Bunker Complex THE MAP HAS NOW BEEN CENTERED AROUND INVASION -it will soon be posted on forgehub and just needs some minor tweaking Here the covenant try to storm the bunker entrance as the humans desperately try to hold them off. This phase is medium sized and pays close attention to balance. Initially elites swarm forward on foot (armed with holograms) to make a massive first assault while the humans must quickly roll in with their two warthogs. Phase Overview: These do well to hold the tide back and allow the humans to position themselves by the entrance and man the turret there. The covenant are then given a pair of ghosts which allows them to take on the remaining warthogs if they have not been already taken out. Elites can choose to spawn with a plasma pistol which serves them well in taking out human vehicles. Warthogs and ghosts will respawn for both teams throughout this phase although the ghosts are on a respawn timer which is about 10 seconds shorter. Halfway through the first phase, the elites are armed with a wraith. This allows them to bombard the humans from a distance and get rid of any significant resistance. It is however not overpowered as the humans can simply retreat slightly back into their base or sneak around the side and board the covenant tank. VIDEO: YouTube - Bunker Complex (Phase 1) /classified /classified INFECTION The map has also been designed to handle infection exceptionally well Details Spoiler Below are several overview shots I made to give you all a better understanding of the map. Because the bulk of the base is underground and is made up of three levels, I was not able to take actual overview screenshots for the inside. Here is the outside of the bunker. Humans spawn at the bottom of the dirt path while the infected spawn to the right of them, on the otherside of the rocks. From the start the humans are being chased and must race to get inside. Tha part of the building at the end of the path holds an elevator shaft that you must use to enter the base. Once inside it is essentially divided up into three levels. The upper most is seen to the left in the image below. From the elevator, you arrive at the top of the overview shot and are faced with a long halway. Here humans can try to make a stand but a teleporter will spawn later into the game to allow the infected to break any potential bottle necks. Halfway along the tunnel is the first exit that one can use to descend furthur into the map. By going down there you will face a relatively open area to hold off attackers. (This can be seen in the top right of the middle diagram) This area has a caved in tunnel and the small room to the left houses an armory with assault rifle ammo and one shotgun. This should be enough to get you fully reloaded and ready to hold this area or move on. From the area described above, there are two routes to go to the back of the base. (these can be seen in the midsection of the middle diagram. The passage on the right of the diagram weaves in and out. The walls cutting across the passage here however have windows in them which allow defenders to shoot at zombies as they make their way over. The passage on the left is relatively more open and has a clearer line of sight. Humans can pick up the scattered pistols on the map and defend this area while keeping a same distance away. The small inlet seen directly below the left tunnel (in the middle diagram) is a small room that has windows looking into the tunnel and the room behind it. The room directly behind the smaller one mentioned above is the control room. It has many aesthetic pieces and serves as the connection between the two tunnels. From here defenders can look through a pair of windows at the left tunnel and post people at the entrance to watch for zombies coming from the right passage. Still looking at the middle diagram, you can see that there is another room left on this level. That room to the bottom right is a storage area. It is a good place to hold out as it contains a turret but there is no ammo here and no way out if zombies are at the door. The main purpose of this room is to allow humans to keep an eye on zombies who may be using a small passage to bypass the two main tunnels. If you look at the diagram to the left again you will see that at the end of the tunnel is a side passage. This leads the infected over the control room and drops them out behind, next to the storage room mentioned previously. Onto the last level. The third level holds a spacious room with several chairs and tables. A shotgun is placed down here as well as a pair of pistols. The third level is a good place for humans to hold out if there are a good amount of survivors. The manuevering room is useful and allows humans to keep their distances if a zombie gets inside. Make sure if you are going to hold out here to bring all the ammo you can. With a way down on either side you dont want to get caught reloading as zombies rush in. Preferably detach the turret in the storage room and bring it here to hold off any mass rushes. And now some action screenshots Spoiler Directly ahead is the bunker. The side building with the rounded top holds the elevators. Humans must fight their way to get inside. The room here is relatively small and humans could attempt to hold out here. No ammo is present above ground so your only choice is to head down. The elevators are inactive so you will have to drop through the broken door and jump from elevator to elevator to reach the bottom. Here is a video of an infection game... Refer to the overview maps above if you are still confused with the layout. The video should help though. -----NOTICE----- In the video humans are seen holding out at the end of a tunnel. This is a video from the testing phase. In the final version this area will be made more vulnerable to attack. YouTube - ZM_Bunker Gameplay 1
This looks absolutely insane. I haven't seen aesthetics this good in an infection map before. Just from watching the video, I really get the feel of this being some sort of underground bunker. It doesn't look like any other map I've seen before. I don't know if I like how bunkered in the humans were able to get at the very end of the video though. There should be a way that isn't necessarily too overpowering that allows the infected to force them to move from that position. Either way, I'm really looking forward to this map. Great job.
