STAR WARS: Death Star Trench Run

Discussion in 'Reach Mini Game Maps' started by THESephiENIGMA, Mar 12, 2011.


    THESephiENIGMA Forerunner

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    Death Star Trench Run


    Rebel tacticians analyzed the Death Star plans and determined that the most promising strategy to attempt to destroy Death Star I was to maneuver their starfighters through a trench in the northern hemisphere of the Death Star and fire a proton torpedo into a small thermal exhaust port approximately 2 meters wide, no bigger than a womp rat. If successful, a direct hit would cause a chain reaction that would destroy the Death Star.

    In this ported version of the classic run, 1 or 2 of your team members is the proton torpedo. Depending on how you decide to play.

    5 rounds of one sided assault, the first to 3 points wins.
    1 point per round, then you switch between Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire.
    Best with 6 on 6.
    Ordinance carrier has full vehicle use, and there is no forced color. So it will keep the Empire guessing who has the force.

    There are turrets.
    There are mines.
    There are gaps.

    May the Force be with you!










    Many Bothans died making this map.
    And many more will sacrifice themselves if there are some changes you would like to see!
  2. hollow123

    hollow123 Forerunner

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    lol, great map! Recommend that you try to give more aesthetics that wont effect the map, just for a better feel. Love it none the less! :D
  3. pinohkio

    pinohkio Ancient
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    I thought the aesthetics stayed true to the design of the Deathstar..
    Gonna try this out in the TGIF party hopefully this Friday, it looks really fun.
  4. Wilc0 NL

    Wilc0 NL Forerunner

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    Looks nice, but I agree with pinohkio.
    Maybe it looks nice (it's too late for that I guess) that you make the map as high as possible on forge World, so you can't go out on top en but everyone in Banshees!
    This makes the map look way more real. I also don't like the look of the second screenshot, you can just ride out that place... At least build a little room around it so people 'follow' the map

    3/5 for the map.
  5. uralllame

    uralllame Ancient
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    Looks pretty interesting, I'm downloading. Can you please explain how the bomb thing works. Do you have to pick up the bomb, or does it spawn on the Mongoos or something clever like that? You should also put a Falcon in there, just so you can call it the Millennium Falcon.

    THESephiENIGMA Forerunner

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    Glad you guys like it! I tried to fill up the trench as best as possible, I literally ran out of most pieces, all I have left is some block pieces and a few decorative pieces. I didn't want to just throw pieces in there, cause I didn't want the trench to get to "cramped" but I will look into putting more in aesthetics. I also left the window open so you can see the whole length of the trench, originally I set the teleporter their, but it caused to many problems when you jumped cause of the sudden change in velocity. I will work on that though...
    I Thought about banshees, however, the Trench is so narrow, and stickin 4-6 banshees in there just didn't fit the gameplay. Maybe i'll try and work something out in v2.

    Edited by merge:

    Sure buddy, I guess I shoulda mentioned that.
    You pick up the bomb, It's right in front of you as you initially spawn, and the best thing is you can hop on a goose and drive with it, no need to ride shotgun or anything. That way it keeps the defense guessing at who they need to shoot down.

    Please keep making suggestions and I will try to tailor them, however ground based vehicles are meant for this gameplay.
    #6 THESephiENIGMA, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  7. SLVRFOX2099

    SLVRFOX2099 Forerunner
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    very fun map especially for star wars fans, I found myself humming the tune while racing down the trench. PLAY WITH 8-12! it is epic! the covenant weapons are great load outs.
  8. xSoGx Grim

    xSoGx Grim Commander

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    Interesting Idea, Im sure some of the starwars fans would dig this.
    The TI figher was a nice touch.
    If I recall right there were a lot of mounted turrets. I don't know how you are doing on budget, but as long as you don't bunch up a large amount of objects together you can always add more aesthetics.
  9. Mythic Jedi

    Mythic Jedi Forerunner

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    I like the idea of this map. I have not had the time to play this with a group yet, but I did take a look at it in Forgeworld. I think this map would be better by elongating the mongoose driving part.
  10. THESephiENIGMA

    THESephiENIGMA Forerunner

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    Sorry for the late response, but I want to thank everyone for the great response to the map! over 6,300 dl's! I was not expecting that. The response warranted some changes, granted though, they are minor subtle changes. I will be updating soon. I've been sidetracked with a brand new nephew, and have not had much time to play, never the less, thanks for all the feed back.
  11. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    It would be interesting to see a flight version of this map, with a death barrier keeping players from leaving the trench.

    Xwing = Falcon
    Tie Fighter = Banshee

    Thoughts for a sequel? lol
  12. THESephiENIGMA

    THESephiENIGMA Forerunner

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    I certainly appreciate the thought, alot of folks have actually asked me about making a "flyable" version. There are a few reasons why I didn't use flying vehicles, the most important being that it simply didn't fit the gameplay. Why?
    1.Falcons are too slow.
    2.Banshee are...well, Banshees.
    3. Having all those vehicles in there would be too cramped, I think.

    The game is intended to be fast and furious. It's a running minigame, not a stop and shoot the defense and then blow the place.
    There are still a few tweeks that need to be made, and as soon as I'm I'll release v1.1
    or v2.0, I don't know how these things get numbered.

    Edited by merge:

    Maybe I'll make other bombing run maps... not star wars related, we'll see.
    Just don't have as much time as I used too, but keep your eyes and ears open!
    #12 THESephiENIGMA, Apr 12, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2011
  13. Voltage

    Voltage Forerunner

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    I made this exact same idea once. lol. But this is WAY better than mine was. Aesthetics are great, settings are good. Good balance between attackers and defenders. Great job!
  14. Noble V1

    Noble V1 Forerunner

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    This is a very original idea. All the obstacles and stuff you have to get through is great. I like your tie fighters too lol. If you have any money left though you should make it even longer with more and different types of enemies. Cool idea though.

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