1. Forget about the bases, the sniper has not been an issue so far. 2. Yes, there were turrets. I went into Halo 2 with all settings on map default, and there were turrets. Turrets can also be removed under the "game options" menu, just like in Halo 2. 3. Rocket Hogs were added to replace the over-powered Gauss Hog. People suggested the Rocket Hog. 4. I haven't had an issue so far. I'd rather have the awesome layout of the Coagulation base over a one story base. Also, the "killing ramp" actually provides some cover from the sides, and only takes 2-3 seconds to climb. 5. Frame rate drop in custom games is minimal. It lags in Forge because it has to load more objects. This is a slight issue, but in general people have told me not to worry about it. 6. If you are talking about the ramps to the left, I know they are uneven, we did the best we could with the terrain. It is smooth enough to walk up so that gameplay isn't affected that much. Once again you are assuming. Play a match with 12 or so players, and even teams in terms of skill. If you don't have fun, there is something wrong with you. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Well that's unfortunate. The map must not have been all that impressive if it is no longer in his file share. I know ill be keeping mine up for a while.
to paragon fury I don't understand why you have taken such offence to the map which Dan and I put so much time into. dan asked me to assist him into building a correct and detailed remake of coagulation. now i don't own halo 2 but i have played it, and Coagulation was my favorite map. Dan and i put a lot of time into this map that could have been spent in matchmaking. I don't get why you have decided to be so pickey with our map considering what you have for a motto at the end of your posts. we can't get every facet and detail 100% correct because we aren't bungie, and don't have a terrain editor, otherwise we could have left the positionof the base, and just constructed the garage. every remake dan and i checked out had some sort of ramp that they had to go up, because of the basement. in my mind that's what made Coagulation. Because blood gulch didn't have the garage with the banshee and really cool structure. now there are several reasons we made the changes we did. 1. The gauss hog is too powerful, and there is now way to change the damage of specific vehicles, so we put in the rocket hog 2. the sniper is also too powerful , so we decreased the amount of ammo it had, and made it's spawn time equal with the banshee to be used as an anti banshee device. in halo 2 it took 2 full clips of sniper bullets/8 shots to destroy a banshee, it takes only 5 in Reach 3. because we added the basement (as bungie did from blood gulch to turn it into Coagulation) we are forced to ramp it up we don't have terrain editor tools, and are not able to bring the level of the ground down. and we could not have been as creative as the maker of hematoma with the rocks because we had to remake the rock garden. if you thought overkill vr had a great coagulation remake, how did he deal with the basement? and i think you also mentioned you made a remake, how did you deal with the problem? 4. We use classic gametypes only to illiminate armor abilities, and we had to use a custom powerup to act as active cammo, and it may be a pain to set that up at first, but the active cammo powerup doesn't last as long as it did in halo 2. my point being, is that it is impossible to turn Hemorrhage into Coagulation without being Bungie, now i have seen some really good remakes, but they didn't include the details that we put into the map. Dan and i spent countless hours making sure we got as close to Coagulation as we possibly could. and Just because dan and I thought a map maker didn't get it right, or include as much detail into the map, we didn't go desecrate and fill their forgehub page with negative feedback. In the professional world you need to respect everyone, and if they are wrong, you need to be tactful when correcting them. I do not appreciate all your negativity, and if you are going to make another malevolent post, don't do it on our page...better yet, don't make another malevolent post at all. It isn't professional, it isn't respectful. It's actually quite childish. When posting on our page please be mature and respectful. ~Rupertajm89
Let's not start a brawl in this thread please. Keep feedback constructive and respectful, or don't give feedback at all. I have my eye on this thread.