yeah the place the humans were camping did seem a bit over powered. With a timed swarm the zombies should be able to knock them out. In the video they were mostly coming from down the hall which meant that they were easier to pick off. In the final version I will definetly tweak this. -pistol ammo will be more limited (those caused most of the kills) -the area humans were holding out in will be made smaller and more exposed
Sounds good. Is there any chance you'll be testing this tonight? I'd really like to play this with some friends.
Ill be testing this again over the weekend. Probably the regular infection version, the safe havens version, and the invasion version. If we have room and you are free then it would be great to have you help us test it. Just pm me and we can try to set something up.
Best infection map I have seen yet in reach. The elevators and overall asthetics are genius, and it looks like you spent a lot of time making sure it is balanced. I would love to test this. My GT is coolaid55. Send me a PM on here or a message over xbox live if you need help testing. PS The video is not working for me, but it might be my borderline retarded laptop.
yeah sure ill try to keep track of who would like to test it. This weekend ill probably do some testing friday night and saturday night. Its still abit up in the air but ill see who is on that wanted to test from this site. Otherwise ive got a friend who can easily fill a customs party. For the video, its just an embedded you tube video. If it doesnt work here then try it on youtube directly i guess. Search ZM_Bunker gameplay
Oh my god, I was watching the video for this and literally thought "****, this is the best infection map I've ever seen" when you were all running across the field, and THEN you all dropped down the elevator shaft and the zombies followed. Pure genius. It's a shame that the map seems to turn into a camp fest at the end, perhaps a series of passageways connecting up like a maze would lead to more tense gameplay.
yeah everything is great in the beggining and has basically an amazing chase feel to it. At the bottom it does have the potential to turn into some sort of camping problem. Basically every area has been balanced except for the spot in the video. It has the most potential to be camped so players are drawn to it. In the final version this will be fixed and so the only way to camp would be by using teamwork and coordination rather than holing up in a corner. Thanks for the feedback
You know, if you submit this to the tester's guild I'd be very happy to get a party of 12 together to play this some time, and we can all post detailed feedback on it to help you get the right feel.
It looks damn good. I actually got to walk around in after I dropped in (uninvited) into a game by Oakley Hidef. Its damn good, and I think it would make a pretty good Invasion map, but that would require some major re-arrangements and thinking.
Ive actually been working on that behind the scenes and am almost ready to present the whole thing which has now been revamped for Invasion. The OP now includes gameplay of the first phase
I'm not sure how happy you are with gameplay, but it seems like giving the spartans two or three mongooses for the first round would give anyone left behind by the warthogs a much better chance of survival. Since mongooses don't have much offensive capability you can put them on low respawn time and give spartans a much greater effective range.
Im pretty low on money but could trim a bit of the map to manage this. I dont think I will though. When the humans initially spawn next to the warthogs it is placed close enough to the bunker entrance. Those who dont get into the warthogs can use sprint and be there in 5 seconds. The timing of this has been worked out to ensure that the elites make it to the 1st objective a little after the humans on foot make it there. It is up to the initial warthog gunners to keep this atack at bay and allow the humans to settle into a defence. The humans can later choose to respawn inside the bunker. This way they can more easily stop a rush but this severely limits their offensive capabilities. If for example the humans all spawn inside, the elites can move up their wraith and bombard the inside while elites constantly spawn on fireteams and charge the entrance. If the humans want to go on the offense in order to improve their defence, they can spawn at their initial spawn point and grab the warthogs which spawn there. The spacing of everything has been though out and balanced. I dont think mongeese would do much to improve gameplay
this looks awesome! love the reversing of invasion there with going from mid/large range combat to close quarters and the cones for the elevator buttons are a nice touch I was worried halfway through the video that the bunker would be to much of a issue but it looks good, one question though, where is the zombies spawn point because it looks to far away that it would take you to long to get back in the bunker.
