Protect the Warthogs and Scorpion. Stay with the convoy safe haven. Your life and safety depend on it. Reach the Paradiso bunker and survive to fight another day.
Wooooow. an infection convoy. Judging by the "safe haven convoy" it is infection right? What vehicle of the convoy is the safe haven marker and how large is the area of it. Plus how long does the safe haven last. Anyway this looks like a lot of fun to play with large party sizes. Will definitely be giving this a DL. and from the concept and from what i can see from the pictures it looks very promising. Thumbs up for the excellent comic as well.
Yep its infection, says it right there on the info. Oh, and all while the comic depicting the map is pretty cool, it would help if you added some pictures outlining the whole map.
So the vehicles are the safe havens right. I like what you did with the comic book style screenshot. It is very different. did you use Comic Book Creator or a different program?
The Warthogs and Scorpion are your safe havens. The radii (I can't believe I used that word) I assure you are substantial enough for driving together and with plenty of extra wiggle room. Havens switch after 30 seconds with the tank being always being the third haven so players have plenty of time to get there. Good old ComicLife for Mac. Came with the computer. Power to the apple. Absolutely. Episode 1 and 2 will be playable for the TGIF our clan (CGU) is hosting next Friday. And yes, safe havens are critical as they provide survivability to the moving convoy as they try to reach the safe point. Glad you all liked the comics! Each new episode will be sure to have one just like it.
This map was great i loved it... my friends didn't because they didn't understand it, I think to improve it i might get rid of teleporter at scorpion. any ways good work.
Glad you liked it! The teleporter is there to keep evading zombies from getting in. That way, only a mongoose is capable of going under the shield door. Episode two is nearly cooked and tested to perfection. I'll have it posted soon.