Doubt it's gonna be as good as COD4, IW isn't making it...
Hmm, CoD 3 wasn't a very good game compared to the Call of Duty Inifinity Ward made. Just as CoD 2 was better than CoD 3, I think that CoD 4 will still be way better than the next one, unless Infinity Ward makes it. It is unfortunate that its being made by the people who made CoD 3, as IMO it was not as good as CoD 2 or 4.
I think going back to WWII would be bad. It wouldn't be horrible, but itd be like taking a step backwards. What was so great about CoD4 was that it was new, new weapons, abilities and such. Made it awesome. That's why I think it should be set in another story in the middle east or in the future... I just hope Treyarch can do at least as good as CoD4. Cause w/o infinity ward its already looking bad...
Yeah, its gonna be a waste of money. I wouldnt buy it. And if you get it as a gift, trade it into Gamestop
well activision didn't confirm that treyarch would be making the next game, but they also didn't confirm infinity ward would be making it either. hopefully infinity ward makes it. but if treyarch makes it IMO the next game would be good as long as they don't mess with the cod4 formula.