I have to say, this is an excellent map in its lower portions. The first part was disappointing in its aesthetics and its gameplay. I didn't particularly care for how quickly the humans were able to jump into the warthogs and start dominating. I think maybe spawning them near the elevator shaft would give the Elites time to get up into the kill zone and add a hint of desperation to the Spartan's actions. They are the defenders; they should be defending. Your aesthetics were gorgeous. Like another commenter said, I really felt as if I was watching a battle in a true underground bunker. The above ground facility could be pepped up a tad, I think. Possibly some damage or destruction on the building's currently smooth exterior would add some visual flair and interest. Overall, one of the best maps I've seen on ForgeHub. And it's just a preview!
In the infection mode, everyone originally spawns outside. The humans are slightly closer to the zombies who are immediately able to chase them. Once a zombie is killed they will respawn closer to the bunker, along the main road, and continue to chase the humans. In order to keep gameplay moving, teleporters spawn at the top of the map a little more than a minuite in. At this point the humans have been chased downstairs and the zombies can now use the teleporters to gain easier access to the underground section. I will admit that I put most of the effort, and money, into the underground section of the map. The top as a result is relatively bare but this had to be done in order to conserve items. I think it still successfully conveys the feeling that this is a large base with more to it than meets the eye. It is in fact only a facade as only a front wall and roof exist with the rest being left to the imagination. Maybe however I will try to go back and squeeze some budget out to make it look more destroyed and detailed. As for the gameplay in the first phase, it is actually my favorite part because there is alot of give and take. Initially the humans do get an advantage and must rush to the base in warthogs. The elites on the other hand must attempt a mass charge through sheer strength of numbers as they have not yet been given their power weapons yet. This first part has a very cinematic feel to it which I like alot. The warthogs may seem overpowered at first but elites can choose to spawn with a plasma pistol to slow down the rampant defenders. To help them they get ghosts at 45 seconds and a plasma launcher at 90 seconds. Later on at 110 seconds they get a wraith. This increasingly makes the warthogs less of a threat and tips the scales in the elites favor as time goes on. Maybe I will increase the respawn times of the warthogs a bit. I do however want the humans to have the ability to go on the offense if they see the opportunity. After all a good offense is a good defense. In my tests I have not found the warthogs to be overpowered but I will look into this
Being who I am, I'll have to comment on the infection portion of this. You mentioned that magnum ammo will be limited, so that's a great start. On your other map I mentioned that you should probably reconsider evade for humans. I find that in infection games, if humans can ever be faster than zombies, it causes an unfair advantage. The great thing about sprint, however, is that if humans need to get away, they must turn their back to the horde, adding to the suspense built by the gametype. However, if you feel as if evade is too essential to the gametype, I'd remove the motion tracker, or at least make it 10m. As realism should play a high part in any infection game, it wouldn't be too believable that the survivors would know exactly where an infected is so long as they're within a 25m radius. Ultimately it's up to you, but those are just some of the basic concepts thaat I believe should be altered. Otherwise, the map does look great. I was kind of shocked at how deep and elaborate the bunker was. Oh, and as a side-note, while it is the biggest part of the map, what's forcing the survivors into the bunker? It seems that the chances of survival would be much greater in a more open area. Ammo constraints seem to be the most logical reason, but at the start AR's have quite a lot of ammo.
Yeah ive been thinking about removing the evade loadout for a while and you seem to have convinced me to get rid of it. It does detract from realism and can give the humans an unfair dodging advantage. Also as you said, having to turn your back on a zombie to use sprint also increases the suspense. About the map: The humans are actually restricted to the central road by infection only soft kill zones. These keep them from wandering off and getting an advantage from the open fields. I guess the humans could stay up top for a while but with the zombie spawns lined up on both sides of the road they will soon be overwhelmed. Also ammo will begin to run out soon enough. Another thing to note is that the initial part of the game really has a chase feel. Everytime ive played the humans sprint for the bunker and move as a pack. Sometimes someone will look back to shoot the nearest zombie but everyone else usually keeps moving. Because of this anyone who lags behind is immediately at a disadvantage because no one really wants to stick around to cover them. You really get a sense that you have to keep moving. Also the gametype has two starting zombies so any player or small group can be relatively easily caught off guard
The underground bunker section looks awesome, perfect for infection with some tweaking to prevent excessive camping. The beginning however is a little dull seeing as there is only one entrance to the complex, maybe add a second door and some windows. I'm impressed at how cool the interior looks with your budget and how you incorporated the rocks.