This map is an attack and defend senario. blue team starting in the coleseam and red in the canyon. There are 3 ways to the canyon. 1 the stargate wich ofcoarse suports vehicles, 2 a teleporter wich leads to a side structure wich provides a good sniping spot towords the main base and 3 another telleporter wich takes you through a tunel in a rock slide wich provides an alternate route to get to red base. This map suports team slayer, one flag and one bomb. Please i would apretiate feedback and any helpfull sugestions on how i might improve this map. looking towards red base [/IMG] blue base [/IMG]
looks like a great map that depicts the series well. would be great for an invasion game. With the aliens trying to breach the SGC.
I have one suggestion, though I doubt it's feasible to apply to your map, because it would require re-building much of it almost completely (please don't interpret that statement as "your map sucks, you need to re-do it" or anything like that, because that's not what I mean by it). Instead of having SGC in the coliseum, you could have it one one side or the other of the canyon tunnel. Then you would just built up the main walls of the SGC out of coliseum walls. That way, you would essentially turn the mountains into Cheyenne Mountain, and the canyon tunnel into the main SGC entrance. Just have the entrance tunnel extend partway out of the canyon tunnel, and run it from there to the main SGC. If you had enough pieces & budget, maybe you could build it up into a more elaborate SGC interior, with he command room and as many other rooms as you can fit in it.
Sweet map. As a fan of the Stargate series I must say this is by far one of the better Stargate themed maps. Good job. DL and liked
thanks everyone. your idea sounds great Jace Taran, unfortunenttly i did run out of credits on this mad. but good idea for a remake and turning the tables, have the aleins tryin to breach the sgc