1: Its not desecration. Its telling the truth. Positive feedback is basically useless; you learn more from losing than winning, and you learn more from being criticized than you do from being complimented. I don't go into people's threads or in-game to tongue-wash them; when you put something up for opinion or feedback, you cannot complain when someone tells what they actually think. Its the only way for the map to become any better. Being forced to defend your position and your idea makes you think about it. Its not a happy feeling, but it works. Would you have preferred I lied to you? And there is the other effect too; if you have someone you know is harsh all the time and usually is nitpick-y, but then compliments something or says its good, then you know you've got something good on your hands. 2: The professional world isn't a rosy-sun-shiny world. Its actually worse; because people won't even tell you what they actually think. Being direct and forward might not win a lot of personal friends in a job, no. But in a lot of jobs, it earns a nicer paycheck. 3: You could've just used another Chaingun 'Hog if you wanted another Warthog. It would've fit just fine. I'm not complaining about the actual Sniper Rifle; I'm talking about how the Sniper, from the base, can see the ENTIRE MAP, has ample cover and easy access to resupply. You're pretty much in the perfect sniping position as soon as you pick up the rifle. Thats generally never a good thing. And in BTB, the Banshee is going to get slaughtered by DMRs and infantry fire on a map as open as the Canyon. The Sniper most likely won't have to spend more than 1 or 2 shots on the Banshee. Overkill used inverted Tin Cups and some rocks to make a nice, smooth transition from the ground to the front entrance, to simulate the ground from Coag. His also didn't come quite so far up as to require as much as yours does. The basement was....the basement. Thats about it. I said I re-did Hemorrhage, not remade Coag. As in, I took Hemorrhage, and using ideas from BG and Coag (and some artistic interpretation) and improved Hemorrhage, not made another map. Hence why my map is called "Hemorrhage Classic" and not Coag or BG. I completely ignored the Banshee and basement in favor of better sight lines and not having to deal with the headache of the Banshee. I never mentioned the Power-Ups; I really don't care about them. They're there in yours....ok.
So you are basically saying that your map is better than ours because it has a better sniper rifle sight line, and no banshee. And anything we say will somehow be put down in favor of your map so ours looks bad. Forget it. It's not worth arguing with you. I've said enough. I'll let people decide what they like.
I did not say mine was better than yours at any point. I said that Coagulation remakes all of the same problem of sight-lines and base construction, and that when attempting to re-make something for Reach that it is better to borrow and adapts ideas, rather than just straight port them. Then when you insisted on it just being for Coag, I compared it to Coag. I didn't compare it to mine, because they're not comparable. They're not even trying to do the same thing.
This is where it ends. Paragon Fury came into this thread to state his very valid opinion about this map, and took the heat for it. That is not in anyway an acceptable way to disagree with somebody's opinion. Stop. Any other discussion that is in anyway insulting to somebody else's opinion will be infracted.
Please understand that I wasn't angry because of his opinion, I was frustrated because he was advertising his map on the forum here (he put a link to his map), while putting my map down, which I spent over 30 hours on. That's just not something you do. Are you saying its ok for me to now go on his map and post a link to my map, and put his down? It would have been ok if he said: "I could tell a lot of effort went into this map, but I personally don't like it." Then he could have listed reasons that were Constructive. Most of the reasons he gave were KNOWN ERRORS, which are IMPOSSIBLE TO FIX, such as the map sight lines due to the two story bases, or the terrain differences between Halo 2 and Halo Reach. This means his arguments were counter-productive. I thought this site was about using Constructive criticism that HELPS people, not that puts them down. I guess I was wrong. If this is the way this website handles these situations, then I will take my business elsewhere. I am very disappointed with the way I have been treated. Posted by Paragon Fury: How is this helpful? He is saying that my map shouldn't have even been made. He is also manipulating you as a moderator because he is actually referring to his map in this quote indirectly, by saying "It is better to borrow and adapt ideas," which is what his map did. That is fine. That is a valid opinion. But that is not what my map was trying to accomplish. I made an accurate remake of Coagulation, not Hemorrhage/Blood Gulch. Had I made a Blood Gulch remake with the errors he presented, then his arguments would have been valid. Counterproductive- adj \-prə-ˈdək-tiv\. Tending to hinder the attainment of a desired goal <violence as a means to achieve an end is counterproductive — W. E. Brock b1930> Taken from: http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/counterproductive
If you genuinely have a problem with him linking to his map purely for an example, then I will go in an edit the link out. I've read through this entire thread, and by the looks of it Paragon has been putting forth his opinion in an acceptable way. I apologize that you do not agree, but what you may think to be well known, others may not. Or what you make think to be insulting, others may think it's constructive. Additionally, I have stated many times that this discussion needs to end. This thread was created for the purpose of discussing this map constructively and respectfully. So if you have any other questions or discrepancies with the way this thread is being moderated, you may take it up with me via PM.
