My goodness... This is absolutely stunning! Reminds me heavily of Buddahcrane's Halo 3 map, Distortion, which was a slayer map built in much the same manner. Absolutely amazing. Might I ask if you were using an angle snap for the cube? It'd be awesome to make a comp map like this, now that forging in Reach is so much easier. Also, the sounds of wind and the water hitting the rock below make this map just that much more creepy to play on. Like Portal, or something. Kudos. I love the outside of the cube part, it's incredibly nervewracking.
@ Problem, The cube architecture is all set to rotational snaps of 45º increments along two axes. once I had the pieces at the correct angles, I had to align them with each other by hand. Coordinate snaps don't work very well when the pieces are all @ 45º angles along two axes at the same time.
You're completely and utterly nuts. I like that in a forger. However, the cube was definitely pushing it. Perhaps it would be better if you put a light at the top (Gravitational) of the cube, people would have a reference point and not puke from motion sickness and disorientation.
It's a fine line between maintaining the cool sense of disorientation and the need to provide some sort of helping reference for the player. I definitely preferred to stay a bit more on the disorienting side of that fine line.
I, no joke, almost jizzed my pants when i saw this. Seriously. Not very often a map makes me download it based on looks, but this was just too good to pass up.
If you want to do checkpoints have you thought about Invasion? Have the player cap a zone (probably set to instant) when they get to a certain point and then set up a different spawn for the next phase. You can squeeze three checkpoints out of that, anyways.
You could use Bro Slayer if you wanted. But that would require an honesty system. At least you could choose where you wanted to spawn. Maybe if you put landmines on the spawns that you have not yet reached, and shoot them (no respawn) so you can access the additional spawns. As for points, I don't think it is possible. If you used Invasion, you could do the map in two phases (using the above method of landmines) then have the fourth phase as assault, carry the bomb a short 'celebratory' distance to win. Oh, and BTW. MIND = BLOWN!!!
This map made me throw up. I did not watch the video so i was disorientated. I give you 1000 kudos, job well done mate!
Wow, M. C. Escher much? Cool map. I'm not one to really play puzzle maps, but I love watching some of the videos on YouTube. One of the better ones I've seen. I was so confused when you were in the cube.