I've been incredibly busy and haven't been able to finish my maps, as i come up with new ones all the time. Gotta finish those. That probably isn't interesting to you, anyway. For the map, i've been thinking of having a map with 3 or 4 battlefields next to eachother, separated by grids with different types of vehicles on each "field". I have encountered some problems with that. Which gametype should i use? I got another version of this idea a few days ago? When i was a kid, and didn't own my belowed Xbox, i played online games. I remember Age of War being particularly funny. if you haven't played it, well, here's the layout Two bases, with guard towers in each, and a no mans land in the middle, where the units you and the enemy build walkin a straight line until they meet eachother. Then they fight with guns/rocks/swords, they start shooting/beating it, and eventually, it dies. There are also different types of units in the 2nd game: I have several different gametypes in mind, but don't know which one is the best: flag gametypes, headhunter, spartan skirmish, or just normal slayer? Any ideas or thoughts?
I'm already half done a map remaking age of war 1. Headhunter is an interesting idea. Maybe we can help eachother out of you send me a message very soon or tommorow
I made a game somewhat base off of this, but used it in the assault/defense way as that's how invasion works. Now it wasn't based off of the game, but it was somewhat similar. It's in my sig if you want a look, but the best gametype would probably be an invasion based one due to it's 3 phases.
Well, live in Sweden so it might be some problems about time zones, but i'll send you a friend request and i can forge with you as long as both of us are online. [br][/br]Edited by merge: For the classes, i've thought and i came up with this: Gods Wrath. Splazer, 1000% hp Armored Combat Suit. Plasma repeater/rifle, 200-300% hp Spider Blade. Energy sword, sprint I know they're all from the futuristic age, but halo is futuristic, so it's hard to come up with variation.