
Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by jeffgodofPIE, Mar 13, 2011.

  1. jeffgodofPIE

    jeffgodofPIE Forerunner

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    I have just 'completed' my first map. it's a smallish asymmetrical map for team slayer, CTF, Assault, and FFA oddball/slayer. i am looking for about 7 people (not counting myself) to playtest this map in a variety of modes. keep in mind, this map is not intended for DMR spawns, but there are some scattered on the map along with Needle Rifles.

    i am looking to set up the playtest ASAP.

    any help/advice about the map would be much appreciated.

    [also, if there is anything wrong with this thread please let me know so i can fix it]

    thank you,

    the map: : Halo Reach : File Details

    upon that glass sail, rests a completely exposed sniper rifle.

    some pillars that afford minimal cover, and a small bunker containing a grenade launcher.

    center "hill" for the neutral flag/bomb/oddball
    #1 jeffgodofPIE, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  2. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I think this map might be a little to open. If a player want to get from one tower to another he will be very exposed.
    The easy way to fix this is to add more covers or tunnels, and the other way that you might consider is to rebuild the flooring on the map to make some height variety and by doing so give the players some natural cover from the map layout.

    Keep on forging ^^
  3. jeffgodofPIE

    jeffgodofPIE Forerunner

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    that was my goal, i wanted to make a map that required the group to move together or at least provide cover fire to capture the goal.

    that being said, i wanted to add some small cover, like barricades or small walls, not enough to camp but enough to duck and cover from DMR spam. but it is painstaking to make sure its symmetrical.

    i may have forgotten to mention that this map isn't intended for DMR spawns either.
  4. DeStarfighter

    DeStarfighter Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    sounds good man. you should have a better idea where you are going with this anyway ^^ hope it turns out awesome
  5. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    ^Understatement of the year

    My first thoughts when I saw this map were that from any position, anyone on 95% of the map will be visible and anyone in 90% could be shot and 80% would not be within reach of cover, and second, the map is incredibly flat and thus boring. Regardless of what you think, a map needs to support DMR starts. If it doesn't that just means there's not enough cover. It need not play best with DMR starts, but seeing as it's the most used weapon it needs to not be overpowering.
    #5 pyro, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011

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