If you like small arena maps, you'll love Dominion V2. It's the perfect small group warm up map. Now supports FFA, Headhunter and Stockpile. V2 is tuned and improved based on 1 Metric ass-ton of feedback. Big thanks to ForgeHub and the olde Beavmatron group for HOURS of playtesting. \m/ Minor frame rate issues in some views fixed. Movement improvements, design efficiency and details were a big part of V2. The top levels are opened up. The inverted large platforms are gone in favor of smaller Y platforms and then everything realigned. Man cannons fine tuned and detail items like color coded objects for neutral and FFA games are part of the update. Almost 1K large Forge bucks put back in the Forge bank. Dominion V2 is a small, symmetrical arena-style map designed for 1v1, 2v2 to 4v4 Team Slayer, FFA, CTF, KOTH, Oddball, Headhunter and Stockpile. Red and Blue have opposing covered bases while Green and Yellow have opposing uncovered bases on the top-most levels. A four-way intersection under the floor of the colosseum is host to the shotty and leads to color coded grav lifts and teleporters which take you back to the bases. Try static hill with 4v4, oddball or multi flag! Players: 2-8 Gametypes: FFA, Slayer, KOTH, CTF, Oddball, Headhunter, Stockpile DMR: 6 Sniper Rifle: 1 Shotgun: 1 Grenade Launcher: 1 Needler: 1 Needle Rifle: 1
I think you may need to add a description or some comments on the map yourself otherwise this post could be locked. But it's great to see a video and a bunch of pics The map looks great, I love symetrical arena type maps, kinda reminds me of midship a little. Will probably download later to give it a spin.
Say more. I'm not sure what you mean. I included a summary under the update information and if pictures speak louder than words videos scream. Anyway, it's small, balanced, symmetrical and the vid shows the entire map. Midship was definitely inspiration. (And I miss it dearly) Good call.
I advise you don't change the coloring of the text. People on Reach Dark Fluid backgrounds can't read it, leaving it as the default text color would be suggested.
I'm so sorry everyone. And thanks to Values and J HaDlEy 616 for alerting me to the issue and TheSilenceBroken for helping troubleshoot the dark font on dark background issue (in Dark Reach theme). Fixed now.