This is my invasion map. Download it and constructive critisize me. The only difference in the custom gametype is that for the second phase you bomb a door and that the elites can start with a DMR. Storyline: Elites have stumbled across a human base floating over the ocean. They are assigned the misson of extracting human intelligence from the base at any cost. They must first locate the bomb by activating the generator(a golf ball). Next they must grab the bomb and bomb the door, and finally grab the core and extract it. Load outs: All load outs are defalt exept for one the elites get in phase one where they get a DMR. Weapon Spawns: There is a sniper rifle in each of the 'towers', hence the name, and a shotgun in the small tower in the middle tower. There is also an energy sword in a sniper tower. Update: In the update I add more gametypes and more cover so a sniper cannot dominate everyone
this map looks pretty cool, altough you used a whole lot of premade buildings, think it could look even better if you tried to build something yourself with smaller pieces
I beleive this belongs in the casual maps section, but ya know I'm only refering to the typical posts there :/ And a bit more of a description would help get more people to download it and tell you what they think. For instance, -What's the gametype like? Anything new added to it? -How does this relate to Infection and represent it's title? -What happens in each phase? Where does each phase take place? -What are the loadouts? -What can you tell us about your map that makes it special? -Is there any number of players that is prefred for the game to play it's best? -Weapon spawns? -ect??? Just a few questions you can awnser to beef up your post. Just trying to help out
Im sorry but from what I see there is no way this could possibly play as invasion and be enjoyable...the map is way too small I can tell fromthe pics...most the map is just premade buildings and overlaping pathways...the buildings for the most part have only one entrance which limits gameplay and decreases the aesthetic value...the pathways are bad becasue you either get shot or jump off the map and must go in odd circles to get to your objective with little cover...there seems to be no aesthetioc or gameplay value...:/...please rethink this Im sure you have plenty of budget left...
This map is actually a descent size for invasion. Not all of the map is pre-made buildings and they have a purpose. The pathways do not go in circles and you do not get shot at all the time. Also each part has many entrances, for instance, the cave has a bridge leading to it, a man cannon, and a man cannon going back. You can also enter the cave from the tower. P.S. I'm also working on it to work with infection, slayer, king of the hill, headhunter, ect.