Smack Stack

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by Indie Anthias, Jan 7, 2011.

  1. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    Hello again, Forge Hub. I've got another offering to lay on the Reach customs altar. This is a map of individual combat skill, satisfying a full party, without the chaos of FFA. No, this is very organized indeed. It's an automated 1v1 tournament. The concept here is that 16 players pair up in 2s and fight to determine who is eliminated and who advances, then the 8 survivors do the same, then 4, and finally the last 2 will meet to see who is the final champ.

    This is another recreation of one of my H3 concepts to make it's way to Reach. And again, it's made the transition with flying colors. It's fairly intuitive, but there are one or two things that could use some illumination.


    First item - opposition. It stands to reason that if there aren't 16 players in the party, not everyone will have an opponent in every round. When this happens in any other tournament, what happens is that some people will be given a bye, a free pass to the next round. Unfortunately, that means they have to wait a bit. If you don't have an opponent, just wait 30 seconds for the next round. You'll get to fight someone soon.

    Now, the advancement mechanics.

    Level 1​


    Pick your loadout (see chart above for Level 1), then find yourself in this L-shaped room with your first opponent. If you get killed, you will stay that way as there is only one life to live in this game. Watch other players from the grave.

    If you win, find the flag in your room and wait for the timer to read 2:30. An Energy Sword will spawn, followed by a grav lift. The direction the flag is pointing is the direction you should face when you go up.



    Level 2​


    Once you've both made it up, make your new opponent's bothersome self quit functioning in such an animated and aggressive manner. The Pro Pipe and Sticky Grenades are there in the room to help you do just that.

    A DMR, Hologram AA, and Health Pack will spawn next to the exit at the end of round 2. There are 4 of these rooms, but 2 versions of the exit. Version one involves an exploding door, version two involves a teleporter. The exploding door version is pretty obvious. Once the door disintegrates, you can go through.


    The teleporter version will let you know when you can pass with a light that turns form red to green (and the sound of the exploding door in the next room over). This happens when your timer reads 2:00.



    Level 3​


    Now we move outside. You'll notice by now that the rooms are getting bigger and bigger. At this point, there will be 4 people left alive. The battle rages, 2 will be left standing.

    The exit from this stage is simply a teleporter that lights up when the clock reads 1:30. A Jet Pack AA, Frag Grenade, and Health Pack will spawn.



    Level 4​


    Once you go through the teleporter, each player will have the chance to grab a Sniper Rife. Additionally, there is a Concussion Rifle in the middle of the map for whoever grabs it first.

    Now we're in the wide open. The style of play has taken a dramatic shift at this point form the cramped quarters at the beginning of the game. It's a big space for only 2 people, but the hunt can be intense and there's not much time left on the clock at this point. The winner of the inevitable battle in this phase is the winner overall and can soak in all the glory associated with such a feat. That is, until the next round starts, as the game goes through the whole process 3 times. Joy!! Redemption!!



    That about wraps it up. I hope that many, many people play and enjoy this map for all that it's worth. Thanks to all, and to all a happy 2011!!
    #1 Indie Anthias, Jan 7, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2011
  2. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
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    Wow, this map is genius! The gametype and map is so original and functional it is mind blowing. I love your elimnation system and how the winners move on to a new room/weapons. I love how you did the changing lights above the teleporter. This map looks so cool, great job its awesome.
  3. The Trivial Prodigy

    Senior Member

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    Looks awesome; will be DL'ing shortly. What happens if someone refuses to enter the next room, though? Or can they not do that?
  4. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    That is unfortunately something I was unable to come up with a solution for. The perfect fix would obviously be to spawn in soft kill areas at the end of each round to make players move along, but that doesn't work like it should. The game ignores the setting to not place these particular items at start.

    So, I can only rely on the hope that players will be guided by the spirit of the game to move them to the next round, lol. It's usually not a problem.
  5. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
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    Well...there are other objects one could spawn to get people out of a room. Such as a kill ball, or a teleporter with a wide area of effect, or a whole bunch of explosives that drop in the room.
  6. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    Ahhh death teleporter! That's a great idea. It's not practical to carpet bomb 14 rooms with fusion coils or kill balls but I think the teleporter will work. Thanks I can't believe I didn't think of that.

    edit: teleporters implemented, new download link available at top
    #6 Indie Anthias, Jan 8, 2011
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2011
  7. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    NIBS's pick o' the week.

