Highlands Forge Pallet

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by P3P5I, Mar 14, 2011.

  1. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    I apologize if this thread was made already.

    Ok, the Highlands Forge pallet for Scenery is as follows:
    Barricades [25]
    -Barricade, Small
    -Barricade, Large
    -Jersey Barrier
    -Jersey Barrier, Short
    -Covenant Barrier
    -Portable shield

    Camping stool [10]

    Folding Chair [10]

    Crates [50]
    -Small, Closed (note: it is the same thing as Halo 3's single box closed on Avalanche)
    -Crate, Metal, Multi
    -Crate, Metal, Single
    -Crate, Heavy Duty
    -Crate, Heavy, Small
    -Covenant Crate
    -Crate, Half Open
    -Crate, Fully Open

    Dumpster, Tall [10]

    Sandbags [12]
    -Sandbag Wall
    -Sandbag, Turret Wall
    -Sandbag Corner, 45
    -Sandbag Corner, 90
    -Sandbag Endcap

    Street Cone [20]

    Pallets [12]
    -Pallet, Large
    -Pallet, Metal

    There is no "structure" section, so no Forge World kind of variety. Weapons, Vehicles, Armor Abilities, Spawning, Objectives are the same as Forge World. Gadgets that are the same as Forge World include Explosives, Health Station, Powerups (8 instead of Forge World's 12 I believe), Man-Cannons, teleporters, toys. Changes are to lights (a limit of two) of only red, blue, green, and orange lights.

    There are no one-way shields, shield doors, or fx in Highlands. :(
  2. cluckinho

    cluckinho Well Known
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    Well that's weak sauce.
  3. Spicy Forges

    Spicy Forges Ancient
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    I am disappoint :(
  4. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Strange... It has the same pallet as Boardwalk and Countdown but there are no FXs? That would make Highlands the first Map without FXs. All other Maps have them.
  5. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    And so begins the slow decline of Halo.

    They are taking options away from us now. Next map pack the maps probably wont even be able to be forged on at all.
  6. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Remember Halo 3? People made Custom Maps with the standard Maps that were fun. Remember Trench War on Snowbound, simple but challenging?
    Remember Super Metroid on Isolation, simple but still gave the complete horror movie feeling?
    Remember D-Day on Last Resort, simple but fun?
    There were a lot of Maps like that. Now people don't even have respect for non-Forge World and non-Tempest Maps. At least all objects don't look like Forerunner metal! Highlands offers a lot of Scenery which can be used for cool Zombie Maps.
    Halo is not going down... It's climbing up! People are just too blind.
  7. Grif otaged

    Grif otaged Forerunner
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    Ok dude. how the hell do you know the pallet for a map pack that is not out yet. And every map would have a effects. Give us a link to a official post by 343 and maybe I'll consider this, but for now i recommended that no one believe this.
  8. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Funny you should say that, because well...

    None of the crates can be phased into the map geometry. They are all interact-able so they can't be phased. I'm stuck using Halo 3's old geo-merging methods to put those boxes into the ground.

    343 was giving out free dlc codes via Waypoint and Twitter. But if you want, go ahead and look at my game history (GT is name) for proof.
    #8 P3P5I, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  9. Luv Gunn

    Luv Gunn Cartographer
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    P3P5I is legit, I trust him. Thanks for the heads-up. I wonder why they didn't add in more. Perhaps because the map has such extreme aestetics as it is.

  10. Oli The G

    Oli The G Forerunner
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    So what, a map we can't forge in? Theres still 2 very very very good ones.

    If there was more forge spaces than normal ones, youd complain. If the level was equal, somebody would still complainn. If there was more normal maps than forge maps somebody woould complain.

    And its 343 making these map packs, not bungie. Perhaps they don't think the forge community is as big as the other, normal players

    about 2million normal players
    about 100,000 forgers

    Who do you feel more obliged to keep happy? Thank you...

    (P.S I don't think we need anymore forge worlds unless they are of a different theme, its pointless otherwise)
  11. cannibalghoul

    cannibalghoul Forerunner

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    I would have been surprised if they had decided to include a full forge palette. Despite being quite large, the map has very rough, uneven terrain, with lots of inclines and natural objects such as trees, not to mention a number of huge structures that dominate the landscape. It would be like forging in Tempest, only with even more limitations.

    Plus it would have meant adding an entirely new palette of UNSC forge objects. Not to say that wouldn't be awesome, or that it would be a bad thing, it's just that the people designing these maps are part of an independent development company that happens to like Halo, who seem to be more interested in designing good maps than designing the tools for other people to make maps.

    Also, keep in mind that since these maps are being created by an independent developer, it doesn't mean that they will set the standard for all future Halo maps to come.
  12. P3P5I

    P3P5I Ancient
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    Thanks, looking forward to some more awesome HWM BTB maps!

    I didn't make this thread to complain, I'm sorry if it came off that way. I just thought that since I got the maps early I should give back to the community, and since I love forging what better than to release the forge pallet on Forgehub!
    #12 P3P5I, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  13. thesilencebroken

    thesilencebroken Jill Sandwich
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    this video makes condemned seem more interesting that I previously thought. I'm really stoked for this map pack.
  14. Ociee

    Ociee Forerunner
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