Remake Mammoth

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by morockshad, Feb 22, 2011.

  1. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    ****************Update July 1 2011*****************
    Video added. Thanks to Blame for the Video Upload. I have been absent from Reach lately. YouTube - ‪Halo 2 Colossus Remake - Mammoth by MO LICIOU5 - Gameplay‬‏

    ****************Update April 25 2011****************

    I have made some small changes.... this is now the final version of this map.
    here are the pics.

    Removed the large Grey piece behind the windows... made it to dark
    1. OLD
    1a. NEW
    now the inside view of the same area but now inside the window.

    2a. NEW
    this one is a different angle than the one above... but to the same effect.

    3. This is a shot of the mancannon i reworked the area around that.

    thank you for your support.

    ****************Update March 20 2011****************

    Things to note:

    -Spawn system is set up to mimic halo 2, but has not been thoroughly tested as we just finished our updates.

    -this current version supports all assault and Ctf games(without bridge) and also supports slayer with the bridge. A version will be posted with the bridge for all other gametypes as soon as its complete.

    -Overshield is replaced with custom power up(will be changed back to overshield when bungie does the patch in april)

    -feed back is needed/wanted, as we are still working out all the finer details. Also now that bungie has released the official settings we can start testing and perfecting the jumps.

    ****************Update March 19 2011****************

    The new version is up for dl
    Added the classic game type settings that i have been testing with.
    I have made some structural changes here are the photo updates.
    1a. Beware of falling UNSC containers!!!
    1b.Beware of falling UNSC containers!!!
    1c. watch for falling UNSC containers!!! They can and will kill you.
    2.Watch for holes in the floor.
    3. Made the container tunnel..and the pillar ... done to both sides...
    4. Made window wider...
    5. Drop down to bottom floor...
    6. Cover added to mid landing
    7. Angles placed in hallways
    8. New bridge..
    9. New retaining walls for red and blue base..
    10. Reworked window on back wall...
    Ok so that is all the structural changes... The spawn system has been reworked as well. The dl link now leads to the new map MAMMOTH

    We have replaced the overshield with a custom powerup, this is for the classic playlists, at the time the actual overshield in forge is not correct with halo 2 standards. I will replace and re upload after the update.

    Still looking for a NEW FINAL NAME!!!!!!!

    ******************UPDATE NOW CALLED MAMMOTH**********************

    ok people this is my first foray into getting my map downloaded. If i am doing anything wrong, some one, please let me know.

    This map is called Leviathan. (Update now called Mammoth) It is a remake of the halo 2 map Colossus. The location of the map is in the coliseum, an almost perfect fit. A lot of hours and sanity have gone into the making, ands play testing of this map. It is as exact as i could make it. here are the three shots i could upload.

    1. An action shot, Reminiscent of the original map thumbnail. Featuring the grav-lift encasement, unfortunately there is no conveyor belt to take the fusion coils to the man cannon, but you can still kick them in to the cannon to the same effect. the throw-radius of the grav-lift is adjustable to land in all the desirable snipe spots.

    2. An over all shot of the front half of the board. All you Halo 2 old schoolers should recognize the familiar land marks. the subtle difference is the braces angle back to the roof now allowing an extra dimension when adding jet-pack games.[​IMG]

    3. This of course is the opposite view, the back side of the map, featuring both the red and blue base, the bridge between them and, the over shield at the bottom floor, again no conveyor belts so no kill holes. but you get the point.

    the only thing that i think is missing is the conveyor belts that moved the crates around. Since i couldn't put those in i also didn't put in the holes through which the crates fell. the most annoying spot to make was the man cannon area. all criticism is welcomed. thank you

    Thank you Robert Jonez, the compliment is appreciated. For those of you who are not sure wether or not you are going to download this map, I have included a couple of screenshots form a recent playtest. Thank you to StormyJames1236, FlowingAlloy21, DAH X BOMB, Black Knight452, MR SLAYERR5000 and ForgottenReFleX for their help in this.

    again thank you everyone for your help.
    #1 morockshad, Feb 22, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2011
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks like a pretty solid remake. Props for remaking Colossus in the first place, I loved that map. Unfortunately, the low ceiling of the colliseum detracts from the Colossus feel, but it's a very solid looking remake nonetheless. Good work!
  3. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Thanks for your kind words, If they had only mad the ceiling higher and given us conveyor belts i be happier than a pig in a donut shop. Colossus was actually my favorite all time map, and i am surprised that it isn't anybody else's. Of course i want the downloads to go through the roof,or someone from bungie so say "BLAM!" I think with the addition of jet-packs in reach and the lack of a proper brace looking strut (I used the large walkway) adds the extra dimension to the map.

    I am looking to get a custom kicking one night soon and all are invited. I will keep you all informed
    #3 morockshad, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  4. MattKestrel

    MattKestrel Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You should probably note that there's already a featured MLG map called Leviathan, so if you want to avoid confusion then perhaps you could change the name? Maybe Titanic or Gargantuan would be cool? :)
  5. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Thanks for the heads up Matt, I had originally tried to make this map in Halo 3 Sandbox but never could quite get the right look. Even then the map was named Leviathan. I decided on Mammoth. Then i found another MLG map named Mammoth. On top of all that i guess the moderators locked my thread name, cause it wont change. So what do i do now?

    Open discussion as to what i should call this map? cheesy. what so you think?
    #5 morockshad, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  6. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    This map brings back a lot of memories. The original Colossus on Halo 2 brought a lot of interesting combat situations. You seem to have captured its layout quite well.
    One thing which I can say is that Leviathan is ussualy refered to either a large mythic sea-monsted or the gate keeper of hell. I'm always curious to see the backstory of the choice of peoples' map titles.
  7. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Thanks man that means a lot coming from you, As i said before Colossus was always my favorite map. Overall it works and if you play the original right next to this one, you won't find to many things different.

