Okay, at some point I'm sure everyone here has had an idea for a map that's really good, but they know it can never come to fruition because of the constraints of Forge World, the Forge system or even Halo's mechanics. I've had one recently, being a kind of mix between Sandtrap and Tempest that essentially had a giant tunnel running underneath the sand dunes of the map, leading directly to the enemy's base in a vehicle free passage but also one likely fraught with infantry. I've been doing some sketch work of the idea, and I might have some pictures up in the next week if I'm not too busy. If anyone else has any work they'd like to show us, like concept sketches for impossible maps or perhaps ones that they've simply lost the inclination to make, then I think it'd be a good idea to post them all in a thread of some kind, a scrapbook of what could have been.
I tried not long ago to make a full RTS game with big drop ships and a massive city. Too little space, budget and a lack of any decent movable objects.
Most of my forge ideas are impossible to realize, sadly. I love and appreciate Forge but it turns out that whatever capabilities I am given, I really want five times that. Just to cite one example, I made a map a while back called Canals of Venice which has some canals you can drive or walk in and a few scattered structures. But my original idea was going to be more like a real city, with outlying aesthetic-only buildings, and more actual buildings in the map itself that you could go in and on top of. What I quickly found was that just laying out the basic area I wanted to use so that the canals would be as large and long as I wanted was going to eat up so much of my budget and allowable objects, that I could never come close to doing the map the way I wanted to. When it comes down to it, I really need a full-on map editor, and Forge is a way of plopping some stuff in a pre-existing space. The more complete your vision, the less likely it becomes that you can actually realize it - and even if you do it may well be afflicted by framerate lag.
Its far from Impossible, just making it the way I want it is just....well impossible. Im trying to forge the Vivec temples from morrowind, and they're just impossible to make and look decent. And just making a small one that looks semi decent takes up all the budget.
I actually started to work on a map like that picture with the stairs you got on your thread. with some decent planning and testing I think I can pull it of.