
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by ThatNewGuy, Mar 11, 2011.

  1. ThatNewGuy

    ThatNewGuy Forerunner

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    Hello ladies and gentlemen do you know what day it is today? its Friday march 11th, and you know what that means? ITS FUNDAY MON... (wait what? never mind)

    This is my second map made by me on halo reach and on forge hub it is called Doubt, a map full of twists, turns, and of course fun, i hope you enjoy this walkthrough of it.

    before you start the map with your 16 freinds i recommend you to kick a few out, prehaps the more obnoxious ones, since ffa should only be played with 5 but has a maximum of 6 and team slayer should only be played with 10 but has a maximum of 12.

    Ok first of all in this map you may notice something that isnt in the pictures below, its pretty discreet, everything is dark purple!!!!

    Second you may notice if you are playing a team slayer game type the battle field... is missing and you are on a plateau with your team mates and there is a gigantic wall in front of you, perfectly normal for this map. now you might want to explore a bit before proceeding into the battle field but not too much. if you feel the need to turn into the lone wanderer and try to explore the other side of the wall you will soon notice a -1 on your team's score.

    anyways time to get into the fight!!!

    you should appear here and you should be able to see the enemy team appearing on the other side of the map and 2 dmrs in front of you as well as 2 plasma grenades


    now you see you can go right, left, or BE A HIGHLANDER AND JUMP STRAIGHT INTO THE MIDDLE!! its your call, on the left should be a health pack.



    If you went right there should be a safe (disincluding the nearby enemy team trying to mutilate you) path to a small platform area with 2 shotguns leaning against a 1x1 block, or instead of going on the path to the platform you can go to a path to the right (cause right is right right?) and find 2 ramps going up pick one ramp go up, you'll bump into a plasma pistol and 2 plasma grenades on the way to the ramps.


    at the top of the stairs should be a pathway to what i call the middle room, it has a stage and other stuff, and another pathway to a long hallway. you should see a needle rifle, plasma repeater, and health pack somewhere on the top of the stairs

    now if you go to the hall way you will stumble across a plasma launcher that could be quite useful in this enclosed area. In the middle of the hall way should be a path to a weird looking series of ramp with a fusion coil and needler in the middle of it, and you should pick up a new plasma and normal grenade as you accend this ramp


    If you watched the Shining and don't like hallways there is another way! the middle room! now the map is symmetrical up until this point (and in another point a little farther ahead in this thread), but the weapon placement for both sides of the room is the same, you should see a pillar looking thing with stuff next to it, one sides pillar has a concussion rifle, the other side side has grenades. Now look at the first picture below there are tables (right? they look like tables?) on 1 table is a DMR on a different table is a concussion rifle, if you entered from the other side (this side has the concussion rifle on the pillar, second picture below) there are grenades on a (i dont know the name for it but i'll call it the bar counter) bar counter, and a DMR on another portion of the bar counter.



    now in the middle is some special stuff, there is a pillar and leaning against the pillar is another DMR, and look to your other side (idk which side you had to look to see the pillar) and there is a stage, with a crappy made shift piano that has grenades on it!




    now that we investigated the middle room (not all of it but the rest of it is secret stuff) its time to enter the weird ramp room!
    after proceeding half ways down the hall is that weird ramp i was talking about earlier


    keep going up the ramps and go to the right when you reach the top to find the magical mysterious!! rockets! (the DMR you see in the picture is suppose to be for ffa purposes only, but i havent tested the map throughly so if you want to tell me if that is still there even when you play a team slayer game type)


    well that is pretty much a rundown of the entire map check it out to find more stuff i didnt talk about in this thread.

    more pictures!



    Thank You and Please Enjoy!
    and also provide comments and feed back please

    and im assuming the people here are downloading the bioshock infinite railway2 map its just a section of a railway looking thing as a map idea, its not really a playable map just a map idea to let you know, but the next map i want to create will be using that idea
    #1 ThatNewGuy, Mar 11, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  2. Xtermin8R645

    Xtermin8R645 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I love the house/roomy feel to this map.. what's it based on? The aeshetics are nice and simple, though very nice to look at. And why'd you put this map here? This probably belongs more in the Competitive section doesn't it?
  3. ThatNewGuy

    ThatNewGuy Forerunner

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    thanks for commenting
    i kinda based it on bioshock and i thought it belonged here because the teleporters and the starting area for team slayer seemed out of place for a competitive map
    #3 ThatNewGuy, Mar 15, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2011

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