    I tried making this map on Sandbox Halo 3. The ceiling then was the perfect height back then. But as i said before, the look wasn't quite right. I named it Levithan by picking from a list of synonyms of Colossus.

    So i changed it to "MAMMOTH". Again another Synonym of Colossus that I felt described what I wanted it to. Also there is another map called mammoth on this site, but as far as i can tell, it is not a featured, as to where i got the name you can thank Bungie.
    #7 morockshad, Mar 5, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  8. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks incredible from the screenshots. Its in my queue and I'll download it later. Any framerate issues?
  9. RedNeck

    RedNeck Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Merged your other post with pictures into the OP.
  10. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Fortunately, no. And thank you for the kind words. Building in the Coliseum allowed me to stick to the original dimensions. I worked on this map for many hours before publishing. Streamlining everything and removing unnecessary items. There is some flicker from some merged items, but I have tried to minimize that as much as possible.

    However, when playing split-screen, the Red Light, and Blue Light disappear
    #10 morockshad, Mar 6, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  11. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's acceptable to have map names that have been used before. Some people might give you **** for it, but it's really not a big deal. Ill make space on my XBL friends list and add you if you want, we can play Cargo Port and Mammoth :)
  12. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Well, I have already changed the name and am getting good downloads form that. So I will stick with it. It really wasn't a big deal to begin with. Just upsetting at first. I will send you a FR as soon as i can sign on XBL.
    #12 morockshad, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  13. N8mare8888

    N8mare8888 Forerunner

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    So, I'm reading this thread and I'm not believing what I'm reading. So, below is my thought process in post form.

    Well, Did you? I need to know what some one else thinks about this.

    Wait a min... "NO FRAME RATE ISSUES?" you have got to be kidding me. there is no way that you can fit one of the largest indoor maps ever (in Halo 2) and make it with NO FRAME RATE ISSUES...

    Original Dimensions? you have got to be puling my leg, There Is no Way that the Coliseum is any where near the size of Colossus. I wonder, If there Is a way to prove this?

    A Challenge!!
    I did attempt to do as you say and play the original next to yours... OMG dude, How long did you work on this?

    There is 0 and I mean Zero FRAME RATE issues.
    The Dimensions are Just about spot on. If you are off it is not by much.
    There is NOT MUCH different AT ALL. Just a couple of angles around the back of the
    bases, and at the very front of the map where the Man cannon shoots you.
    Both of the bases are spot on. There are some railings missing on the ramps.
    There are no conveyor belts. No kill holes.
    I have played this map at my home LAN parties and we love it.

    So, it might need a "little" tweaking.

    All in all I have to say... You Speak the truth, this AN AMAZING MAP. I am only sad that I did not help in the creation of it.

    First Post
  14. Dansq

    Dansq Forerunner

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    I gave this map a download the other day. Nice Job, but there are a few things that could be fixed. The main problem I saw was at the tops of certain ramps and at the ends of some platforms there were "lips," which prevent the player from smoothly walking over them. One of those in particular (I believe in the center of the map) was bad enough that you had to jump to move between platforms. That issue can easily be fixed, and other than that, I didn't see much wrong. I suppose you could add the "drop down zone" that N8mare8888 was talking about but all in all, very nice job. Brings back memories. This remake, along with my Coagulation remake, and any other honorable Halo 2 remakes are definetly going to be played in a "Halo 2 only" custom game marathon that I will host in the near future. Good work! Let me know if you fix those few problems.
    #14 Dansq, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  15. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Thank you N8mare8888 I do appreciate the kind words.

    Please make sure you get the right one.

    Actually, some one has recently contacted me about reworking the spawn system and making the map "every game type compatible" there will soon be another update to the base map, along with a whole new round of play testing. If any one is interested please PM me with your GT and ill send a FR via XBL with further info about the play testing.
    #15 morockshad, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 19, 2011
  16. PeteTacular 42

    PeteTacular 42 Forerunner

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    Hey, great work with this remake. Sacrificing the death holes and placing it in the coliseum was the right approach (helps prevent frame rate lag). Finally, a worthy remake!

    I currently have no feedback to give on the map, but I do have a few ideas for a name change (unless you're pleased with the current name). I thought of Stature, Statura (Old French from Latin), Eminent, or just Kolososs (Latin from Greek). Why don't you just want to call it Colossus though?
    #16 PeteTacular 42, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2011
  17. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks man Although there are some real great remakes of colossus out there that do incorporate the death holes. but IMO they are to big and lagy.

    From this base map i will attempt to forge a more accurate map. in the weeks to come i will have new versions of this map.

    Some interesting names you have there. right now, with the rework of the map coming up, I am tempted to rename it and I am still taking suggestions. I liked Eminence, and to answer your question to rename it colossus would be doing the original an injustice. Ascension was renamed Pinnacle, Sanctuary renamed Asylum. I am trying to keep with the flow.

    ok so what i need to do is set up a POLL for the name change, will do so soon.
  18. N8mare8888

    N8mare8888 Forerunner

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    Is there any way i can get in on your playtests?

    Our suggestion for a new name is Kraken
  19. morockshad

    morockshad Forerunner

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    Awesome name dudder I will send u a FR via XBL soon ttyl
  20. bmurf

    bmurf Ancient
    Senior Member

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    by far the best Colossus remake iv'e played. no lag what so ever and accurate enough.

    one suggestion. i would add soft kill zones on the 4 platforms up high. imo, it adds too much of an unfair advantage to the jetpack.

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