CQC Engagement v3.5

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by Fluffy Shmell0w, Mar 12, 2011.

  1. Fluffy Shmell0w

    Fluffy Shmell0w Forerunner

    Likes Received:
    A very tight quarters map. Me and my friend made this over a course of 4 days hoping someone else would enjoy a very close quarters fight with realistic damage and movement. The map has plenty of finished buildings, a church, a gas station, and alot of strategic camping spots. The map was made for squad combat, best played with 8 or more players. Pictures are worth a thousand words; I have a thousand pictures.

    Note: Still some issues with the custom gametype, so normal slayer will work. Also forced colors are off, so knowing who your teammates are should be judged by clans that use the same colors.

    Gametype: Lowered movement speed, and jump hight, increased gravity. Removed shields and removed head shots, so the pistol isn't overpowered with the AR being the main weapon. Snipers still one hit, the DMR spawn is now a vital power weapon as it 3 hits pretty much anyone. Still working on the gamemode, hopefully its not to terrible.

    Created by: Fluffy Shmell0w & Xplod3r88

    ^^ On top of the church. ^^
    ^^ Red Spawn. ^^
    ^^ Church front view. I'm actually behind the alter. ^^
    ^^ Plenty of completed houses ^^
    ^^ The falcon, only spawns once. On the blue side. ^^
    ^^ Church back view, teleporter leads to top. ^^
    ^^ Rocket launcher spawn, single spawn, meant to remove the falcon. ^^
    ^^ Warehouse with some goodies. ^^
    ^^ Tower with armor lock and a pistol. ^^
    ^^ Vaporization of the gas station. ^^
    ^^ Guass warthog at blue spawn. ^^
    ^^ Our beloved gas station. Equip with camping stools. ^^

    That is it. I hope you try it at least, been getting alot of hate on the game type.

    EDIT: We actually managed to use all 10000 dollars.​
    #1 Fluffy Shmell0w, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  2. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This looks interesting. Theres just a few things that are a problem. First, you built a church in a shooting game? That's a little disrespectful in my opinion. Second, you shouldn't put weapons in a fixed position, it makes it impossible for other players to pick up the weapon after they have killed someone. Try setting it on Column sideways or something and take it off "fixed". These are just my opinions, so don't take it into offense. Otherwise, it looks pretty cool. Oh yeah, welcome to Forgehub.
    #2 Eightball, Mar 12, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2011
  3. Fluffy Shmell0w

    Fluffy Shmell0w Forerunner

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    Xplod3r88 had placed the fixed weapons, also built the church, and hes very strongly Christian lol. But thanks for the feedback and ill try to update it for the better.
  4. Xplod3r88

    Xplod3r88 Forerunner

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    ^_^ Well then, we will work on the weapon issues. As for the topic of a Church being in a war zone, yes I understand that this could be insulting, but I figured it was more visually pleasing than just "Tall Sniper Square building #1" sort of speak.

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