
Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by timmypanic, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Hello all welcome to my latest creation.
    This is a saw puzzle map.
    This map requires you to push your body to the limits.
    There will be blood!!!

    This is a puzzle map.
    It is suitable for 1 - 2 people & each player has there own start room.
    You will be playing against eachother in a race to the finish.

    The first 3 rooms you will enter require you to get through in 30's or less (each) otherwise you will be trapped and it's GAME OVER
    This requires my custom gametype to be able to endure this map.
    It is difficult, I can do it in around 12 min's but I know my way around.
    I have been a little sneeky, but I haven't made it so difficult that it seems impossible.
    There are soft kill zones in areas where you need to move quickly.
    kill zones come into play if you have not passed the room in the required time.
    If there are weapons or abilities around, you will need them. I don't want to give too much away being a puzzle.
    If anyone gives up and can't do there is a video on my fileshare.
    Good luck and enjoy.


















    As always comments and feedback are greatly appreciated

    Thanks for looking :D
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Sick man. I really like your creative forging style. I'm not a big fan of puzzle maps, but I think I'll give this one a try, it looks worth it. I really like how you come up with some really creative designs with structures; I have no idea how you do it, but keep it up. Nice work.
    #2 Eightball, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  3. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you! Your support is greatly appreciated :).
    I do like this one, it is very challenging, there are tricky jumps, sneeky ways around. Make sure you pick the abilities and weapons. Hope you manage to get through it.
  4. TDSrock

    TDSrock Forerunner
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    dude looks sick ill try it! will update comment when i did!

    here's the promised update

    i must say the same the dude above me said becuse its treu what he says i doo see how u did a few things i realy love the looks(i dont want to try to spell the fancy word)

    i cant figeur out what to do! the tunnel with the mine blow up the mine drop down if your fast the walls wont be there go trough a wicked looking hallway(sort of) punch the block away wait for the turret to spawn go through the wall to get the turret and then what!!! i must... hey a video nahh im to lazy...

    overall rating 8(becuse i got stuck) but it probably shud have an 9.5! out of 10
    excuse my spelling i am dislectic(but you already knew that dident you!)
    TDS out
    #4 TDSrock, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  5. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, great feedback.
    I really appreciate you checking out map,updated feedback was cool. It is difficult at first but there isn't much around to confuse you too much. After making so many maps it is nice to have a map i can play on myself or in a small party. I tried to use a few aspects off the saw film. 1 being stuck in chair. 2 the room you have to get into before furnace turns on and the final part well you will have to complete to see as i don't want to spoil it for anyone. Thanks for your feedback and checking out my map :)
  6. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    So I sat down and brainstormed to which post to comment on with this new..Upgrade..
    And without much more hesitation I wanted it to be on one of your maps.
    Me and Alexis hopped into this body twisting condemnation of a puzzle earlier without much plan. Had to check this out for my self. The first thing I noticed and experienced was a very SAW like forged trap/device. The TV "monitor" added a very creepy theme to the first room which both of us found very interesting. The fact that you have to hurt yourself in order to get out of the device is also very SAW like.
    Unfortunately I have to say that it was in fact "game over" for us two times in a row. We got as far as the air duct and she fell down the sickly forged shaft with me of course being out of lives..
    I later checked out the map in forge and as all of your other creations, I admired the craftsmanship and the creativity as far as twisted halls and the overall reflection of what the SAW series are.
    I'm not giving up on this puzzle. Although I would most likely would have a very short script in the movie, my goal is to complete the entire course in the near future.
    Nice forging my friend, and all I want to say is that you are one of the most overqualified individuals for this new title. May we share the same color and font in the future.
  7. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you xSoGx Grim, this is great feedback. I was a little sure if it this puzzle was going to be too easy. I recently finished in 7:30 mins aprox. I would say it is more of a pain challenge, trying to keep on the theame of saw and enduring pain to move on.
    I had forged the domes and spiral halls before brainstorming and it was nice to find a suitable way of using. I planned this map, drew a quick scetch and quickly started forging. I am working on a tougher version at the moment.
    Your feedback is greatly appreciated.
    Thanks for your support on my maps! :D
  8. konradtacular

    konradtacular Forerunner

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    this map is pretty epic I must say. I am a big fan of your forging and I find this map great fir me since I have only around 3 friends who play halo reach (damn COD black ops) By the looks of it it seems like you spent a long time making this map. OH and I like the saws.
  9. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you! That is nice if you to say and I'm glad u like my forging. I have now made a map for every catagory except for a mini map. This was fun to make. I also like that it can be played 1 -2 players, it is challenging, but not so difficult that it seems impossibe. I firstly drew this map and planned, sohe forging went quite quick at first, but it does help to have a plan. I decided to make this puzzle as I seen and played many other saw maps and couldn't see much that reminded me of the saw films. The idea behind this is that u have to hurt yourself to pass each room and be able to finish the saw puzzle. My fastest time is 7:38 so far. Remember u need the custom gametype to endure the traps . Thanks for your comments and feedback :)
  10. King Ventura

    King Ventura Forerunner
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    Just tested this map out, very hard indeed that I couldn't even get past the part where you go thru the vent and theres like a drop hole, stuck for like 1hour on that part that I finally gave up lol. Overall good effort on making it really difficult, I like the chair where you spawn its like the saw films where each victim wakes up strapped to a chair wondering where the hell they are!

    Anyways cool map, 9/10.
  11. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you, it must have made an impression for such a great mark concidering you couldn't get far. Did u use custom gametype? The first 3 rooms I give you around 30 second per obstical to get through. I'd advise flying through on forge to find clues to get through the rooms or check out the video I put on my fileshare. It is challenging but with practice it is easily possible! Thanks for your tried and tested feedback! Greatly appreciated!
  12. lllROCKlll

    lllROCKlll Forerunner

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    Ragnar0k26 and myself made it through this map and it was a damn good challenge for both our player control skills and heads. More his than mine. Lots of laughs and swearing. What amazed me was that with all the tricks and traps it was a map that could have stood alone as an Aesthetic map, just from the looks of it. No clue how you pulled that off. Another excellent timmypanic presentation. ROCK
  13. timmypanic

    timmypanic Forerunner
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    Thank you ROCK! Thanks for the great feedback. I do appreciate both you & Ragnar0k26 testing the map. And it is great to know you got through it all, as a lot seem to be having trouble getting through it. The Saw maps I seen out didn't really get the film accross to me, after hours of sifting through as many of the different Saw maps I had downloaded, I decided to make my own version. I wanted it to feel like Saw as you went through this challenging puzzle, although I feel this is more of a skill and agility contest, 1 - 2 players so something that can be played alone too that I feel is handy when you want something to do, besides forge lol. I planned and scetched out how I wanted the map to be and quickly set out forging. I had used a few of the different rooms in other maps so they were fairly easy for me to do, and I was pleased I could use the balls and tunnels in a map as I had forged them before but just couldn't work out how I could fit them into a map.
    Thanks, really appreciate this thorough feedback and your support!

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