
Discussion in 'Reach Gametypes' started by VMaikel, Oct 29, 2010.

  1. VMaikel

    VMaikel Forerunner

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    Hunters are your only enemies. You have to kill 30 of them to win.





    Skulls: None
    Drop ships: Disabled

    Wave limit: one set
    Time limit: No limit

    Generators: Disabled
    Hazards: Disabled
    Weapon drops: Disabled
    Ammo crates: Enabled

    Respawn time: 10
    Starting lives: 15
    Maximum extra lives: None

    Friendly fire: Disabled
    Betrayal booting: Disabled

    Map: Glacier or Outpost
    Players: 1-4[FONT=&quot]
    #1 VMaikel, Oct 29, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2012
  2. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I actually set up something like this myself once or twice. All hunters is very, very fun. Far more fun than all grunts, or all of any other alien actually!

    I have to say, I'm not a huge fan of the loadouts and weapon selections you made up though for some different reasons. I'm just offering constructive criticism however, because like I already said I actually played this myself some already. So here are my critiques:

    1. The biggest one, is the shotgun being in a loadout. Its essentially a power weapon against hunters, and I just don't feel like players should be able to choose a default shotgun from a loudout to use against hunters. I think they should have to take more shots at the hunters so that the hunters are more challening, or have to cross the map for a more powerful weapon perhaps.

    2. Weapon drops. I don't like there being rockets and such to use against hunters. Too bad there's not a way to select what weapons are dropped in weapon drops though, because it would be nice to have a shotgun drop in rather than a rocket for example.

    3. I do like weapon crates being there, especially since they only refill magnums and dmrs.

    4. Loadout 2 shouldn't have a shotgun, especially when paired with active camo in my opinion. I think some interesting alternatives might be a grenade launcher, a concussion rifle, or a spartan laser perhaps. The splaser would be very interesting paired with camo actually since it would make the player visible before firing, although on the other hand it is also very, very powerful...

    5. I like loadout 4 a lot. I think those weapons matched with the hologram is an excellent balance between weapons and the armor ability.

    6. A loadout with sprint and/or a loadout with evade would be a nice addition to the gametype I think, maybe not both, but one would add some fun to the game I think by adding more mobility options while fighting hunters. I think it would be fun to be able to sprint up to hunters, or evade away from them when they try to melee you for example. But having both abilities may add too much mobility I suppose, so I would think evade would be the way to go.

    7. Jetpacks! Jetpacks are so much fun to use when fighting hunters to me. I love jetpacking over their heads while they try to melee me, or blast me with plasma. I really think there needs to be a jet pack loadout. I suggest changing loadout 3 from having a drop shield to having a jetpack.

    What kinds of hunter squads do you have in your gametype? Are they straight hunters, or are some of them squads with other aliens, like grunts, jackals, or elites?

    I think adding in a few squads of hunters with skirmishers for needle rifles or elites for plasma rifles would be a good way of introducing more weapons to players, so that weapon drops could be avoided to keep incredibly powerful weapons like rockets out of the game.

    I'm still thinking about the shotgun though, because it is fun to use against hunters, but I'm not sure about it being in a loadout from the start. I guess it could be in a loadout, but the loadout could only be helpful for the shotgun, and the other weapon and the armor ability could be pretty much useless to balance out the loadout perhaps.

    If you want to work on a gametype with me for a hunterpocalypse like firefight gametype, I would love to talk with you about it.


    Also, what's your feeling about hazards being on? A sniper now and then might be nice to change the gameplay around a bit, but I think hazards also send in those drop pod things of brutes or something too... I don't know for sure. I haven't checked that out in firefight. A sniper from time to time might be fun since all hunters has far less aliens to fight than all of any other kind of alien, and it would make it feel different than say gruntpocalypse.
    #2 eating lunch, Dec 19, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 19, 2010
  3. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    What the hell are you talking about?

    1. With ONLY Hunters there spawn like 12 per phase so there is nothing wrong with a Shotgun Loadout.

    2. Ammo Crate refills everything except Rocket Launcher, Splaser and Sniper.

    And to the creator:

    1. He IS right about Evader and Jetpack. Add it please.

    2. I think Infinite Ammo(not Bottomless Clip) would be good but then you should remove Weapon Drops.

    3. Make a Loadout with Evade and Grenade Launcher. That would be nice.
  4. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Settle down lol.

    I said a shotgun loadout is ok since thats the only way I know of to put a shotgun in the game. I still think that loadout should have a weaker secondary weapon to balance it though, and maybe a weaker ability too. Maybe I just use the shotgun against hunters more than other people I guess. I just know to me, against hunters a shotgun might as well be a rocket launcher, but maybe other people are different.

    I thought ammo crates only refilled the magnum and dmr, my bad, its not a big deal lol. All the matchmaking firefight gametypes usually give you those weapons, so I probably haven't reloaded other weapons from weapon crates very many times.

    I agree with your loadout idea for a grenade launcher and evade, that sounds like a good combination to me.
  5. P1MPxSLaSH

    P1MPxSLaSH Forerunner

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    yes I've made a hunterpocalypse near the time when Reach came out xD for anyone playing Hunterpocalypse, get ready to **** your pants in the bonus round!
  6. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    I've been playing around with this idea of all Hunters for a day or two now, and I haven't really found what settings I like best yet. I tried the gametype settings you made Vmaikel, but some of the loadouts felt very powerful while others felt totally helpless to me. I tried using the hologram loadout, but I felt like the plasma rifle and plasma pistol couldn't even scratch the hunters because I just kept dying.

