I can't really say much more, since last time I asked this I got an infraction. Basically, I just want to know if anyone has any tips for getting people interested/involved in a clan. Anything?
If you get an infraction for something then my advice is that your don't then go and do the same thing again! To actually help you though, I'd say its much easier find and existing group on Bungie.net than trying to start one from scratch. Its like pushing a car. Its hard to start it moving but once its rolling its easier to keep it going.
No, I got the infraction for advertising. I sent a message to a moderator asking if I could just ask "How can I get more people involved in a group?", and they said it was fine. But I've had this group running for quite a while, and we really built up the population in Halo 3, but it's more difficult in Reach.
I've noticed that ranks that come with perks actually do something, here's my logic. The first players to join are given these ranks without doing anything special, enticing a good few to join. Once enough are locked in because they are "proud" of their perks, the clan should be big enough to gravitate new members in your direction, even without giving them the special ranks. After all, the more people in a clan, the more you want to join it. At this point, the original members are most likely willing to hold onto their ranks, and won't want to quit. Remember that attaining these ranks should actually be worth something, it makes the players feel they have something to work towards. Finally, be a good clan leader, and don't be all corrupt and greedy and stuff. Only exert authority over your members when utmost necessary, and let them have their way every once in awhile. Because, by making a human feel like he has a say, he feels important. When a clan member feels important, he'll want to stay. I've seen this work before, and I'm sure it will work again.
Ive spent so long on clans. Theres a bit of a barrier, but once your over it your fine, and you fly! Its a ton of hard work getting a gaming community together, I got like 6 months of hard work in before I really got going. just gave it up recently, couldn't handle it anymore, and we all went ou seperate ways, although we did keep in touch ;-)
Confused Flamingo: I appreciate the advice, but what you wrote pertains more to keeping people in the group. That, I typically don't have a problem with (with the exception of those who left Halo for COD). The issue is getting individuals to join in the first place, the actual system that I've established within the group is sound. Oli the G: How did you get people involved? The one thing that I won't do is stay after in the post-game lobby asking anyone if they're interested in joining. It's far too desperate, and the fact that anyone could get in would mean there's nothing special about being in the group anyway. Granted, the established criteria for admittance is based on teamwork capabilities as opposed to skill level, but there is a criteria nonetheless.