Chapter 1: Outbreak

Discussion in 'Reach Casual Maps' started by tyggerr, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

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    The Infection Outbreak Campaign​

    By tyggerr
    Helped by x iWaRShAdE
    Video by x iWaREcHoEs
    Recommanded player 8-16​

    The other(s) Chapter:​

    Report of the ship's doctor of the space station :

    Day 1, since infection confirmation :

    Since the confirmation of the infection, I see more and more strange behavior within civil presents here. Symptoms which are unknown and which seem to get worse from day to day. In spite of our numerous requests of assisstance, we receive no more transmission from the outside, it disturbs me because I necessarily have to require an urgent medical to look after the patients on board.

    Day 3, since infection confirmation :

    The tension rises, today, the servicemen began to distribute weapons to the civilians in state to use them. There is only a single explanation: they get ready for the worst … My stocks of medicines fall to a crazy speed, I did not sleep these last days; too many patients to take care.

    Day 9, since infection confirmation :

    The panic seized my assistant in the afternoon when a sort of horrible slug with a head of spider appeared from the stomach of the patient which we were going to operate. The creature moaned and wriggled in the intestines of our patient. Incapable to see more of it I had to withdraw towards the toilet while giving the alarm. After only a few moments, a troop of soldiers heavily armed off-loaded in my cabinet and began to set on fire everything with their flamethrower. They said to me that they came from the infirmary of the ninth floor where the situation is worse. They told me that here in sector 1, it was only a "light" case. A light case! A monstrousness has just appeared from the stomach of a man and it is only a light case! They offer me an Assault Rifle, for the graver cases they told me…

    The next page, there was nothing else than this warning :


    You closed the book and gave a look to your group : ​


    You are a small group of survivor who try to survive in this space station.​

    Sure you know a bit about those damn infected, but they seems to evolve fast and they'll surelly surprise you with a few tricks of there own... All you know for now is that there is infected who carry strange substances that make you see fake infected...​


    There is also Jumper, infected able to jump on long or high distance.. And those damn Sprinter. ​

    If you're lucky you should survive a few contact with them, I've heard of about three hit or bite from an infected and you're dead... So when you've been hit two times it's time to find an Easy-To-Use Health Pack.​

    First you'll have to survive in the Warehouse for about one or two minutes, I'm not totally sure, but be happy! You should find weapons in there, that's if nobody took it before you...​


    ^The Warehouse and THE weapon that your group will need to survive.​


    ^Continue your journey in this small corridor where you'll have to wait for the door to open


    ^It seems like the infected are comming this way, well, it seems, you know by experience that if they can't enter this way they'll find another way in...​

    Watch out for hidden Jumper...​



    ^When this door open,​
    you'll have to walk in a small corridor that the Soldier used to hold the infected. Well, they tried, hard, but that wasn't enough.


    If you survive you will reach the final hold out for today. You have to wait untill the timer reach 1 minute before you can activate the elevator that will bring you in a pretty safe place.​



    ^The button, if not used at the right time, you have to wait 30 seconds before it reload...​


    ^Near the elevator there is a small set up that should help you to hold these brainless human.​


    ^Use the turret behind the sandbags at your advantage, but always be sure that someone is watching your back, I've seen a lot of my friends die because it took them too much time to run away when they were using it.​

    If you manage to survive and you activate the elevator, you will have to survive a few more minutes untill the door close. But you are now a lot more resistant in this area, since the infected can only enter by the roof.​

    Oh! And watch out for those SuperZombie, you can('t) miss them, they're are a little bit slower but they are way more resistant and sometime they use new form of attack against you. ​

    Remember : They evolve and learn fast, or at least some of them...​

    ------------------From an Infected perspective----------------


    -Use the installation at your advantage. ​

    -Take your time and assassinate the survivor.​

    -Attack in group of two or more, or use the Hologram if you're alone.

