
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by leegeorgeton, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    Welcome to Arcusphere


    This is a slightly modified version of one of my submissions to the Forge Hub 2v2 Throwdown contest.

    Arcusphere is a small, symmetrical, 2-level map. While It was designed with the 2v2 contest in mind, It will play well with two teams of four as well. The map supports all game types except for Invasion and Race.

    The upper level of Arcusphere features a central dome structure surrounded by a relatively open combat area. The lower floor consists of and open basement area under the domed room above with multiple pathways leading to various areas and weapons on the map.

    The dome started out as just a map I made quite a while back to test the feasibility of constructing a realistic dome in Forge. The file had just been sitting around collecting virtual dust because I was working on other maps and hadn’t taken the time to incorporate the dome into a playable map.

    Unfortunately, one of those other maps I was working on for the Forge Hub 2v2 Throwdown contest became a little to big for that competition, so I looked through my Forge concept test files and decided that the dome could make a good central feature in a smaller map.

    From the outset, I made a conscious effort to make this map with the tightest budget I could (to nullify frame rate issues) while still offering an interesting and beautiful arena for people to play in. I’m very happy with the outcome. While Arcusphere is relatively small, parts of it have a larger feel. Players will experience a nice combination of confined and open spaces. Similarly, sight lines are a mix of short, medium and long.

    I’ve arranged weapons, objectives and other items on the map in a layout that promotes the full use of all the areas and paths on the map. The 2v2 Throwdown version of Arcusphere featured an armor ability midway along one of the sides of the map. This has been replaced in the current version by a camo power up in most game types. The exceptions are CTF, Assault and Oddball. In these game types, the neutral objective is located there.

    Below are the floor plans of Arcusphere. Be sure to click the bar at the top of each plan to see the plan more clearly.



    Check out this walkthrough so you'll know where the pictures below are taken.

    Overview of Arcusphere

    Blue base (Red is mirrored on other side of map)

    Dome interior

    Looking up toward the oculus

    Level One (basement) center with shotgun

    Level One sniper location

    Level One moving from center to Red health

    Level One moving from Blue health toward lift and map center

    This path takes you to a DMR and a ramp up to Blue base.

    Camo hallway. Neutral flag, bomb and Oddball are located there instead in those respective game types.

    Fun in the dome

    Fun from a different angle

    Prelude to an assassination

    Doesn't know what's about to hit him.


    (2) Needle Rifle
    (2) Plasma Pistol
    (1) Assault Rifle
    (3) DMR
    (1) Shotgun
    (1) Sniper Rifle
    (1) Rocket Launcher
    (4) Plasma Grenade
    (4) Frag Grenade

    Have fun on the map and let me know how you like it. I'm open to constructive criticism so let me know if there's something that might be improved.

    Download Arcusphere!
    #1 leegeorgeton, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  2. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    This has to be one of the best uses of this particular area of Forge World I have seen yet, but what's so competitive about it? I mean, not to say it can't play competitively, but I think it would serve better as an aesthetic map, to be honest.
  3. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's a competitive map, with a nice balanced layout, an equally balanced weaponset, and a clean sleek appearance. You're basically saying that his map doesn't deserve playing, which is a pretty **** move, especially if you haven't played it yourself. Your comment honestly didn't help the map creator at all, and if I were to get a comment like this on one of my own maps, I'd be pretty hurt. Food for thought.

    Anyways, it's definitely a lovely map, minus a few factors. It seems a bit cramped around the edges, which would potentially make the shotgun reaaaaally powerful. There also seems to be a lack of railing. I understand not wanting to use the railing object, due to its infamous framerate dropping, but if you've got any inclines/blocks/platforms left, the edges should definitely be railed.
  4. Blackout8SIX