    This map is an absolute blast and has someone gone unnoticed.
  8. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    oh, nice :) I'd about written this one off.

    edit: I've taken this as an opportunity to upload a slightly updated version of the map. Just a minor weapon swap that makes much more sense in round 2.
    #8 Indie Anthias, Mar 7, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2011
  9. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    Hmm, I had the same concept in H3 and also planned on remaking it in Reach. I'm assuming that there's no way to force them to grab new weapons, so it seems like the sword wouldn't be used too often. However, while the concept is the same as the idea I had, mine was created slightly differently, either allowing for 8 teams of 2, or 8 teams of 1. Based on the layout it looks like you can have 8 teams of two, but likely won't be facing anyone until the second level, right? Or maybe you won't even see your teammate, yet your team still has a chance of winning if you die, correct?

    Anyway, the creation of this is much better than how mine would have been done; I had planned on making my map an I shape, with the parallel lines in turn forming two new I's (not sure how efficient a description that was). However, I like your idea of the rooms getting bigger each time.

    I may download later, though at the moment I have little to no time to play. If I do come across some time to do so, I'll give it a DL and likely give a more well thought out response.
  10. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
    Senior Member

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    No there's no way to force weapon pick-ups but that all plays into the finer considerations of both forging the map and playing the game. In the later rounds players have more and more weapons they could possibly bring along. But, as each level is progressively larger, the usefulness of close-range weapons decreases. So it's all about allowing strategy to play itself out.

    I haven't really thought about that except that I was wondering how something based on Invasion Slayer would work (each round activates a new tier). But it was exactly because of the fact that Invasion Slayer is a team game that I gave up on that. I think this is a purely FFA game. I suppose a team version could be worked out but the spawns on the map would have to be carefully laid out. This map, as it is, has neutral initial spawns only.

    Well thank you very much and if you have any ideas, don't hesitate. The concept itself is in place but I think there is plenty of potential to shuffle around weapon sets and even geometry for some great results.
  11. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
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    That invasion slayer concept actually sounds really interesting. The only problem I see with that is the lack of full randomization and the fact the elites have fully recharging health (so Spartans would need recharging health each round).
    I think this would also be pretty cool with a fiesta style gametype, but then again, I've never been a fan of standard FFA. But then again, this isn't exactly standard FFA.
  12. Talons013

    Talons013 Forerunner

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    This reminds me of the arena from halo 3. You know, the game with the swords, and the stairs, and the 1 v 1 battles, and the killing, and the stuff...

    Ya, anyway, I like the new spin you put on this. And the growing rooms and weapon choices are a wonderful touch! Congrats.
  13. zdude72

    zdude72 Forerunner

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    one of the best maps ive seen for large parties. i look forward to seeing some more of your maps. 10/10
  14. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    So you can just sticky whatever thread you want? That's chill. Just because you are high in the community should not mean that you get to sticky whatever you feel. Also, if this was an accident, I apologize, I just don't feel like this is within the powers of staff etc. to promote your own maps over others. I'm sorry if I sound like a douche
  15. NlBBS

    NlBBS Forerunner

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    Well, your coming off as arrogant to say the least. That is, if I understand what you think is going on here. Indie did not sticky this map, I did. It is not my map in any way and I stickied it because it's a great casual game for large parties.

    If you didn't know, members of the staff pick a map each week that they enjoyed or felt got overlooked. They remain stickied for ONE week.

    Hopefully this clears some confusion up.
  16. ShortKidPena

    ShortKidPena Ancient
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    Thanks for clearing this up. I had originally thought that he stickied the map. Its all good, I hope there are no hard feelings, I'm just trying to help out. I thought that he stickied it on accident, then figured he couldn't have, so it was just confusion. I just hate when people use the system to give their map better exposure.

    Gracias! thanks for clearing up the confusion

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