Ready for some popcorn? Rally or Rocket Race around this fun arena-style map. The kill-balls are popping up and down over the only bridges. Do you wait or do you go for it? It's your choice! This map is similar to the map "Tic Tac Death" but is much more vertical. Rally with 5 players is the recommended number but it does support up to 16. Pictures and Video: The inter workings. Not a very safe bridge. YouTube - "Popcorn" Halo Reach Rally & Rocket Race Map Download: : Halo Reach : File Details
This is a really sweet idea. The gameplay just from the video gave me goosebumps, knowing that at any moment you could cross and a kill ball could pop out and kill you. Definitely a nice twist to both rocket race and rally. The map itself looks nicely forged and clean. Overall great map if you're ever up for a custom game my gamer tag is X2Sora.
thats fantastic. i loved tic tac death, which is basically the same thing except the kill balls roll between blocks. this looks just as fun. you have my DL
very good idea indeed you should be proud of it,i bet it would get a lot of dl including mine of cours!!gona ask my party leader to play it,how does it play with 16 players?
I work closely with the creator of Tic Tac Death, he was the 1st person to help me test this new map. Stay tuned for more great rally maps from us. I share my youtube account with him. It's in my signature. The only problem with 16 players is that some people will have a hard time getting the rally points. This is a problem with the rally game-type in general, but it becomes more prominent in a smaller map like this.
lol LOVE IT, but I would try to fix that hole cause i constantly found myself getting stuck on them, then "BOOM" dead lol. Other than that it's original, unique, fun, and has lots of replay value!
It looks as if initial impressions proved correct! I downloaded and played last night and to my delight It was a flowing and consistently entertaining race map. Good job bro!