Crown of Flies

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by squidhands, Nov 29, 2010.

  1. Spawn of Saltine

    Senior Member

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    I played this a couple days ago. When I first heard you were making it for 4v4 I was kind of skeptical on how it'd turn out. I actually thought it played very well. There was plenty of action taking place over the whole map and I recognized most of the map the instant I started. I can't say that I don't miss the 1v1 version though. It was too...beautiful.
  2. Darkm2021

    Darkm2021 Forerunner

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    I had a 1v1 match with my pal on this map, and one thing that bugged me is how many hiding spots there are. He always hid and assassinated me as I ran by. The one under the staircase (the one in the last screenshot in your pose) was his favorite.
    Other than that, it looks like a good map. Simple design, the aesthetics are simple yet nice, fun to play on. Good map
  3. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Thanks for all the great responses, guys. I'll touch on a couple of points real quick:

    It was totally intentional. That spot is fairly cramped as it is, and I wanted to give a player a couple of extra routes to fake out opponents if they wanted to. It's served me well more than a few times, and it's very possible to jetpack to these 'windows' as well. Glad you liked it overall, though. :)

    The map isn't set up for 1v1, mainly because of some spots that could be used to hide (there aren't that many, though. Maybe two that come to mind). I set up the power weapons on the map so there couldn't be any "holding" of them even if the timer had expired. I haven't played any 1v1's on this version, but there should be enough routes and power weapons to keep folks from doing too much hiding.

    Thanks again to everyone who's commented and to everyone else that's downloaded, I hope you all enjoy it!
  4. BattyMan

    BattyMan Ancient
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    I played a game of headhunter on this map and the gametype just fit so perfectly. Every once in awhile my group'll play a certain gametype on a certain map and then afterward we all agree that this is our new map for that specific gametype.

    I feel like I might not be doing this map justice, just playing the one gametype on it, but headhunter meshed with it so well. Like, usually all the skulls collected in the bottom, and I'd want to move to that top square area for tactical advantage, but I knew if I did that I'd be leaving the skull carriers on the bottom high and dry. I always had to weigh that risk in my head as I was playing. It was a neat dynamic.

    But there's more than just the top vs bottom thing. The entire map is filled with this really unique, interesting architecture, like I love the area built around the one drop point with two ramps seated next to the pillars supporting the overhanging bridge (it's in your second to last picture), but none of it is ever confusing. The entire map is basically architecture candy but the layout is just a simple square situated against a smaller interior square. So you never get lost, but the whole time you're finding new ways to play around these totally asymmetric sets of blocks.

    So anyway headhunter is my favorite non-slayer gametype, and this map is now my favorite place to play headhunter, so thanks for making it!
  5. Nondual

    Nondual Ancient
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    . . . God DAMN. I love this map. I played the Halo 3 version of this with my friends at least 60 - 70 times, no joke. Almost every night I hosted customs I would load it up for what would always be something epic. Just the way the map flows. . . is so awesome. Usually we played Oddball, but I really liked Slayer, and KOTH too.

    And now you've made it EVEN BETTER in Reach! I already had one of the most epic 3v3 oddball games ever on here. Just from initial looks and games it seems like it's a lot better than it's predecessor. I'm looking forward to what will hopefully be at least another 70 games on here over the next couple years. Thanks for your effort.

    Btw, I think the aesthetics are amazing.
  6. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    I'm insanely glad to hear that you guys dig the map, even if it's only one gametype. I really appreciate the architecture comments as well; I wanted to make every spot instantly recognizable upon spawn, and it sounds like I was able to achieve that. I also wanted to include some more dynamic spots for people who have gotten used to the map, so look for some little tactical jumps that you may have missed out on the first time (like the rock outcropping so you can jump from the cave to the yellow room without having to take the pistol bridge). Thanks again for the great feedback, Battyman.

    Thanks, man! You might have eclipsed me with the amount of games I logged in on the H3 version, lol. Oddball is a fun gametype to play with this final version, and as previously mentioned Headhunter runs pretty well. KOTH is somewhat of a disappointment for me, but that's mainly because running the hills in sequence doesn't currently work. 3-Plots is a great substitute though, so let me know if you play any different gametypes. As for the aesthetics, I know it's not as pretty as a lot of the maps that I've seen here recently, but I hope that the more utilitarian look is eclipsed by the more spectacular* gameplay. Thanks for your comments and I really appreciate your support.

    * - totally subjective. experiences may vary.
  7. SecretSchnitzel

    SecretSchnitzel Donald Trump
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Played this in the Community Playlist. Congratz on making MM... Even if its for a short run.
    As for the map, I didn't really get around it too much. I mainly camped the balconies on the outside and raped ever bk that came my way. My whole team did really... Steak Dinner. <3


    If I ever play it again (which is unlikely as that play list is god awful with the exception of a few decent maps), I'll try to post some more legitimated feed back.
    #27 SecretSchnitzel, Mar 4, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2011
  8. Dookie no Jutsu

    Dookie no Jutsu Forerunner

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    I played this map in community slayer the other day. I enjoyed it. I felt like the map was a balance of "enclosed openess"(if that makes any sense). It's hard to judge from just one game, but I never felt like I was in a cluster$&@k. The layout was easy to grasp and it seemed like I always had a way to get out of trouble. I like the big rooms mixed with the option to go outside and I don't think I spawned in the middle of a firefight. I hope this map stays in the rotation as long as possible. Great job and congrats on making the playlist.
  9. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    Ok, let me be honest here. I don't love it. The gameplay is great and camping is a large rarity, but it becomes quite bland. Players always seem to take the same routes, causing large amounts of repetition and because of this, a large majority of the map remains unused for the entire match. I've only played this once in Custom Games and got multiple matches in CS playlist, but it just seems too repetitive for me to enjoy. Again, I don't love it, but I still like it. 7.7/10

    Congratulations on getting your map into matchmaking, though. I think you deserved it much more than some of the other contestants.
  10. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played it in the Community Slayer playlist yesterday. I really liked it but I was wondering, is the respawn-time of the Sniper really 150? It seemed like it was respawning every 30 seconds or so.
    #30 Overdoziz, Mar 10, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2011
  11. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Holy ****, some honesty. What a breath of fresh air.