    -Hide and wait for Survivor, there is plenty place where you can hide, trust me!​

    But never wait too much or your time, untill your food reach a safe zone, will be running low.​

    -When the Survivor progress, you'll get new mutations and a new door will open to help you kill them.​


    -When you are the SuperZombie, attack with a group and use your new weapon and armor ability at your advantage.​

    The end of Chapter 1

    Comments :​

    The safe Heaven at the end give you 1000 damage resistance instead of 300 normally, but you can still die or be assassinate, so keep watching when you are in it!​

    Even if the zombies are weak, you need a double bash to kill them, so use your weapons instead! A double bash means that you are pretty sure to be hit at least one time, and one time is 1/3 of your life!​

    The gametype is set to 1 zombie at start, but this is set for a maximum of 4-6 players, if you have a larger group, add more zombies, maybe 1 for each 4-5 humans.​

    Great thanks to all my testers : ​

    x iWaRShAdE
    x M4SS4Cr3 x Qc
    PEPSI 313 LCI
    x iWaRGoD
    x P4R4NO1D X QC
    x iWaREcHoEs
    c14 ans et moin
    mimi 0014
    x S t 4rz iz​

    Special thanks to :​

    x iWaRShAdE and Alamotaler who helped me making the map.
    And my Guest Marc-André for his patience ;)
    #1 tyggerr, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2011
  2. ZubGub

    ZubGub Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    This is a PHENOMENAL map/plot line. It is one thing to make a good solid map without error, but there's a high level of artistry here. You do a marvelous job of creating interesting, engaging scenery, using interesting lighting and colouration.
  3. I Am Solaced

    I Am Solaced Forerunner

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    I kinda disliked how you made the gametype so that you can't jump at all.
    It realy makes the game like somekinda "pacman hunts for humans" where the humans can only walk while they watch the zombies attack them.

    There realy wasn't too many places to hide because of the 0% jump gravity.

    But other than that it was a well forged map but needed some tweaks here and there and I'm suprised that you actually added some forgemechanics into the map. That was great and we need more of that.
  4. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Well when I've said that you can hide it was for the zombies, since the Humans have waypoint on their head.

    For the 0% gravity jump it is a choice that I've made for my others chapter, where it was easy for the humans to escape their path and enter the zombies spawn. Especially my second chapter, I've tried to make the path unescapable, but there was always someone who found a way to get out of the path as a human, by jumping on someone crouched, and then jumping on the railing... So I had to make it 0% gravity jump.

    By the fogemechanics you mean the switchs?

    If you could tell me where I could make some tweaks I could give it a look and see what I can do about it.

    And for now my 2nd, 3rd and 4th chapter are done, but I need way more time to test them and balance them.
  5. mati1501

    mati1501 Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Nice job, I am simply addicted to those infection-campaign maps. I'm waiting for future chapters. Good job about making the elevator.
  6. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Update, I've added a video of my map (thanks to x iWaREcHoEs). I've fixed some spot on the map especially a spot where you could escape the map :/ ...

    And the Chapter 2 is about to be release.
  7. Dralthi

    Dralthi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    This looks like a very fun and original infection map. The whole thing looks very well constructed and I love all the different areas. Each part seems unique and interesting. A few of the weapons seemed a little bit overpowered but nothing that hurts gameplay too much. I'd recommend everyone who likes infection to download this map.
  8. Plasma Blades

    Plasma Blades Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Chapter 1: Outbreak


    Chapter 1: Outbreak is a map patterned off the Left4Dead style of gameplay. In such maps, the humans are required to traverse an extensive path in hopes of reaching the end. The Outbreak takes a new spin on the typical gametype by giving both humans and infected loadouts to choose from at the start. Despite this feature, the creation lacks most of the key components necessary for a fun infection game.

    Most maps of this style have a few features in common: Humans often are capable of receiving more damage than normal, crescendo events force the survivors to hold out in a certain area until they can continue, and a normal zombie can become a tank by picking up a custom power-up. While the map includes all of these characteristics, it is still deficient of the central theme uniting all successful journey style infection games: the increasing zombie counts as the game progresses.

    Humans start off in a small area and soon navigate through a short hallway that leads to a larger room. This room has many objects hastily thrown together to form the ceiling. The idea behind the broken ceiling is to allow zombies to drop down on humans from nearly anywhere. However, this is rarely the case due to the confusing nature of the zombie spawn which results in few attacks on the humans. Attached to this room is the first holdout area. In most games, the primary purpose of the crescendo event is to increase the zombie population. Though due to the aforementioned confusion, it is unlikely that any more than two or three zombies will be seen during this period of time, and it is even more unlikely that a human will become infected. Any injuries sustained by a human can easily be patched up by one of the few health packs placed nearby.

    Once the door opens, the humans traverse through another winding hallway and arrive at the final holdout. Much like before, combat is limited in the hallway, and few humans are killed off. Due to the inability of humans to jump, they must watch their step in order to properly navigate this last room. This area provides a diverse weapon selection for the humans, meaning it is incredibly difficult for an infected player to get close enough to deal damage, especially when considering the large number of humans still remaining. In many cases, humans will leave this area to search for infected further back. The lack of combat makes for a game that drags on. In the rare instance that an infected makes its presence known, the humans will quickly gun it down. Such an experience is neither interesting nor exciting for the players, both survivors and infected.

