I've figured out how to get rid of the Elites in Infection. First off all, you must play Matchmaking Infection at least once. After-wards, save the game-type and edit your Infection game-type off of it. Doing this will disable the ability to play as an Elite. A proper usage of this would be in a Running map. Elites have extra speed, allowing them to move faster than Spartans. This causes many issues, such as being able to jump passed obstacles via Man Cannons that Spartans couldn't and being unable to fit under certain crouch areas.
To be fairly honest, I wish there was an OPTION, but normally set to default ON, to have all humans be spartans and once you become infected, you become an elite. It just makes so much sense.
I was wishing for that from day one for my ALIENS gametype I had envisioned that I never bothered to make because the option isn't there.
Man **** this ****...quit hatin on the Elites...Bungie finally makes them as good as they should be in the Beta...all people do is complain...now they get such a ridiculous nerf that they are BARELY better than Spartans...and yet you still complain, I for one...LOVE to ROCK THE MANDIBLES!!!
We just need the option to toggle elites on or off period, I could care less about some turning into an elite option if I could just have this. Seriously, it seems like they rushed everything gametype related on reach.
I think you can just use the Infection gametype from matchmaking. If that doesn't work, well, sue me. Cheers, Hari.
First of all, please read the comment I posted before you say anything. This is exactly what I did. The topic is to inform people HOW TO remove elites from Infection, not how I can do it.
Elites suck and they have an unfair advantege. You know they suck and they all ways have. who's with me!? :irritated: NO OFENCE all thoge i hope you read this
/rant There's a reason every gametype in MM forces all players to be the same species, usually spartans.
Hmmmm.... They suck and they always have? Nice opinion you have there. OT: Thank you for discovering this, it is annoying when Sangheili cannot fit into crouch areas for infection maps.
Same goes for all matchmaking gametypes. The only gametypes on-disc which are species specific are SWAT (Spartans only), Elite Slayer (Elites only) and of course Invasion. Save any gametype from matchmaking and it'll force players to be one species or another
Don't forget Slayer Pro OT: I was sure most people knew about this, but good work posting it anyways.
Thankyou very much for including this. The differences between Spartans and elites really can ruin some maps. Usually it's the elites that get all the **** from the guys on pg1 just cuz they're aliens. Now only if I can find a way to set infection to elite only. Yay virtual racism in halo FTW
WHile that is an effective way to rid ourselves of the slit jawed star headed jerks we all know and love, if you simply don't have time or are just too lazy, make an honor rule. If some stupid idiot wants to disobey it, then they can.... of course it will be in their own game, by themselves, with the screen announcement