    I know it won't be everyone's cup of tea, and I completely respect your dissenting opinion. I think the more unused portions of the map (haven't seen a lot of Community action in the cave, for instance) allow for some relatively safe spawns, but as you say it can make one think that the high-traffic areas become monotonous. Thanks again for your honest take on it.

    Yes, the timer is indeed at 150. Weird that it seemed to be popping up so often; I haven't noticed it in any games that I've played in CS. Glad to hear you're enjoying it so far.
  12. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I played it again just now and again it seemed like the timer on the Sniper wasn't correct. I've saved the map and the film clip so I'll check it later today and report here. Also, there's a soft kill barrier when you go up the lift which could mess with objective gametypes, but I think you already fixed that if I'm remembering right.
  13. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    First off, congrats on the map getting into matchmaking.

    Secondly, congrats on actually having a decent map in a playlist which is known for its bad maps.

    The first thing I need to comment on is how Jetpack doesn't actually destroy this map like so many others. It's something I worry about alot when playing maps like this, but it didn't on this one, so kudos on that.
    Also, the map flows incredibly well, and I didn't experience a whole lot of camping at all. The power weapons were quite well laid out too.

    However, I do have some gripes because, as everyone knows, not every map is perfect, and what is feedback without criticism.

    The main thing I had problems with was the spawning. Now while it wasn't a huge issue or a game breaking one, it was one that really got on my nerves. It's occured at least once each time I play the map. On the right hand side of the map coming around the corner, I found players either:
    A) Spawning into my sights or
    B) Walking along to be surrounded by enemies spawning right next to me. There was one instance where I literally walked into 3 enemies spawning beside me.

    Its a problem that I think once addressed, could make this great map that much better.

    The only other problem I really had was that I found players ignore the left side of the map entirely, and I only went there for about 3 seconds of the game too. Its quite a large area too, so maybe it could be implemented a bit better?

    All in all, its a great map, and the place in CS was much deserved.
  14. Overdoziz

    Overdoziz Untitled
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Okay so I checked the Matchmaking version of the map and it also said 150 seconds, but when I went into Theater I found out that it wasn't like that in the match.

    I picked it up after 25 seconds and it respawned at 1:55. Does the 150 stand for 1 minute and a half? Doesn't really make any sense. Especially considering the fact that it respawned again at 2:45.
    And after that:
    - picked up at 3:02, dropped empty at 4:05 and respawned at also 4:05.
    - Picked up at 4:48, dropped empty at 5:38 and respawned at also 5:38.

    Maybe I'm missing something but that doesn't right at all.
  15. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
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    What you say actually makes a lot of sense, now that I think of it. Those unused areas could potentially be safe spawns, allowing players to get a little bit of movement before actually starting a battle with another player. There are actually a few spots where players could easily camp, but for some reason, they choose not to thanks to the near-perfect promoting in movement throughout the map. Because of this, camping will be very rare, despite having many spots to camp in. I like that about the map. The layout is actually pretty interesting and original, but some of the aesthetics might give the illusion that it looks like many other maps out there. But do aesthetics really matter when you've got some pretty good gameplay added in there?
  16. Draw the Line

    Draw the Line Ancient
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    If you have spawn problems again, save the video and give it to Squids! Seeing any spawn issues will greatly help him improve the map in that aspect.

    And as for the one side of the map remaining unused (ish) he could possibly move a more coveted power weapon to that side to force players there more frequently. It's a small change that could drastically effect player movement (and in turn spawning), so it might be worth a shot.
  17. cory21

    cory21 Ancient
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    I got the opportunity to play this in MM, and I have to say you did a great job. The payer movement felt just right, and no weapon seemed too dominant. I loved fighting on that balcony with the two doors right next to each other. I must have had a 2 minute skirmish in that one area since both teams just kept spawning on each side.

    I hope to see it stay in the playlist.
  18. Celic

    Celic Forerunner
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    I played this in community slayer and it was really good. One thing I noticed was that there were a few soft-kill zones, one of which was at the top of the lift. Not sure why it was there but it was kind of irritating.

    Senior Member

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    You should really fix the map breaking on this. You can get under it and land on the 5X5 flat (I thinks its a 5X5 flat), and you can go over the rocks which make the cave for shotgun spawn and hide there. The main gameplay seems to be around the sniper spawn, top lift and rocket room in all the games I have played. No action in the shotgun area other than at the start and the left of the outside spawn (when your facing towards rocket room) is completely unused.

    Other than this I do enjoy the map, although sniper seems to be spawning every 30 seconds.

    EDIT: Guy above me, its there to stop jet packers landing on the other side of the ramp outside the map.
    #39 RRAAAAAWWWWWWWR, Mar 13, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 13, 2011
  20. squidhands

    squidhands Ancient
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    Hmm, I knew about the bit behind the cave, but didn't know you could still get underneath the map. I'll have it fixed and uploaded to my fileshare in hopes that Jeremiah will update it if it's deemed to come back.

    Re: the sniper: I think the problem may be coming from the runtime max, which is set at 2. I originally did this to keep people from hoarding the empty sniper rifle and keep it away from the other team, but it doesn't seem that it's worth it with such a quick respawn time. I'll get that fixed as well. Thanks again for the comments, gentlemen. Glad to hear that you all are enjoying it for the most part.

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