    I have settled on the armor abilities I prefer however.

    Jet Pack
    Armor Lock

    These are absolutely the armor abilities I think a Hunterpocalypse gametype needs. Using evade and sprint against the hunters is really fun to me. Evade seems very, very powerful against them.

    As far as weapons go, I'm not sure of what weapons I like best yet, and if I'm in favor of setting the weapons for players in the loadouts, or just leaving the weapons unchanged so they can use default weapons, or choose their own weapons, leaving the weapons the same for all loadouts and of the player's own choice.

    I'm leaning to just leaving the loadouts' weapons unchanged right now. Then the player can pick the starting weapons themselves. Thats how Gruntpocalypse is set up actually.

    And I'm leaning towards preferring having weapon drops turned on as well.

    The laser and grenade launcher seem extremely effective against hunters for me. I've had fun using the sniper rifle combined with sprint against them too though. Its not nearly as effective for me, but its fun to sprint past them when they melee and then snipe them two or three times in their backs.

    I also checked out the different kinds of hunter squads there are to choose from in the game options menu. Here's what they all are exactly:

    Hunters: Just hunters, I think the number of them is double the number of hunters in the other squads, since the other squads have both hunters and other kinds of aliens.

    Hunter Patrol: Grunts tag along carrying plasma pistols, fuel rod cannons, needlers, and plasma launchers.

    Hunter Infantry: Jackals tag along carrying plasma pistols and needle rifles.

    Hunter Tactical: Skirmishers tag along... lots of skirmishers. Lots of them.

    Hunter Strike Team: Both Grunts and Elites tag along, but there are barely any Hunters.

    Hunter Kill Team: Grunts and Elites again, but this time the Elites have red armor instead of white armor. I guess the Grunts and Elites in this squad are far more bad-a$$. I didn't notice what the difference was other than the elites' armor. And there are barely any Hunters again.

    Those are the different kinds of Hunters to choose from, or really, the different kinds of aliens you can choose to have show up with them. From what I have played so far, I think the gameplay is far better and more enjoyable if some of these aliens are mixed in with the Hunters from time to time because all hunters all the time seems to get a bit dull.

    And you don't get that many kills with nothing but hunters because the number of them makes it challenging to get an opportunity to shoot their backs. I guess if you use power weapons like rockets and lasers a lot you could still get a lot of kills with all hunters though.

    It surprised me that Hunters can take 3 rockets though. So I'm not sure if even rockets are extremely helpful against all hunters, unless infinite ammo is turned on. But the laser works great. Its easy to kill 7 hunters with the laser since they line up behind each other lots of times, giving you an easy double kill now and then.

    I felt like my favorite alien to fight along with the hunters were skirmishers because they move around a lot, which mixes up the gameplay a lot since the hunters stand still most of the time. The downside is that when you pick hunters with skirmishers, not many hunters show up, and tons of skirmishers do.

    That sums up what I have decided I like so far from playing a bunch of firefight with tons of hunters yesterday and today. I'm going to keep playing around with it until I figure out what I like best. I haven't even gotten into other options like skulls and so on yet lol.


    Something I forgot to mention was active camo/ cloaking. I tested out that armor ability, and unless you remain perfectly still while invisible, the Hunters almost always see you. Even if you move as slow as possible while crouched, you can't turn at all or the hunters will spot you. And if you move any faster than the slowest possible movement speed while crouched, the hunters will see you. So invisibility seems to be completely useless against hunters to me. I tried to use it again and again, and I just could not sneak up on a hunter while using cloaking.
    #6 eating lunch, Dec 21, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2010
  7. VMaikel

    VMaikel Forerunner

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    I´m going to test the game with your (eating lunch) suggestions. But i only make Hunters in the game, and no grenade launcher because that's to powerful.


    I have updated the gametype.
    #7 VMaikel, Dec 27, 2010
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2010
  8. eating lunch

    eating lunch Ancient

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    Yeah the grenade launcher is pretty powerful against hunters, maybe even more powerful than rockets since you can carry more shots.

    Personally I wouldn't set weapons in the loadouts if you're going to call this Hunterpocalypse though, because in Gruntpocalypse the loadouts don't have set weapons, it just uses whatever you have the default set as.

    I also played all hunters on my favorite maps, Corvette and Courtyard, and it seemed to play well on those maps to me, especially Corvette. But again like weapons I wouldn't be trying to restrict maps.

    If you want to make your gametype the hunter equivalent of Gruntpocalypse, its going to be fairly simple because Gruntpocalypse is a pretty standard, default game other than there just being only Grunts to fight. I don't think much else about it is unique really.

    There may be some small differences due to Hunters being very different to fight than Grunts though.

    I'm going to try out your new settings soon and see how I like them.
  9. VMaikel

    VMaikel Forerunner

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    This game isn't [FONT=&quot]supposed [/FONT] to be a Hunter variant of Gruntpocalipse. but just what the name says Hunters only, so the weapons are good.
  10. robbieagray

    robbieagray Forerunner

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    shotgun and grenade launcher couldn't hurt the game if you ask me. Perhaps a sniper rifle would be nice to.
  11. VMaikel

    VMaikel Forerunner

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    A shotgun or grenade launcher would make it to easy to kill a Hunter. And you can't refill a sniper with ammo crates, so it would be worthless to choice a loudout with 8 sniper bullets.
  12. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    It are 12. And it's a price people pay: You can kill a few Hunters with ease but then not anymore and your forced to use your Secondary.

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