    Blackout8SIX Forerunner
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    That dome is sick! But I bet that involved way to much math getting the angles right. Nice job. Regardless of whether there is lag, props to you for making the dome look good. It is also a nice use of the pillar. Don't see too many maps forged there. I like that you post your floor plans. What do you use to draw them up?
  5. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This is definetly an interesting map. I am really liking how you made the dome, I haven't seen a dome like that before; It's neat and creative. Also, using the pillar was such a good idea. I haven't seen to many maps that use the pillar, and you did such a good job of using it with your map. The architecture of the map looks well-thought out and looks like it would be hella fun to play on. Good job man.
  6. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    I'd say the thing that's competitive about it is that you can play almost any competitive game type on it, and each game type is set up rather well in my opinion. There's plenty of room for players to move around on the map and plenty of opportunity for strategic gameplay as well. I understand why you might find it a very aesthetic map, but there's no way you could come up with it being non-competitive unless you didn't play on it. I also realize that you posted your reply before I finished adding all the pictures and video, but before you say something negative make sure you're doing it based on some sort of experience. Anyway, no hard feelings. I hope you've had a chance to play some games on it and come away with a different opinion.

    People will definitely have to take the shotgun and tighter quarters of the lower part of the map into account when playing. I don't think it'll be too overpowered though. You are correct on my reasoning regarding the railings. It's mostly to avoid the lights in the railings and simple object count. I put quite a bit of consideration into where they were left out though. I tried to make sure they were only left out in places where people wouldn't be doing too much unthoughtful strafing, but there are a few places where people will have to pay attention.

    Not too much math in the dome. I didn't have to write anything out, just use the coordinate system and know the angles that the curved walls need to be at to form longer curved surfaces. Hardest part about dome is realizing that you need to do a particular rotation first before you do the others. I use a CAD program called PowerCADD for my floor plans. It's like AutoCAD but more user friendly and less expensive.

    I really like using the pillar area in Forge World. It allows me to build stand-alone maps with out having the map just floating out in the middle of the sky. It also allows for the use of grass covered ground for parts of the map, saving up some budget and changing the palette up a bit. If you look at my other competitive maps, they are at the same location. I have one more in the works on this area, then I think I'll move onto somewhere else.
    #6 leegeorgeton, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  7. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    When did I say that his map does not deserve playing? Like I said in the post, it can still play competitively, but the majority of the objects used in his map seem only to promote aesthetic appeal rather than actual gameplay. What makes you think I haven't played the map, anyways? All you've done is make a statement full of weak assumptions and false accusations.

    Edited by merge:

    That's a bit reassurinig, I guess. I never said it can't play competitively though, if you read my post again. I just said it would make a bit more sense that it is in the aesthetic section, considering most of the objects seem mainly just for looks. I could be wrong, but they just didn't seem to promote much gameplay in the games I've played on this. I had only finished 1 game when I posted that, so I didn't know much about the map yet. I got a couple more games in between this post and that one, and the map seemed somewhat better. I like it, but I could really only give it a 6.4/10. That's not to say the map is bad, either. It just seemed like you focused a little too much on aesthetics over gameplay. You still came out with a fine map, but it just doesn't seem like it's as good as it could be. But atleast you're not as bad as timmypanic with this sort of thing. Don't get offend by the 6.4, either. I rate differently, and a 6.4 is a "just okay" type of rating.
    #7 4shot, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  8. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    "It just seemed like you focused a little too much on aesthetics over gameplay."

    How does adding a dome to a building constitute focusing too much on aesthetics? The map would play identically with or without the dome. It does nothing to detract from game play and only enhances the map. The map is relatively small and simple, that's all. If that is your problem with the map, then fine, but don't fool yourself into thinking it has anything to do with the aesthetics of the dome. I am very careful not to do things that are purely aesthetic without either some practical use or as a way to make the architecture of my maps look and feel realistic/structural.

    BTW. What happened to the post that was after 4shot's last one and just before this one? Can it be deleted? I didn't know that was possible. I don't remember who wrote it but he/she mentioned the classical look of the dome.

