
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by ProHaloForger, Mar 9, 2011.

  1. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

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    This is a clip showing some of our first gameplay on the map on this channel you can also see videos of my other maps and links to them.

    Description- The map is a medium to large sized map that is meant to in a way confuse you. What you think one minute is a mere wall can next turn into floor, then windows turn to doors and you get the general idea. The map is made to resemble an old space station because if you look outside from the bottom level shield door you can see a spacecraft outside. Now that you have the theme I can explain in further detail. The map has a large centerpice around which the rest is built. This then has four paths that lead to the confusing coridoors and structures that cling to the outline of the map. These are all connected and then if you wish to go to the bottom floor you simply jump. This area is meant to resemble a sort of cargo bay/equiptment area. That is the general gist of it although remember if you play it jetpacks are key as they unlock whole new battling areas. This seems to be a large map when you first get your boots on the ground however you can access areas very quickly and easily .
    Here is the centerpiece from which you can see the branching platforms.
    Another view of the center platform from a side view.
    Here is the spaceship located outside the map that looks to be landing.
    Two of the platforms lead to structures like this (one for each teams base) and these are the only parts of the map where you wont be wondering which way is up.
    Finally a simple view of one of the confusing hallways within.

    -8 DMRs
    -2 Snipers
    -1 Spartain laser
    -1 Shotgun
    Anything else get from your loadout.
    #1 ProHaloForger, Mar 9, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 9, 2011
  2. Mulelish21

    Mulelish21 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yea I love/HATE Distortion remakes from halo 3. They're super fun for the first few minutes then the headache steps in and you want to punch your tv. This map looks solid though, I like your use of pre made buildings, its hard to use those successfully.
  3. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

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    Yeah this map isnt as confusing as most with twisting walkways and gravity lifts everywhere you turn it is actually playable.
  4. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    so now are you saying that you can actually walk on the walls like in that one forgeworld vid from bungie?

    If so then great job.
  5. ProHaloForger

    ProHaloForger Forerunner

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    Yes thats what im saying!

    Yeah they are very difficult to build but this map is more like half and half but those who use walls and not floors tend to succeed more. However, if maps are too confusing people cant even barely play which is why its a mixture of a regular slayer map and a distortion map. :) Blaarg

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