The Mines of Moria

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Shamrock20, Dec 23, 2010.

  1. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
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    The Mines of Moria
    "The dwarves dug too deep... and awakened something terrible down there in the darkness of Moria."

    This one's for all you Lord of the Rings fans out there. Inspired by one of the signature locations in Tolkien's classic tale about a boy and his shiny gold ring, we find ourselves standing before Moria Gate. The magical, password sensitive, secret door in the side of a mountain that hides the entrance to the mines within.


    Passing through the mystical blue gateway, you will be faced with three doors, each leading to the massive, shadowy halls beyond.


    Once inside, tread lightly, for these halls are roamed by none other than the fire-engulfed demon known as The Balrog of Moria.

    The solemn tomb of Balin offers a temporary respite from the blackness, but also offers a chilling reminder of your inevitable fate.

    For no mortal, Spartan or otherwise, shall escape the terrible wrath of this "Demon".

    So that's it. Pretty simple. Originally made specifically for Juggernaut games, but later adapted to accomodate a few other gametypes.


    Also... if anyone can help me figure out how to always have the juggernaut spawn inside the mine, instead of on the waterfront, please let me know. Can't seem to find a good answer for that.

    #1 Shamrock20, Dec 23, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2010
  2. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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    A juggernaut map......... Original, and creative idea and a well designed map. Great job!
    I don't know much of Lord of the Rings so I can't tell if its accurate or whatnot but I'm assuming it is. :)
  3. rubuie5

    rubuie5 Forerunner

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    hey im a huge lotr fan (i also made balins tomb here on forgehub) this looks like a pretty good juggernaught map but its not so accurate:(
  4. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I wouldn't know what this is, if I didn't watch the first LotR on my way to South Caroline 2 days ago :p

    It looks really cool, and the Balrag (did I spell it right?) idea is really clever. Although it does look like it needs a few more rocks :p
  5. Gino

    Gino Forerunner

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    I was cool..I love the original Juggernaut concept..You should make more Jugernaut related maps..there not that many...:(
  6. Ratheld

    Ratheld Forerunner

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    I believe that the juggernaut spawns on a juggernaut spawn and all other spawns should be normal spawns with no changes.
  7. Lamborghini 73

    Lamborghini 73 Forerunner

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    If you want the Juggernaut to spawn separately from the rest of the players, you need set the spawn points for the Juggernaut to Blue Team and set the spawn points for for the normal players to Red Team. For a complete list of gametype setup info, click here. I hope this helps!
  8. Shamrock20

    Shamrock20 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks, Lambo... that's the info I needed.

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