    Obviously, I was inspired by classical architecture, particularly my memories of the Pantheon in Rome, when constructing the domed room. I didn't actually reference any photos of it while forging, but the Pantheon leaves strong images in anyone's mind.
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Exactly. So if it would play the same with or without, what's the point of even adding it? If you Forge competitively as you seem to claim, then why do you put useless things in that would be better to leave out? You could easily improve this map by removing the dome and using the budget received from that to create more weapons and/or cover, or just not do anything with it and reduce lag. If you put something in just for looks, it makes your map seem more aesthetic than anything.

    Why can't you aesthetic forgers just admit that you only Forge for looks? All your maps don't play well because lag destroys them. While this map isn't as bad as Narrow Extent and a couple other of your creations, it's still more just for show. I'm not putting down your map because you added a couple good-looking objects, I'm putting down your map because that's ALL you put in your maps.
  10. Shurshacker

    Shurshacker Forerunner

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    The map plays well, Lee. Nice work. I actually like how the lack of railings play. Some of the more thumb-spazzy players I roll with have a tendency to take flying lessons.

    Not only does it play well, but it looks great too and it has your signature. (We must have been inspired about the same thing at the same time. I built a dome in Argos inspired but classical architecture. Palace of Fine Arts in San Francisco, to be exact.)

    At $5,480 Forge Bucks to spare, what's wrong with aesthetics if the map plays smoothly? Think about it in the context of women - just for a second. ;) Are you gonna kick the hottie out of the sack because she made you take her to sushi while Plain Jane only asked for Taco Bell? Forge is a place to get inspired and create. We'd all be lying our nuts off if we said we wanted to create something that played well but didn't care how it looked.

    I don't know how you got the dome the way it is without any Z-fighting, but you did and it's a fantastic meeting place for exchanging ordnance. My only comment (and this is just an observation based on preference) is I wish the lower level sight lines were opened up a bit.

    Thanks a lot for raising the bar, Lee. ;)

    ***Added comment: Lee, use Bungie's default medium-sized widescreen screen shots (640 x 360). They get resized here anyway and the med-sized make your post load more smoothly and you don't get the ugly "resize" message.
    #10 Shurshacker, Mar 21, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2011
  11. Locke087

    Locke087 Forerunner
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    I was lucky enough to get to play this it has beautiful flow, great gameplay, and the lack of railing was never a conser to me. My only thing was that the middle was a death trap once inside there was no where to hide and someone was going to die. This is more of a personal dislike than a actually bad thing though. I feel like any area of a map should have some sort of thing I can hide behind. I don't know that is just me
  12. DaWorsePlyrHere

    DaWorsePlyrHere Forerunner
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    Got in a few plays on this. Great map I love the dome and the risk reward setup for the rockets. The no railing system is great because in objective gameplay is so fast its the counter catalyst (just what i noticed). I did however make two changes when i saved it last. I switched the snipe and shotgun around due to how make people went " Im supaman" and grabbed shotty then rocks. I also lowered the clip on the shotgun -1. This really improved map flow and reduced some camping i saw. I always look forward to the way you manipulate the forge items.
  13. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
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    @ Shurshacker,
    Thanks for the positive comments and constructive criticism. I can tell that the Palace of Fine Arts was an inspiration for your map, Argos. I've been there and it is a beautiful place to experience.

    I'll be sure to take your advice on the pictures when I post my next maps.

    @ Locke087,
    Glad you liked the map. I did consider some architecture as cover inside the dome room, but ended up not liking how it turned out. Could have been a wrong decision on my part though.

    @ DaWorsePlyrHere,

    You've taken a name that more aptly applies to me. I'm in forge so much that I rarely play the game any more. I'm sure if we were in a game together, I'd take that title from you. I like your ideas for moving around the power weapons. That was a bit of a tough call on my part. They all lie on the centerline of the map and that centerline isn't all that long. I was really trying to provide weapons that each player type would enjoy using and fighting for, while also encouraging movement in each of those areas. Might be a bit too compacted though.
  14. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I really like how accessible this map is. It doesn't take too long to get from one end of the map to the other, or from the top level to the bottom level.

    Weapon placements are good, and in some areas I've noticed clever uses of objects. The map isn't an eyesore either, and eyesores can become increasingly common on Forge World maps.

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