    A slight grievance towards the humans is the inability to jump. Fortunately, the entire map is built at angles, meaning there are no areas that require jumping to get to or to get out of. Nonetheless, this causes an issue at the finale as any humans who walk to the turret area cannot simply jump to get to the elevator. Instead, they must walk around all the obstacles in order to reach the finale area.

    A large portion of the zombie ineffectiveness can be attributed to their confusion upon spawning. Initially, the zombies spawn over the room before the first holdout, however, from the start of the game they are granted access to the final holdout area. If an infected player accidentally does so, they must wait for the first holdout door to open before attacking. Upon re-spawning, the infected find themselves in a small room with four parallel paths leading to a drop down. At the end of each path is an armor ability. In conjunction with the initial loadouts, the only ability that is not given to the infected is the use of a drop shield. Regardless of the large variety of options, it is still rare for a human to become infected. Even the tank power-up has trouble putting a dent in the opposing forces. More often than not, the player who picks up the power-up is only seen at the final area, where the combined fire of all the human weaponry, including a turret, makes short work of the should be threat.



    Due to a large variety of factors, gameplay on The Outbreak is heavily tilted in the humans favor.

    Ideally, a journey map should have the infection rate rising exponentially throughout the game; a few humans should be infected near the beginning and as time progresses, more become infected in greater frequency, ultimately resulting in few human survivors at the end. However, this map progresses in the opposite manner. A lucky infected may be able to get an assassination at the start, but as soon as the humans pass the first holdout it is unlikely that any more infections will occur. The perplexing design of the map has the infected focused more on figuring out the layout than attacking the human adversaries. The design attempts to convey the sense of damage, but all the objects sporadically thrown around only exacerbate the difficulty of orientation for the infected.

    Since so few infected spawn at the start of each round, their attacking power is limited to a few strikes on humans. The element of surprise is also hindered unless a player is experienced with the map’s design. More often than not, an infected will drop down from the ceiling in an attempt to establish a sense of direction. Once they are on the same level as the humans, it makes surprising them a much more difficult task.

    Even with humans in sight, it is difficult to pose a threat as a zombie. An infected player has enough shielding to sustain a few headshots, but is easily eliminated by half a clip of the assault rifle. One human would not be too pressed in taking out a single zombie, and with multiple humans shooting at the attacking infected, there is little hope of resistance. On the off chance that a lucky strike is delivered to a human, health packs litter the ground, meaning that any damage taken is easily erased.

    Weapons that are scattered around the map include a shotgun, sniper, AR’s, spikers, a turret, and a few others. A shotgun is easily accessible before the first holdout, and works well to prevent the few infected from entering the holdout room through the main door. AR’s and spikers are both possibilities as starting loadouts, meaning that they serve more as extra ammo than alternative weapons. A DMR and sniper are available at the final holdout, both of which make picking off infected from a distance much simpler. Granted, the twists and turns of the map mean that there are few areas with long lines of sight, but a quick player can still utilize the weapons efficiently. The turret is only present at the end, but it provides a devastating weapon against the infected. A smart human can easily rip the turret off and wait in the elevator, tearing the infected that draw near to shreds.

    The infrequent appearance of the tank rarely hurts the human forces. The combined fire of at least six automatic weapons makes short work of the physically enhanced zombie. A hammer is available for the tank, but it is soon picked up by the humans when this alpha zombie falls. This gives the humans access to a weapon capable of radial damage, meaning that defense becomes much easier.

    At one point, humans waiting in the elevator can press a button which drops the crates that they are standing on into a narrow shaft, effectively placing them in the safe haven. Capture plates block the view above, increasing the claustrophobic atmosphere. As with the rest of the map, it is rare for a human to see an infected once they enter this area. Even if an infected does make it past the humans that likely waited up top, humans in the safe haven are given 1000% damage resistance, over three times the normal amount. The only chance of getting a kill in this area is an assassination, which is difficult to coordinate due to the opaque capture plates. The final minute of the game is filled with humans jumping around aimlessly in the elevator shaft, with limited movement and little to no zombie threat.

