There are lots of different maps in Reach out of curiosity, what is your favourite map in matchmaking and why (it would be helpful if you said what gametype, but isnt really important) my favourite map would have to be Hemorrhage in BTB because it is good for snipimg and vehicle play, but infantry can still stay around the sides and do fine
Powerhouse. It's got nice open areas, varied elevations, cqc buildings, and my favorites weapons (nade launcher and focus rifle). Overall a solid map that doesn't get the love it should.
actually, that is very true. It never comes up in snipers though, and it would probably make a pretty decent map for sniping
Definitely The Cage, it is by far the best map on reach for snipers. Plus, the spawn system is really easy to understand so I can always spawn trap
This is in the wrong forum, methinks. Anyway, my favorite map overall is probably Countdown. I wasn't crazy about it at first but once I wrapped my head around the layout I have learned to really like it. The only thing I dislike about it is people who grab sword and camp the enclosed lifts, but jetpack + grenades usually takes care of their crap. On another note, I'm amazed anyone likes The Cage. It is decent for snipers though, I'll admit. But the ultra-finicky "bridges piled on top of bridges" layout just irritates me to death. ...Oh.
Moved. Also, I love Powerhouse because it has the right combination of long range, short range, and everything in between. The power weapons it does have are underused (unlike countdown and boardwalk) so they don't dominate gameplay, and its nearly impossible to control the entire level. Its small enough that it plays a comfortable 2v2 but big enough to play a wonderful 4v4. And it has a focus rifle <3
Well la-di-da tsb . But, with 54% downloaded, I'm hoping that I'll agree soon enough, I've been saying for ages that Reach needs a strong BTB map and this looks to be it. As of now: Asylum 2-Flag Pro (Mac's Sanctuary is better imo, but I guess you're talking about default maps). I didn't even play H2 so you can't call nostalgia, it's just a badass map. As for others, agreed that Powerhouse is great for all the reasons you said, Reflex. Countdown is good but I used to be a little more keen on it than I am now, it tends to force close range combat a little too much imo and doesn't have that much variety in how games play. Zealot is really growing on me though, I'm getting the hang of how to run it and work the lines of sight, at first I really didn't like it but it's becoming one of my favourites.
I agree, I always liked Sanctuary and now Asylum too, apart from the killzone screw-ups (which thankfully few people take advantage of, though I've seen some irritating attempts to abuse them in the Living Dead playlist).
Makes me glad I've literally never even set foot in Living Dead . But agreed about the killzone screw ups when they are abused, and those little ledges you can get to on cliff side are annoying too.
Asylum is a good man, but when you've played Sanctuary, you can see everything that isn't good about Asylum. I wish they'd have done it some real justice.
I am baffled that they haven't fixed that yet. My favorites are Powerhouse, Spire, and Sword Base, and I'm starting to finally get a feel for Countdown.
I've run around on Sanctuary (both H2 and MLG Reach versions) to see what you mean. The line of sight from sniper to sniper and open cliff side alone are enough to show me that it could have been better.
Zealot is probably my favorite, I've always loved covenant maps thanks to their rounded nature, and Zealot is just a prime example of that.
How so? As for Sword Base, it always surprises me how many people call it their favourite. I really dislike how much combat is focused around just spamming people in to top yellow lift/corridor and either standoff or rush battles across high bridge. Most games go the way of run and gun around that are with little strategy, and when both teams are skilled and coordinated it just turns in to the most horrible standoff. Don't get me wrong, to each his own, I just can't see what others see in it even accounting for difference of preference. It's my least favourite of the non-forge maps by a long way.
Powerhouse is my definite favourite. I've always wondered why people like Sword Base more - IMO, it's a terrible map - and I think it should definitely appear more in matchmaking.