I cant do it anymore. Ive been trying to make a map but I just cant think of a spot to make it...I try putting something together but then I give up...I finished a map like a week or 2 ago and I want to make another one but I just cant...anyone else having this problem?
Maybe trying a different genre would help. For example, if you always make slayer maps, make an objective based map, or an infection map. Is the problem finding a good location or finding inspiration? Or perhaps a mixture of both? In addition, co-forging maps also works rather well.
I feel your pain dude. We all run into the dreaded forger's block (or any kind block for that matter) every now and again. The only way I've been able to get over it was just taking a break from playing Halo peroid. Go off and listen to some music or play other games for awhile like Rock Band, Gears of War 2 or Bulletstorm. Hang out with your family or go outside breathe in the smogy air. (That is if you live in Las Vegas) I would also suggest limiting the amount of time you would spend making a map to about an hour as well. And during that hour try and focus all of your creative abilities to work on one or more problems in your map. For instance, let's say you spent two hours on this map your working on a day. Keep it up for a week and you'll have atleast 14 hours under your belt. If you manage to stay on track for another four weeks after that you'll have spent approximately 56 hours on this map. Get the picture? You get more done, within less time. Where as you could sit in front of the screen just goofing off like what I normally do. Plus you get plenty for free time. This is just how I would normally solve a creative barrier, you could go ahead and incorparate your own ways if you'd like.
See I make my maps like bungie does. I make them for all gametypes except race or invasion. Unless its a BTB map then ill make it for Race and Invasion Slayer. Also I just cant find anywhere to forge that would prove useful and if I do I cant think of anything and then then I just give up. I wanna make a map I guess its Forgers Block... I wish we had a new Forge World...
So its been months now and I still cant make anything...I have structures now but I dont know what to do with them...I need help...what do I do?
The best way I find to start fresh on a new map is to go for a theme. Lets say, for example, I went for a greek theme. Id then go online and look at images of greek architecture, mythology or read about greek history, just to get some form of inspiration. It can really help to have something there to kick your brain into gear like that, and it never hurts to learn something new and increase your knowledge either. If thats not your bag, then try coming up with some concept art. Doesnt have to be extremely detailed, could just be something like an overview drawn on a piece of paper, with a really basic outline of what shape you want your map to be when its done. Having something like this to reference back to can help greatly to keep you on track instead of just fiddling around in Forge until you come up with something that looks good. I used both of these methods recently, and am now putting some finishing touches on a map that is extremely close to what I drew in the concept drawing. Hope this helped.