Welcome!!!!!!!!! Me and my friend like bluiding bunker maps where we fight each others bunkers, so Saturday we decided to make another one. When we were both about half way done he came to check mine out. He said that we should delete his and make a slayer map out of mine, so we did. It has a main bunker unowned by either team, 2 bases(red and blue), and a crashed pelican. Pics! OverView 1 OverView 2 Action Shot Bunker Different View Main Room in Bunker Sniper Tower Armoury Stationary Rocket-hog Turrets Vehicle Bay With More Sniper Spots Red Base Blue Base Crashed Pelican Another View Video Should Being Coming Soon!!! *NOTE* The More People The Better Please Download Here- Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details and have fun!!! -MtnDewX97
First off, this map looks really good. However i dont tik it would be good for Slayer and IMO it should only be ued for Assault/1 flag. Tried it with team slayer and it was just a rush to the bunker, made it quite boring for me
Well all i can say is try and get more people and if you still dont like it than everyone has their own opinion. Thanks for the feedback