This map was inspired by achievement hunters "achievement horse"; the concept of this map is very simple, you and a buddy spawn on a platform with five teleporters on it, to start you simple shoot the fusion coil blocking the teleporter in the corner to the left of you when you spawn in, after one of you has completed the challenge and captured the territory, you shoot the fusion coil to the right of the one you just completed and continue on. After all challenges are complete the one with the most territories wins. Challenge 1 Ride a mongoose down the hill and land on the platform Challenge 2 Walk through the obstacle course Challenge 3 Fall and bounce of the shield door to land in the room Challenge 4 Jet pack to other side without getting to low Challenge 5 Make your way through the course on a ghost Please let me know if any challenge is to easy and I will try to make it better.
For the areas where there's a vehical related honor rule, you should put down kill barriers just above the ground/track. That way, they're high enough to avoid them in a vehical, but die if they get out.
Honor rules removed (try to walk down the ramp, I dare you), I want to get some feedback and make some changes before submitting to AH.
Not to sound out of touch but what is the Achievement Horse? OT I particularly enjoyed challenge 3, trying to get that bounce from the shield door just right was tricky (for me anyway) Didn't really like the mongoose bit as I kept falling off haha Good job with this map will probably keep on my HDD x