This is my first map and first post, so hopefully I get this right. Stingray is a small/medium split-level symmetrical map named for its basic shape. It was designed for team based games, but is also setup for free for all. I wanted to create something that felt different from other maps and overall I am happy with the layout. I was unable to test this map with a large party, but screen lag visible in forge doesn't appear to be visible in custom games. Please let me know if you find otherwise. WEAPONS LIST: 4 DMRS 60 sec 2 spare 2 NEEDLE RIFLES 60 sec 2 spare 2 SPIKERS 45 sec 2 spare 2 NEEDLERS 30 sec 2 spare 2 PLASMA PISTOLS 45 sec 1 PLASMA REPEATER 30 sec 1 CONCUSSION RIFLE 120 sec 1 spare 1 SHOTGUN 120 sec 1 spare 1 GRAVITY HAMMER 120 sec 1 ROCKET LAUNCHER 180 sec 1 spare 8 FRAG GRENADES 45 sec 4 PLASMA GRENADES 45 sec SCREEN SHOTS: Because this map is symmetrical the pictures are of the red side only. Overview Overview 2 Red base left side top Red base left side bottom Red base front Red base right side Hallway towards red base Red base inside bottom Red base looking towards center Center area Center structure top Behind center structure Below center structure Pool area overview Pool area right side Pool area left side Pool area exit towards rocket launcher Hallway between pool area and bottom of center structure Red side lower area Thank you for looking at my map. All feedback is welcome. DOWNLOAD
It looks really cleanly forged. I really like the back with the teleporter frame platforms. he only thing is that you have some objects in awkward positions like the landing plqtforms on the dish in the middle. other than that it looks pretty nice.
Thank you for looking at my map. The area with the teleporter frames seems to be every ones favorite. As for the "awkward" pieces, the picture makes that part look worse than it actually is. The landing pads don't stick out as much as the pictures makes it seem. Still, thank you for your criticism and I will see what I can do to change the roof of that part.
I'm no competitive map maker, strictly Aesthetic, so I'm not much of a hand at evaluating competitive maps, I'll leave that to others. But, because you said it was your first map I thought I'd go in and snoop around a bit. I will comment on it technically though. Impressive. Your piece placement and alignment is outstanding. For a multi level map you did a nice job on the transitions from level to level. The pool area really caught my eye as well, good work, very creative. There's a good flow to one part of the map to another without stalling around trying to figure out where you are. And Aesthetically, it looks great.
Thank you for the compliments. After looking at other peoples maps on this site, I originally thought my map wasn't good enough to post. I am glad I did though, and hopefully it becomes a stepping stone to better maps.