Heyy ForgeHub, I'm Xaybiance, or Xay for some. I've been lurking and stalking the site for some time now, but now I've finally decided to join the madness . Forging has become one the most exciting things for me to do in my spare time, other than Custom Games and Matchmaking (of which I don't usually play >_<). But lately, my inspiration during various sessions in Forge have been dying out. I barely have a map finished. So if anyone would be so kind as to help me out once in a while, I'd appreciate it. But anyways, happy to be here! So see ya'll soon! P.S. My gamertag is Xaybiance, for anyone who couldn't guess XD.
Unlike Nemihara, I'll gladly say welcome to Forgehub and all it's glory. I believe that you hit a nerve with saying Aloha. Anyways, looking at some maps, I'm sure you can get ideas. Also, don't forget to take a look at the Forging 101 forum. They have some great tips for new forgers. Also, I might send you a FR, and talk to my group about you joining if you would like. I hope you have all the luck on your maps.
Indeed! And to answer you, Nemihara, I used to live in Hawaii for a while. So the word simply stood in my head. And Juggernaut448, I've taken few looks at the Forging 101 thread. They have some very great techniques! Also, go ahead and send me a FR if you want, I have space
Nah, it's cool. I just like screwing with random people. Plus, the hula teacher at my school repeatedly makes lectures in school gatherings on the 'bastardization' of the word, and I thought it was funny.
Welcome to forgehub lol nemi is never serious... or is he lol Welcome welcome i'll forge with u sometime if u want
LOLOLOLSOISOISOI!!!! God damn Nemihara, some of the things you say are so god damn funny. I couldn't stop laughing after reading that comment XD
Not really, Reyn. (It's weird talking to someone who has your name, lol) I kinda just was wondering, and since most people assume 'Aloha' means 'hello', I had to make sure.