MLG MLG Riverside

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by CamPer KinG, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    MLG Riverside
    Forged by AoV CamPer KinG

    -MLG Team Slayer
    -MLG King
    -MLG Ball
    -MLG 5 Flag
    -MLG Bomb Zeal

    Weapons on map:
    -4 DMRs
    -5 Needler Rifles
    -4 Plasma Grenades

    -2 Medkits



    This map is a crossingover of all favourite MLG Foundry maps and should be a tribute for them. So it has many parts of Halo 3 maps in it which made these maps so special. This includes the Boundaries of Octagon, the base entrances and bottom Tower of Lockdown, the Ampilified inspired Basescenery and last but not least the top middle structur, dumpsters, Toptower and Flagspawns of Onslaught. In order to bring up the Teamshot and DMR-only aspect, there are no Powerweapons on the map except for the Greengun located bottom mid replacing the Mauler on CTF. I also deleted the Fragnades to drain the Naderain, what makes it harder to establish top controll and because they are a bit overpowered at the top. Many of the well known jumps and shot angles are also on the line for e.g. the top mid to Base jump and the front of Base to top base jump. I received many critics after a time of testing but the newest version of the map seems to be the most playable one and is very suitable for Flag and Ball. I don't expect it to be featured in the next "MLG maps feature" but it would be nice if KC takes a look at it and gives a feedback. Otherwise have fun while playing the most underated game! ;)
    #1 CamPer KinG, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  2. Korlash

    Korlash Remember Isao
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    k well, thankfully you have images put on photobucket already, but for each image, you have to click the code (which will say "copied") instead of the HTML code. Copy and paste individually.

    Anyways, i did get into your album though

    just click the IMG code, paste into the post, and...


    Which btw i See some onslaught, midship, and amplified so far. Looks pretty good

    Edit: My bad, it might have been just my computer that didn't see them
    #2 Korlash, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  3. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    I know it now but thanks ^^

    Edited by merge:

    But how can I add a Thumbnailpic afterwards?
    #3 CamPer KinG, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  4. SpLiiZzY

    SpLiiZzY Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    das nenn ich mal mlg map
    du verstehst was von deinem werk

    I call the mlg map
    you know what works from your
  5. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    Thanks. To my mind the maps should be rather adapted to the gameplay than just look good. This one is referred to the maps whitch proved themself to fit in MLG.

    Edited by merge:

    Nee ich hab schon mein MLG Team. Ich hab die Map nur so zum Spaß gemacht um zu zeigen, was ich für ne richtige MLG map halte. Dabei geht es nur darum zu Spawnslayen, Nadeplacement, Teamshot, Movement und Kommunikation. Ich wollte eine Map auf der man nur durch Teamplay und Mapcontroll was erreichen kann und nich durch Nadespam, Rocket, Sniper, Noobtube etc. Aber danke der Nachfrage :)
    #5 CamPer KinG, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  6. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    lololol I named it by my first impression but yes that was random :)

    Edited by merge:

    Google Translater doesn't speak the perfect english XD
    #6 CamPer KinG, Mar 14, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2011
  7. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks pretty cool, you did a great job of adding in aesthetics that really fit with the map. Also, the river running through the middle is pretty sick. Nice job posting a lot of screenshots so everyone can get a good idea of the map layout. There seems to quite a bit of cover, no areas look open or exposed. All round' I'd say the gameplay has to be great, nice work. Welcome to Forgehub, too.
  8. CamPer KinG

    CamPer KinG Forerunner

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    Thanks but I rather fokus on my Amplified remake right now because looks much more perfect and has a huge potential. You can check that out too if you want.

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