You don't have to say "some people" when you mean me No one actually died in the nuclear facility explosion chill the **** out Stop taking me seriously and ER1CO I don't respect you either so w/e
You're terribly confusing... that or your attempt at sarcasm fails rather hard.. or both? I'm just saying you're a rather cold individual for having said that. The whole respect thing? well, I probably shouldn't have mentioned it now that I look back at it.
Yah no one died immediately, but the fallout is going to right over the US and Canada. Hope you've got a pip-boy.
Once again, this is NOT Chernobyl. The cloud from the Chernobyl incident covered a large part of Europe, but there were not wide spread radiation related illnesses, cancers or mutations. In fact, there are very few such cases found in the population that was evacuated from the Chernobyl area, according to IAEA reports. The distance between Japan and North America is much greater than the distance between Eastern Europe and Ukraine. I think you're blowing this whole situation out of proportion. On the bright side of things, Obama has stated this event is not deterring his push for Nuclear Energy.
Earthquakes aren't as bad in america... Anyway.. it's a radiation leak. It's not a meltdown or clear cut exposure, it's a leak. The concrete encasing or whatever has just cracked under the pressure which is whats causing radiation to leak out. Also.. Ignore HPM.. he's a hoe for show.
They just stopped trying to contain it because radiation levels around the reactor reached unsafe levels. That can't be good.
Actually they're still working on the situation... Skeleton staff hailed as heroe's stay to work on preventing a melt down. They have also resorted to using helicopters and such to douse water on it from above to help cool it down. Trivia: Did you know Nuclear energy provides the majority of Japans electricity? It also provides 20% of the energy in America. America has 80% of the worlds nuclear reactors. Nuclear power is considered a "clean" energy that leaves no carbon footprint. The majority of America's nuclear plants are set to expire within the next 20 years... Currently there is legislation in the works to authorize an additional 30 plants to be constructed in the next decade. This legislation is currently on hold because of the fear and panic over the situation in Japan.
You do realize that Shuman lives on the coast of Aussie that got hard out raped by a hurricane not all that long ago right?
well this seems the place for this. : Ganbare Nippon - Japan Quake Relief 2011 : 3/16/2011 2:09 PM PDT not that I think buying a piece of rubber is the answer, but whatever gives you that moral tickle.
Lol, saw a video of Japanese behaving orderly in a relief camp... Lol, I remember how in Haiti they killed the people who came to help, and in Katrina they robbed, raped, and looted everything... Ahh I love the Japanese, making the West look stupid...
Well you're the one who took a stab at 'the west' in general as a stab at black folk. So whom do you think the fault for your offense belongs to?