Hey guys, I'm BurningThunder. I personally haven't posted one of my own maps on here yet, but Psychoduck has posted one of my previous maps on here, Egregious. I had wanted to make a map in Alaska, as there are nearly no maps that have been made in that area. I set out to break that trend. Soon after I started, I enlisted the help of Psychoduck (whom I am good friends with in real life) and things took off from there. This map is a large terrain-based map intended for Big Team along with Race. Some people like to refer to it as Mini-Hemorrhage. While vehicles are a major factor in fighting, players who wish to stay on foot won't feel naked without a Warthog or a Ghost under them. The map is a pseudo-symmetrical design, allowing it to work well with both symmetrical and asymmetrical game-modes. Some of the best game types to play are team slayer, multi-flag, and territories. However, the map is also a blast for Race games, including Rocket Race. Weapon List: DMR x8 Needler x2 Plasma Rifle x2 Plasma Pistol x2 Focus Rifle x2 Grenade Launcher x2 Rocket Launcher x1 Vehicles: Mongoose x4 Ghost x2 Warthog x2 Screenshots: Everyone's favorite traffic cone and now, for some ACTION SHOTS! These were all taken from a game of Multi-flag. Thanks for checking out this thread, and enjoy the map! I'd like to give special thanks to the Peeps and everyone else who helped test this map. Without your help, this map wouldn't be anywhere near the awesomeness that it is today! In case you missed this, here's the download link: Bungie.net : Halo Reach : File Details
Wow, yo finally got this up, even though those stupid Focus Rifl... Nevermind. And you're right, I have showed this to my friends recently and they also referred to it as a "Mini-Hemorrhage". I was really surprised that this map was set up for Race. I didnt think it would turn out as well as it did, but I was sadly mistaken. Again, you have done a wonderful job building and I can't wait to see more.
Gotta love that traffic cone... Anyway, I'm really happy with the way this turned out. It was a lot of fun to work on and test. We gotta play some more rocket race on here sometime soon... Oh yeah, I hope you guys like my sick action shots, thats me flag carrying in the last one, and dodging all the rockets in the hog.
You added the traffic cone i suggested? nevermind, i see what u meant lol And hey, im the awesome gunner going on our awesome warthog run, thank you It's nice to see this map up, like other said its really fun to test/play. Im not that much of a vehicular driver, (becasue i have had a fail on here -.-) so walking around still works really well for a BTB map. It's really nice it supports race too. Keep it up!
I've tested it a couple times, and it was really fun especially on Multi Flag. Glad to see it posted and I'll give you a DL
Actually, that cones been there since before anyone even played the map But yes, you are the awesome gunner on my awesome peeps-mobile in those screenshots. I almost took a screenshot of you driving your 'goose off the cliff, but I didn't since I already had the shot of Nibbles driving blue's hog off the map, I think that was Nibs... Anyways, glad you guys like the map
Looking at the screenshots it seems like the blue team has quite a bit of an advantage. They have a lot more space to move around their own base and also have height advantage. When I made a map on this part of Forge World I had the same problem. One side is a lot thinner and lower than the other part which makes for a bad balance. I ended up just cutting off the part of the map that is red base in your map. It may become a lot smaller but also a lot more fair. I haven't played it yet so I can't really make a really good verdict, but this is my view on it from just looking at the screenshots.
First off, Blue Base is the one on the skinny part of Alaska, not Red. The map has been tested enough to determine that there is no problem with this. I could make a big list of reasons why this is, but if you actually play the map you can simply find out for yourself.
Thanks for all the feedback, guys! I was never expecting the kind of response that you have provided. As for the base concern, our various testing has ensured that both bases are equal not only in Team Slayer and other symmetrical gametypes but also in asymmetrical gametypes like One-Bomb. Because of the great response you guys have given me, expect another map from me in the next few weeks
I hate this map psycho! Actually, I just hate you! Not really, this map was amazing the few times I played it. But I have to agree with anthraxe on the focus rifl... But only because I always die by those and I personally suck with them.. Overall, love the map, love you, and good job psycho and burning thunder!
Aha, found it. I've been meaning to post here for a while, just to say how much fun I've had testing this. I can honestly say this takes the best parts of Hemmorhage and makes them into a 4v4 map. It's as fun on foot as it is in vehicles, and you never feel unfairly overrun by the Warthogs and Ghosts. Something I should mention now is that, if you're doing a remix in the future, it might be worth developing the sides of the map a bit further. Having some high vantage poitns up there, such as a larger building with a catwalk going about 3 or 4 blocks above the ground would be nice, and it'd also solve the issue of having to put killzones behind the teleporter buildings. Just something to think about. Also, Focus Rifle rules!
Looks pretty good! I experimented with that spot and sorta the same idea before, but it didn't end up working out. The only recommendation I have is to add some man-cannon action to spice up the fighting, otherwise the map might seem a little empty. For example, man-cannons from... somewhere to the middle of the map would make for some interesting battles, like in Valhalla from Halo 3. Good job! - 4.5/5