Hey guys, just made a separate version of this map, with "more accurate" terrain. However, it looks tacky, and we need to know which one people like more. You can find the link to download on the update paragraph on the 1st page of this thread. Thanks
i understand this is a remake but the remake is too simplistic all you did was add a few rocks rebuild some bases and places weapons and vehicles. i believe you should generate some ideas of your own.
It might appear like we didn't add much but we did; in fact we ran out of budget. If you follow the link in the first paragraph of this thread, you will see what happened when we tried to improvise. I don't know if you ever played Coagulation in Halo 2, but this map is basically a copy, which is what we were going for. And believe me "adding a few rocks" is a lot harder and time consuming than it looks. I'm not sure what else we could have done with the map, we were out of budget. Also trust me, I have generated ideas of my own. I made 6 or 7 other maps, all invasion, all with at least 15 hours worth of work put into them. Anyways, thanks for the feedback!
If you're trying to make this the best possible map it can possibly be for everyone who plays it, the custom powerup (while more efficiently like the old camo) is a poor choice. Your map is going to get around, and people are going to save it from playing it in customs or just come in here, look at the pics and download and leave. Only a small percentage are going to literally stop what they're doing, and go edit the custom power up traits EVERY time they play this. The new slayer gametype released in matchmaking improved the camo and overshield traits. I used camo in my most recent map, and it was still effective. The map even got featured. Just something to think about in the wide variety of things.
Looks nice, will check out. I played on a Coagulation map that used Classic Settings and it played great. To the guy above clamoring about make something different, what do you expect? Bungie didn't make a true Coagulation remake, and this is more akin to that.
Thanks for the input I will certainly consider it! However, I am likely going to post a custom gametype with the settings already fixed with the final release of the map. The final release will feature an improved ramp that will allow players to climb from all sides. I am going to mix the ideas I had with the "terrain" version of the map (the most recent attempt at fixing the terrain issue, there is a forgehub page on it if your interested, the link is on the front paragraph of this thread). I am going to scrap that version because it looked incredibly cheesy and the walls made controlling the warthogs akward. With the final release, I am going to be more inconspicuous with the aesthetics, bringing improved gameplay that is easy on the eyes. What I will be going for, is rather than an odd emulation of Halo 2's terrain, I am going to treat this as more of a third "Blood Gulch." So, where Halo 2's "Coagulation" was a dug out version of Blood Gulch, this is the third version. It is basically the same, except the bases are simply more uncovered, as if the digging continued past Halo 2, and this is just the future version of the Halo 2 map. I will also be sure to add the "indents" from Halo 2, which allowed players to hide. I have found a way to budget the map better to allow this addition to the old version of the map. I will also replace the rockethog with regular warthog for the banshee version, and I will make a version with Falcons and keep one rockethog on that one. I am going to start the changes tonight, check back then or tomorrow for the final version. I know I have said that before but this will likely be the final version of the remake, unless anything else reasonable is suggested.
Remake of a remake Ladies and gentlemen, Dansq and i spent a lot of time making sure every last detail was amde correct, we changed the ramps in the front and we made changes to the struts
Hello everyone! I just wanted to ask if people downloading the final version of this map could please give some feeback if possible. It would be greatly appreciated. We are no longer going to edit this map unless there is something reasonable that people are complaining about. If there is something you would like improved, please let us know anyways, as we will consider it. IMPORTANT: If anyone finds an error with the map PLEASE LET US KNOW RIGHT AWAY, so that we can fix the map and re-upload it early, before we get too many downloads.
feedback hey everyone just wanted some feedback on whether or not hte changes are better that what we had done
Hey, Jeremiah has made an update to the current matchmaking gametypes which make the actice camo power up work like it used to in Halo 3. If you got a hold of these and used them for a gametype you could swap out your custom power up for the active camo power up. Just a heads up.