pyramid like map with openings on the bottom level and the 2nd level for crazy close combat action. The top level is smallest area with limited view under you and no radar giving you a sever case of paranoia.

    This map is specially made for multi-team king of the hill. Best for 3v3v3 or 2v2v2. Ultimate set will be 4 teams of 2. Close range battles is the name of the game. Shotguns and Pistols are the only weapons with no armor abilities so team work is key. I did created a gametype with some abilities (here) but I haven't tried it out yet, so I have no ideal how well it works.
    (Note: Only grenades on the map are located on the top level)

    Please enjoy and let me know what you think. Thanks.






    #1 smithspot, Mar 16, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2011
  2. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    Which lighting effect is that? Anyway I really like the building but where are the spawns? If the hill is at the top and the spawns are in view spawn sniping could be a problem...
  3. smithspot

    smithspot Forerunner

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    The lighting is the "next gen" effect.

    As far as the hill, the hill is set to move to randomly between the top level, second level, and the bottom level.

    Finally the spawns are located all around the outside of the bottom/ground level. If you download the recommended custom gametype that is have link in the first post you will not have to worry about spawn snipping because the only weapons are pistols and shotguns. Also with it being a multi-team KOTH gametype you will not have time to spawn camp.

    I hope I answer all of your question and/or concerns. Hope you enjoy playing on the map.
  4. Tedium

    Tedium Lead Writer
    Senior Member

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    Killamanjaro 3.0


    Killamanjaro takes the form of a pyramid type shape around which players fight in multi-team king of the hill. Although the map was designed for KOTH gameplay, it also performs well in slayer. The multi-tiered structure of a ziggurat is great for king of the hill. Depending on the level the hill is on, players must climb to the top while avoiding the attacks of various other teams. The gameplay quickly turns hectic, but also a little frustrating at times. Unfortunately the map's limited spawning system has detracted a lot from the potential playground that it could have been. But when that issue is eliminated Killamanjaro is a great multi-team arena.

    The map has good flow, and no area is left without a use. The awkward circular stair pieces have been placed well so that their asymmetrical shape can work in a symmetrical environment. Similarly the height and shape of pieces like Struts and Crates are the optimum height to sneakily scale the walls towards unsuspecting enemies.

    The closest things to power weapons in the map would be the invisibility and the overshield. But due to their nature they can be used up by a single player fairly quickly. Oftentimes they are absent because a player has whipped through the power-ups in order to prevent enemies from utilizing them. This flaw negates a potentially enjoyable factor of Killamanjaro.

    Different decorations have been used to a realistic effect in their placement. For example a stockpile of sandbags and crates acts as a series of platforms to climb from one level to another. The methods to get from elevation A to elevation B can range from the blatancy of a gravity lift to the subtlety of a nearby pillar. But even though these novelties carry out their purpose well the focus can sometimes slip into a platforming genre and people become easy targets.

    The biggest controversy in Killamanjaro would be its simplicity. Players are split up into those who enjoy the basic layout and those who crave a more sophisticated killing grounds. Although it does have a basic charm, the gameplay can easily grow stale in the monotonous environments. The map has a lot of small things going for it, however they are just not enough for the gameplay to stay fresh and exciting. So for those who want to whiz across intricate walkways and seek out clever vantage points, Killamanjaro is not the map for the job.



    There is great balance between the highest point and the lower levels. Clearly such a vantage point could easily become the tool for spawn killings or could be an area where the occupant is stronger than the usurper. However the balance is just perfect between advantage and disadvantages. As a player on the highest point of the pyramid shoots down upon the lower players, an enemy can shoot over the edge while only exposing a small part of their upper body. Since the highest point does not have any cover, the player is forced to either die or jump off. In short, higher players have their lethality increase; however they also become more vulnerable to attack.

    The entire structure is just wide enough so players on the upper areas are not able to view the entire battlefield too easily. Players can not see all 360 degrees of potential enemies, so balance is easier to establish between the higher and lower tiers.

    With no power weapons it is difficult for the map to be unbalanced in any other way. The shape is perfect for symmetrical play which works because no side is more advantageous than the other.

    If not for a large durability issue with the respawn system, the Killamanjaro's balance would have been next to perfect. With a faulty respawn system the map’s balance is compromised and affects the gameplay greatly. As soon as one team gains the upper hand the trapped team may experience a series of spawn killings depending on the ability of the players.



    In a multi-team environment the spawn system can often fail. With so many different danger areas, a single ring of respawn points around the base of the ziggurat is insufficient. It does not happen often, but sometimes players are killed soon after spawning. If the respawn points were placed more thoroughly throughout the map, this could have been avoided, however that would sacrifice something. If players spawned in the upper areas of the ziggurat less value would be placed on the race to the top. Regardless, there were other areas in which respawn points could have been placed.

    Apart from the spawning issue everything works well. There are no issues in the gametype objects nor is the map breakable or escapable.



    While not much budget has been spent on decorations, the creator has experimented with a number of combinations of lighting and FX. Orange lights give the lower area a darker and more industrial feel while the Next Gen effect enhances it and bathes the entire map in a unique glaze.

    There is a considerable amount of Z-fighting in, most notably, the floors and ceilings. These ceilings are close to the ground so this aesthetic error is made painfully clear to everyone.

    The pyramid theme is certainly unique despite being easy to obtain. This is a large change in the conventional Halo battlefield where players walk from room to room or shoot between towering buildings. This is one simple structure through which players can easily navigate and fight within.

    In some areas, such as in the main fighting areas, the map is devoid of any adornments. At some points the floor is almost uncomfortably empty. However this is not to say that the aesthetics are bad. In fact, there are many areas where much care has been taken to ensure that edges look neat, or the patterns of merged walls are as intended. This suggests that the simple decoration theme was intended, but at the same time gives the impression of care and tidiness.

    All in all, the entire place looks nice. It can be a little plain in some places, but that is not to say that it is mediocre. For some that can be a refreshing change.



    This map is very unique. The creator has not used any cheap gimmicks or anything like that to attract downloaders. Instead, the natural form is what makes Killamanjaro stick out from the rest. The ziggurat shape means that higher elevation replaces power weapons. Players fight for the highest ground which is turn creates an original style of fighting. The creator has almost created their own new gametype by doing so, as they have removed the grab-a-rocket-and-win pattern which is usually prevalent in Halo multiplayer games.

    Killamanjaro is simple, but therein lays its originality. Naturally map creators are inclined to do too much as opposed to too little so the refrain from unnecessary bobbles or spikes is a little out of the ordinary. The case isn’t that the creator is unable to make the place look nice, because the little details such as railings or in between crates have had a decent amount of attention paid to them.

    Although the simplicity can be something to be admired it does not let the map shine any more than that in originality. While the style is refreshing Killamanjaro is still lacking some extra oomph to spice things up.


    Rating Multipliers

    Aesthetic :
    [/floatleft]6 x 3.0 = 18 out of 30
    7 x 3.0 = 21
    out of 30
    7 x 1.5 = 10.5
    out of 15
    7 x 1.5 = 10.5
    out of 15
    6 x 1.0 = 6
    out of 10

    Whenever I see this map it always gives me a feeling; almost like nostalgia. Its simple design is reminiscent of old school shooter maps and is great for mixing up the gameplay in a custom lobby. Although it can quickly get old for some, others will really appreciate the effort put into Killamanjaro.

  5. Forgefire

    Forgefire Forerunner

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    Nice job, good for maybe a arena.
  6. smithspot

    smithspot Forerunner

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    Thanks, I appreciate the feedback.

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