    There is one prominent point in The Outbreak that can be abused by humans. After the first holdout door opens, it is not uncommon to see a human with a sword camp the small alcove by the side of the door. The sword allows for an instant kill on unsuspecting zombies, and it is much easier for the human to swing before the zombie.

    The most hope that the infected are given are with the armor abilities, invisibility and evade in particular. Invisibility allows for a quick assassination or perhaps a few strikes to bring down an unaware human. If used correctly, evade allows for a zombie to disappear from a humans sight, and appear at another angle to attack them from. Nonetheless, the spawning of these armor abilities takes an unreasonable amount of time. In conjunction with the setup of the spawns, it is uncommon to see these used more than once or twice.



    Perhaps one of the better aspects of The Outbreak is that it is completely inescapable. The entire map is completely enclosed, meaning escape is an impossibility. Humans cannot jump which insures that they will not get into an area exclusive to the infected. Many maps claim to be unbreakable through the extensive use of kill barriers. While this method is effective, it interrupts realism which in turn detracts from the emotions that come with good gameplay. The Outbreak does not use kill barriers, and therefore allows player to roam its limits without fear of unexplainable death or interrupted gameplay. As a whole, there are only a few aspects that can be exploited in The Outbreak. Some of the other nuisances, such as the quantity of humans waiting in the elevator at the end, are due more in part to map design than to exploitation and therefore do not encumber the maps’ durability.



    Infection maps often use aesthetics to aid in telling a story. More often than not, destruction is a ubiquitous, overlaying theme in such maps, as one would expect after a zombie apocalypse. The Outbreak is certainly not an exception.

    The first thing a player notices is the torn and ragged ceiling. Though it is not the damaged appearance that the eye is drawn to; it is how overdone it is that draws the eye. Countless small antennas stick out in varying directions, and teleporter frames dot the area. While these objects are placed to allow for greater movement for the infected, they do not realistically look like a collapsing structure.

    Conversely, there are many structures that are aesthetically pleasing but do not make sense. For example, at the finale area, a human who looks up will see a room blocked off by bars. This adds to the creepy atmosphere since the humans can see the infected as they run by above, but it does not make much sense in context.

    The original post mentions that the map takes place in a space station; however no structures in the map are used to reinforce this setting. Granted, the visual aspects do not make the map look as if it is anything else in particular, but that alone cannot be considered an improvement.

    An attempt was made to write the words “Hold till 1” on the wall using pieces of the forge pallet. While the idea behind this is sound, the execution is not nearly as effective. The message does not look as if it was really written by a human who had been there before. In addition, in context of the backstory, it makes no logical sense. The number one is representative of the game timer, which would not be present if such an event were to occur.

    That is not to say that the entirety of the map has deficient aesthetic value. After the first holdout area, humans make their way down a ramp with military barriers already set up. This aids in telling the story that efforts were previously made to restrain the infection. Weapons scattered about chaotically show that previous humans had died in attempts to ward off the undead. Both aspects work towards conveying the feeling of despair that should be present in a map such as this.



    Many attempts have been made to recreate the style of gameplay that the Left4Dead series is famous for. Linear infection maps are not brand new in the Halo: Reach community. However, there are quite a few original facets in the map that contribute to gameplay otherwise unseen in this style of infection.

    The primary example of this is the spectrum of armor abilities given to the infected. Most maps give the zombies either evade or sprint. Rarely are armor abilities like armor lock and jetpack seen. Such contributions add variability to gameplay, which is a necessity for a memorable experience.

    In addition, humans and zombies are given a few loadouts to choose from. While this is not a game changing feature, it allows players to explore different possibilities and determine what works best for different situations.

    Another interesting feature worth mentioning is the elevator. When a minute is left in the game, a landmine spawns that drops the floor beneath the humans, effectively simulating an elevator falling. While the design does not benefit the gameplay, the idea itself is infrequently seen.


    Rating Multipliers

    Originality:[/floatleft]2 x 3.0 = 6 out of 30
    3 x 3.0 = 9 out of 30
    8 x 1.5 = 12 out of 15
    5 x 1.5 = 7.5 out of 15
    6 x 1.0 = 6 out of 10

    This map could be better if the infection rate was more balanced. As it is now, it is rare for a human to die which only exacerbates the problem.

    Final Score


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    #8 Plasma Blades, Jul 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2011
  9. tyggerr

    tyggerr Forerunner

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    Thanks a lot Plasma Blades for taking time to review it! With all of those feedbacks I'll do my best to make it a better experience. It does really help me to know what is good or not. So you could expect a V2.

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