I was testing a map in custom games today, and I noticed that whenever I walked towards a coliseum window it would disappear. and if I backed away from it it would reappear, I walked against the coliseum window and it seemed like an invisable barrier. Only one of the windows was doing this on my map, does anyone know what causes this or how to fix it?
Have you by any chance built this in the collesium/quarry/montana? It's caused when the item is pushed through the reset barrier and comes back into play on the other side of the map (vertically) It was noted down as a unique forge glitch to allow you to make like inverse shield doors (invisible, bullets can pass through, players/vehicles cant) etc... It's most likely what's occurring with your map.
I made it in the large cave by the Island. And when I go to pick up the Window the reticule doesn't turn green, and the game thinks as if it's not there. Any possible way to get rid of it other than using the "delete all of these option"?
That seems like it could lend itself to a good map if used properly, however its probably very annoying right now, no idea how to get rid of it other than the delete all option. Hope you dont have multiple of it that will get deleted...
Try looking in the cave roof to see if it is poking out of it. I 'discovered' this glitch and posted it in the Reach Tips 'n' Tricks thread. (I say 'discovered' becasue others have come across it, but I worked out how to guarantee it). Aside from that, delete all is your only option.
Assign gametype labels to all other Coliseum Windows, spawn a new one, and then do Delete All Of These. That oughta ensure that you don't lose any other windows on the map. (Remove the labels when you're done!)
I just did this with a platform xl on the side of the mountain in paradiso. I think it may be caused when two parts of the same object are in completely separate places, and the reference point is merged. It occured for me on paradise when the platform piece was merged near the choke point between the cave side base and the laser base on paradiso. Also here is noklu's explanation. We need to figure out what causes this so we can exploit it.